Chapter 382 Everyone Has a Story

Yu Miao'ai obviously didn't want to stay any longer, and was about to leave after crossing Taozi, but she stopped her, "Stop, I haven't finished my sentence yet."

"You talk about yourself, it's none of my business." Yu Miao'ai replied impatiently.

"Why it has nothing to do with you, the operation just now was done by you together, since it was two people together, naturally both of you asked." Tao Zi stood in front of Yu Miao'ai, looking straight into his cold eyes.

"Why do two people do what one person can do? It's a waste of time."

"It won't take much time."

"As far as I am concerned, you are already procrastinating."

"Are you afraid of me?"

"Oh, why am I afraid of you?"

"Otherwise why are you avoiding me?"

"The brain is sick and needs to be cured."

"You have the disease."

"Step aside."


Huajiujiu, look at this, look at that.

Isn't this tone too confrontational?
Those who didn't know thought they were enemies, testing each other.

Yu Miao'ai struck out impatiently, Taozi naturally wouldn't get the slap, and dodged it deftly.

Although her martial arts are not very good, her lightness kung fu is a must.

Yu Miao'ai was not surprised either, anyway, his original intention was to get Tao Zi out of the way.

Hence, Yu Miao'ai took the opportunity to fly away from here.

Seeing this, Tao Zi hurriedly followed.

Leave Huajiujiu there with a dazed face.

Was she just ignored?

In the beginning, Taozi was asking her a question, right?
"There's something wrong." Finally, Hua Jiujiu sighed.

"Miss, it's been found out. The woman in the house is Yan'er, the oiran of Yanyu Building." Jinyue appeared in front of Huajiujiu.

"Yanyulou? Isn't it one of the famous brothels in the capital?" Hua Jiujiu remembered that there was also a Yanyulou in Wanju County.

"Yes, Yan'er has always been a performer but not a person, but a year ago, a powerful person fell in love with Yan'er, and the mother of Yanyu Building sold Yan'er to him. After giving birth, Yan'er was abandoned. My mother originally wanted her to continue receiving customers, but suddenly found out that she was pregnant, so she was raised in the brothel for the time being. If a girl was born, she would stay. This time she gave birth and saw that she was about to die. , I didn’t want to dirty the Yanyu Building, so I threw her out to fend for myself.”

Hua Jiujiu shook his head, another miserable woman.

Just as he was thinking, a baby's cry suddenly came from the room, and Hua Jiujiu hurried into the room.

As a result, he saw the woman on the bed pinching the baby's tiny neck.

"What are you doing!" Hua Jiujiu hurried up to stop her.

Yan'er lay back on the bed weakly. After all, it was a caesarean section, so she didn't have any strength.

"It's a girl, what is a girl doing alive, living like me, suffering humiliation?" Yan'er shed tears bitterly.

Hua Jiujiu frowned disapprovingly, "Why do you decide her life for her?"

"Oh, I'm just a brothel girl, what can I give her?" Yan'er seemed to have thought of something, she glanced around, this was not the brothel she was familiar with.

"You are incompetent as a mother, but it doesn't mean your daughter will be incompetent in the future." Hua Jiujiu said coldly.

No one can control the life and death of others.

Yan'er was stunned for a moment, then tremblingly asked: "Where is this?"

"Jade Yantang."

There was a gleam of hope in Yan'er's eyes.

Then, she looked at Huajiujiu, and then at the child beside her, "Miss, can I ask you something?"


Yan'er didn't expect Huajiujiu to directly refuse.

However, she still said: "Can you accept this child as a slave or a handmaid?"

"I said you have no right to decide her future life."

Yan'er gave a wry smile, "But she is doomed to die if she follows me."

"Oh, why don't you know, just follow me?"

"You won't." Yan'er has seen countless people, so she still has the ability to judge people.

Hua Jiujiu sneered, he really regarded her as a good person!
"So? What are you going to do?"

Yan'er's eyes were full of hatred, "I'm going to kill that man!" It was that man who ruined herself.

"It's up to you?" Hua Jiujiu looked at her disdainfully.

Yan'er lowered her head weakly, yes, it's up to her, but... "Even if it's worth biting off a piece of his body!" Her eyes were full of determination.

"Stupid." Hua Jiujiu scolded.

Yan'er accepted it silently.

She is a prostitute, what can she do.

"Is that man the only enemy of yours?" Hua Jiujiu sarcastically said.

The hatred in Yan'er's eyes grew stronger, how could it be possible, she has so many enemies!

However, she only has one life, and she can only bite the one she hates the most!
"A smart woman never hits a stone with a pebble, but waits for the opportunity to give a fatal blow."

Hua Jiujiu suddenly had an idea.

After all, Yaomei has never set foot in brothels, and she doesn't know many things about brothels. She needs someone to help.

There was some hope in Yan'er's eyes, but it soon became gloomy again, what could she do.

"Turn what's not yours into yours." Huajiu's tone was full of ambition.

Yan'er was slightly taken aback.

"Think about it yourself." Hua Jiujiu didn't say anything more, and asked someone to carry the child out before leaving.

After closing the door, Jin Yue asked, "Miss, do you think she is reliable?"

"I don't know if it's reliable, but she can do it." After all, how could a person who is so ruthless to himself not be able to accomplish the same thing?

"But, miss, aren't you afraid that she will take a bite back?" Just like Huajiujiu decided to use peaches back then.

"No, besides, there's that child..." Hua Jiujiu's eyes flashed with a strange light.

Anyway, I also saved the lives of her mother and daughter, not to mention that she would give this child to her.

"She almost killed her own child just now." Jin Yue felt a little startled, that's a ruthless person!

"She won't really do it." Hua Jiujiu looked at the child's situation just now, and finally the woman gave up.

Jinyue suddenly couldn't understand Huajiujiu.

Sometimes I feel that Huajiujiu is very naive, thinks everything very simply, and trusts others very much.

However, sometimes I feel that she is not naive at all, she can even see through better than anyone else, and she can quickly think of the next step in everything, so that people can't keep up with her pace.

Hua Jiujiu turned around, smiled faintly at Jinyue, and then strolled back to her room.

Jin Yue was a little awed for a moment.

Miss is indeed not that simple, she is definitely worthy of the Lord!

From now on, she will no longer question Miss!
Hua Jiujiu looked up at the moon in the sky.

She is not very powerful, but she has experienced too many times when she was hungry.

Life forces her to plan her next move ahead of time, and life teaches her to watch what happens.

(End of this chapter)

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