Chapter 377 Information Office
The next day, all the bad public opinion about Yuyantang disappeared, and Meiyantang was also confirmed not to be owned by Mr. Qianzui, and he publicly apologized to Qianzui.

All the people who eat melons said that they knew this was the case, and it was really unreasonable for someone to question Mr. Qianzui back then.

They didn't think about it at all, they were also the ones who questioned Mr. Qianzui, and they came here for the beauty treatment with peace of mind.

However, after coming to Yuyan Hall, I found that I couldn't get in.

They are so stupid, why can't they get in by themselves!
Mr. Qianzui said that he does not receive customers of Meiyantang, especially those who follow Meiyantang and step on him.

Those people had to leave resentfully.

Naturally, it is impossible for Huajiujiu to reconcile so quickly. The master also sent 10 taels of silver bills, which is the turnover of Meiyantang during this period.

She didn't answer, but said disdainfully, "Are you sending the beggar?"

One sentence froze the smile on the corner of Master's mouth.

10 taels to send beggars?
Does this person want to be so ridiculous!

But he still trembled and drew another 10 taels of silver notes.

If people still don't accept it, then he really has nothing to do, after all, this is really the largest amount, and he won't have any more.

Is it easy for him to be a little master who has the least human rights?

Hua Jiujiu shook the teacup in his hand, didn't speak or give a look.

The master couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

"My lord is willing to share half of the sales of the Beauty Hall to Young Master in the future." The master gritted his teeth and said.

Hua Jiujiu still didn't speak.

"Our lord also said that you can do whatever you want in Wanju County in the future, and he promises that no one will dare to disturb you." This is the biggest concession. If she is still not satisfied, then...

A murderous look flashed across the master's eyes.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at him, not missing the murderous look in his eyes.

Can you lose your temper so quickly?

Oh, it's just mediocre.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at Su Mo beside him.

Su Mo stepped forward and took the 20 taels of silver note.

The master looked at Su Mo who didn't care to put away the banknotes, and felt a little heartache.

This is 20 taels!

There are most of his belongings in it!

Naturally, it is impossible for Zhang County magistrate to pay for it all by himself, but he almost emptied him out, and then came to make up for the rest.

The good name is that he poked the basket, so he has to bear it himself.

At that moment, Master's face turned pale.

"Master, don't forget what you said." Hua Jiujiu glanced at Jinyue, obviously wanting her to drive her away.

The master nodded again and again, but he was unwilling to be sent out like this, and asked hastily: "My lord, I may take the liberty to ask..."

"Since you know it's presumptuous, don't ask." Hua Jiujiu directly blocked his next words.

The master choked again, but still had no choice but to say: "My lord, our lord is willing to reward you with a lot of money."

He believed that Hua Jiujiu could understand this sentence.

However, it is heartbreaking to think about it.

It's really different!
Last time he was able to fling his sleeves domineeringly and leave, but this time he could only lick his face and continue begging.

"Heh, did you hire a killer with a lot of money?" Hua Jiujiu sneered.

The master only thinks that this young master Qianzui is really, too daring!
Dare to say anything.

"My lord is joking." The master replied with a half-smile.

"I don't like joking." Hua Jiujiu said mercilessly.

The master was a little ashamed, so he had no choice but to turn around and leave, but there was a fire in his heart.

Just wait, it won't be long before he will be so arrogant!
After the master left, Hua Jiujiu said slowly: "They don't have that ability right now." They will wait until the third prince's people come before they will take any action. During this time, they will definitely entertain her well.

Knowing that Su Mo was worried about her, she explained.

Although Su Mo thought so too, but he had to worry about what to do after the Third Prince's people arrived, it was definitely not a simple matter.

"Su Mo, I'm planning to open the Hall of Beauty." Hua Jiujiu stared at the front and said.

Su Mo immediately became serious, "Master, everything is ready." Since Huajiujiu decided to open the Beauty Hall, it must have been calculated.

Didn't the master just say that no one will trouble them in Wanju County.

Although the four major families cannot be stopped by a county magistrate, at least there will be some restraint.

So this time is also suitable.

"Well, let's open the Liangyan Hall in Wanju County first." The ones in Fangyuan Town will follow later.

"Yes." Su Mo immediately went down to make arrangements.

Hua Jiujiu lay on the rocking chair, eyes slightly lowered, lost in thought.

Originally, she wanted to wait for Mu Rouqing, but Mu Rouqing was too slow, she couldn't wait any longer.

Time waits for no one.

Those people in the capital are not easy to deal with.

She has to do more preparations.

"Jinyue, what place do you say is the best place to get official information?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

Jin Yue immediately replied, "The brothel."

Restaurants can do the same, but not brothels.

After all, women and alcohol are the easiest things for a person to lower their guard.

It really is a brothel...

Hua Jiujiu tapped the handle of the rocking chair with his fingers, and after a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "Call the demon here."

After a while, three people appeared in front of Hua Jiujiu.

Looking at the three people who are excellent in all aspects, Hua Jiujiu is more and more sure of his thoughts.

"I have a task that needs to be handed over to one of you to complete."

"Miss, please tell me."

Obviously unconditional obedience.

"This task is very difficult, and you may die at any time." Hua Jiujiu informed in advance.

"For the sake of Miss, I will go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate!"

Not one flinched.

As expected of a person trained by Lou Sijin!

Hua Jiujiu called them to the study one by one.

One is to get to know them better and see who is more suitable.

The second is to determine what they think.

In the end, Huajiujiu handed over this task to Yaomei.

"I will not let you fight without guarantee, I can provide you with wine that surpasses all brothels."

Those wines stored in the Huajiujiu space will come in handy.

Before that, she not only brewed wine, but also made all kinds of flower wine and fruit wine.

I believe that these wines will surpass the wines of all brothels and even restaurants.

This is a trump card for Yaomei.

Of course, if this trump card can be held, it will be very beneficial to the development of the brothel.

But if you can't keep it, it will only be a reminder!

Everything can only depend on Yaomei's ability, after all, I can't provide much help.

(End of this chapter)

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