Chapter 379 is too much
Hua Jiujiu stayed in the space for two days in a row, so it can be regarded as rushing out a plan.

However, she didn't do everything, otherwise it would form a dependency.

Therefore, she just wrote out some unique and novel points, and how to apply them depends on Yaomei.

Of course, if you don't do anything, you can definitely do it with Yaomei's ability, but it will definitely not be so fast, and it will definitely not be so outstanding.

There are many brothels in the capital, not to mention unique brothels.

Therefore, they must be more unique in order to stand out among the many brothels, and then complete the original goal in a short period of time.

When Hua Jiujiu handed the plan to Yaomei, Yaomei was shocked.

She didn't expect that Huajiujiu would make so much in just two days.

Immediately, I felt that this task was placed with extraordinary high expectations, and I had to work harder and strive to do better, Yao Mei's face was full of seriousness.

"Do your best." Hua Jiujiu only left these four words.

"I will." Not only will she do her best, she will do her best!
"I'll transport the wine over when you stabilize." Huajiujiu didn't let Yaomei bring the wine over immediately.

This will give her, and she will definitely not be able to keep it.

"Yes." Yaomei nodded in response.

Huajiujiu gave Yaomei some life-saving things before letting her go.

Jinyue at the side couldn't help but said, "Miss, you think us all too fragile."

If you can't deal with all this, then why stand by Miss's side?

Moreover, this will make them lazy, thinking that there is something to protect their lives anyway, so they will not be more careful, but they will become confident, which will leave a clue and bring fatal harm to the master.

"It's not that you think you are too fragile." Hua Jiujiu smiled slightly, but didn't say much.

We are all human beings, and we all have weak moments. She just hopes that when she is vulnerable, she can rely on something.

Jin Yue glanced blankly at Hua Jiu Jiu.

Although she didn't know why, she knew that Huajiujiu was the best master she had ever seen.

After Yaomei left, Huajiu was also put into the Liangyan Hall.

In the past two days, I had contact with Tao Zi, and confirmed that she is fully competent. In addition, I have also trained some makeup artists before, and now I can completely open the business.

When Taozi knew that Huajiujiu actually asked herself to make up for others, the expression on her face was a little exciting.

"Do you think I'm a servant?" Tao Zi asked, pointing to her nose.

"Aren't you following my order now?" Hua Jiujiu asked back, raising her eyebrows.

Tao Zi choked suddenly.

Thinking of the three-year agreement, she had to admit the fact, wouldn't she have to be a cow and a horse for these three years?

"But, are you not afraid that every time I put makeup on someone, I will take away something from them?"

She is a thief, she has that instinct.

"Are you able to follow others' waists, or follow their hearts?" Hua Jiujiu's attitude clearly doesn't matter.

Tao Zi had no choice but to be defeated by Hua Jiujiu, "Okay, just don't regret it." However, she had to admit that these cosmetics are really good, and as a girl, she has no resistance at all.

"I said that senior brother of yours, who exactly is he?"

Not only the cosmetics, but also the skin care products amazed her.

How can one person make something so amazing?
"What did you ask him for?"

Hua Jiujiu has an expression that shows you are interested in him?

"Just curious."

Taozi curled her lips, how could she be interested in others, but she has been in the arena for so long, and she has never seen such a powerful person, especially a young person.

No, there is still such a powerful person, but that person...

The complex emotions that flashed in Taozi's eyes passed quickly, but they were still captured by Huajiujiu.

What is it that can make such a heartless person care so much?

"Call me when it opens." Taozi felt a little uncomfortable with Hua Jiujiu's probing eyes, waved her hand and left.

At this time, a familiar cheerful voice came from outside the yard, "Sister, we are back~"

Immediately afterwards, there was a roar: "Huajiujiu, I'm going crazy!"

This voice made Tao Zi, who stepped out of the yard, pause slightly.

She subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound, and saw a delicate girl bouncing in with a smile on her face.

Behind the girl was a man in red, with a look of impatience on his beautiful face.

Obviously annoyed by the girl in front of him.

Tao Zi was a little puzzled, she didn't know this man, but why did she stop?
She just stood there stupidly.

Yu Miao came over and saw a girl standing there staring at him, so she couldn't help raising the corners of her fox-like eyes.

Yo, it seems that his charm is still undiminished, and there is a girl who is fascinated by him at a glance.

The point is, this little girl looks pretty good.

Tao Zi only felt that these eyes were very familiar, but she was so uncertain, so she continued to stare at Yu Miao'ai so directly.

"Girl, what's your name?" I don't know how many poor little ones have been tricked by Huajiu again.

"What's your name?" Tao Zi asked back, and her tone was extraordinarily serious.

To be asked by the girl instead, it's really unqualified to flirt with a girl.

"I'm being rude, Mr. Miao Ai, dare to ask the girl's name." Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and there is nothing good about it.

In this way, the beauty will not be disgusted.

"Young Master Miao Ai..." Tao Zi immediately denied it, and it would definitely not belong to this person.

Ever since, Taozi performed a unique skill of changing his face in seconds, "Why should I tell you?" Then he turned around and left, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.


Yu Miao couldn't help but touched her own face, and asked Hua Youyou who was beside her, "Something suddenly grew on my face?" Why didn't you give him a good face all of a sudden, wasn't he just so fascinated?

"Isn't there always?"

"What? Why didn't you say it earlier!" Yu Miao hurriedly went to look in the mirror, only to hear Hua Youyou say in distaste: "Nympho." Whenever he sees a good-looking woman, he becomes an idiot!

Yu Miao'ai couldn't understand, so she wanted to educate Hua Youyou, but she ignored her and went directly into the house to find Hua Jiujiu.

Yu Miao'ai immediately chased after her, her face was full of dissatisfaction, "Hua Youyou, explain to me why I'm crazy."

Nympho is used to describe a woman, but it is also used on him. He is so handsome, so loving, can he match up with Nympho?
This kid is really getting worse and worse.

(End of this chapter)

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