Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 384 1 Chao was bitten by a snake, Nian was afraid of the well rope

Chapter 384 Once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of the well rope

I don't know how long it took, Taozi's mood suddenly became low, as if she was about to cry at any time.

The little sun suddenly does not emit heat and light, how can this work?

"Why are you pretending to be deep?" Hua Jiujiu pushed Tao Zi, but because her head was a little dizzy, she pushed him to the roof with too much force, and she also fell on Tao Zi because of her inertia.

"Well, it's very comfortable to lie down like this."

Taozi didn't even push Huajiu, allowing her to take advantage of her.

"I owe someone." Taozi's voice was a little hoarse, and she didn't know if it was because of drinking, or because she was really sad.

"It's okay, it's okay, in this life, if you don't get scummed a few times, and don't go to a few people, how can you be considered perfect?" Hua Jiujiu comforted Tao Zi.

Before Taozi could say anything, the weight on her body suddenly disappeared.

She looked at Huajiujiu floating in mid-air with its teeth and claws in a daze.

Can Qinggong still play like this?

"Who else do you want to be scumbags?" A deep questioning voice sounded.

Only then did Taozi see Lou Sijin who was dressed in black and had an ugly face.

This seems to be a man of Huajiujiu.

Well, she looks so ordinary, but why does she feel that she is not ordinary at all.

So, is this why Hua Jiujiu likes this man?

Otherwise, Huajiujiu is also very good, how could he like such a man?
"Well, Ah Jin, I'm dizzy." Hua Jiujiu felt a little uncomfortable being carried like this.

Lou Sijin felt a little distressed, and held her in his arms.

"I'll take you back to rest."

"No, I still want to chat with Tao Zi." Hua Jiujiu struggled.

Lou Sijin's dark eyes stared straight at Taozi.

Tao Zi was still dizzy at first, but at this moment, she immediately woke up, and she said to Hua Jiujiu, "Jiujiu, I'm so dizzy, I'm going back to sleep."

"You can't do it, you'll be dizzy now, why don't you agree to drink with me until dawn?" Hua Jiujiu laughed.

Feeling Lou Sijin's murderous gaze, Taozi almost knelt down.

You can let her go!

"Yes, no, no." Taozi waved her hands repeatedly.

"Hahahaha, let's see if you're still arrogant next time." Hua Jiujiu laughed happily.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly.

"Ouch!" She couldn't help but vomited out.

The direction of vomiting was Lou Sijin's arms.


Taozi always feels that Huajiujiu's life is about to be over.

No matter how much this man loves this woman, he must not be able to bear this.

In the end, Lou Sijin just pursed his lips, gave her a cold look, and then flew away.


It's none of her business!

How innocent she is!

After Lou Sijin left, Jin Xue appeared on the roof and took Taozi to rest.

Taozi can fall asleep safely, but Huajiujiu can't.

She was taken by Lou Sijin to wash, of course, it was Jinyue who washed her for her, he was afraid that he would not be able to hold on.

Also, he was covered in vomit and needed to be washed.

After a while, he came back.

Jinyue also finished washing and quit, leaving the rest to Lou Sijin.

"Why do you drink so much wine?" Lou Sijin asked helplessly while drying Huajiu's hair.

"Because I'm happy." Hua Jiujiu's tone was coquettish.

"Fool." How could he be fooled?

Hua Jiujiu looked at Lou Sijin tearfully, grabbed his collar and said, "I miss you."

Lou Sijin hadn't appeared in front of her for several days. Although she was always busy with her own affairs, she would miss him in the dead of night, and she seemed to be used to being coaxed to sleep by Lou Sijin.

"I miss you too." Lou Sijin kissed Hua Jiujiu's hair.

"Liar." Hua Jiujiu thumped Lou Sijin's chest.

"I kid you not."

"Then why haven't you shown up for so many days?"

"I will not do it again."

"Hmph." Hua Jiujiu snorted softly, then fell into Lou Sijin's arms, "I have a headache."

Lou Sijin's face was full of distress, "I'll get you hangover soup."

"Don't go." Hua Jiujiu grabbed Lou Sijin's clothes tightly.

Lou Sijin was not willing to leave her behind, so she ordered Jinyue to bring her in.

After feeding Huajiujiu with hangover soup, she fell asleep unconsciously.

Lou Sijin covered Huajiu with the quilt, looking at that sleeping face, her eyes were full of tenderness.

"Because I can't let anyone hurt you." That's why he was so cautious.

After Lou Sijin pressed a kiss on Hua Jiujiu's forehead, she reluctantly left.

The third prince has already taken action, he must ensure the safety of Huajiujiu, after all, he is a lunatic.

"What's unusual recently?" Lou Sijin asked Jinyue.

"Going back to the Lord, there is nothing unusual." However, Jinyue still said everything about Huajiujiu.

Lou Sijin just said lightly after listening, "She can do whatever she wants."


This is the highest favor from the Lord to Miss.

No matter what the young lady does, the master will stand behind her.

However, this does not mean that the young lady does not love the Lord, and the young lady also does not do things that are not sure.

It's just that the master is more careful.

Lou Sijin made a dodge and left the spot.

Jin Yue continued to return to her post.

Lou Sijin was just about to go to sleep, when suddenly a fist hit him, and he grabbed the man with his backhand, throwing that person to the ground.

"Can't you let me once?" A resentful voice sounded in the darkness.

Lou Sijin looked at Yu Miao'an who was lying on the ground coldly, "Will I let you prove that you are strong?"


"If you hide from someone once, can you hide from me a second time?" Lou Sijin said again.

Yu Miao's face looked a little weird in the darkness, "You also know what's going on."

"Why, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years?" Lou Sijin's tone was full of sarcasm.

"How is it possible, do I look like such a cowardly person?" Yu Miao'ai immediately jumped up.

Lou Sijin's eyes are full of the kind of person you are, as far as his sudden change of personality is concerned.

Yu Miao'ai's eyes dodged a little, obviously guilty.

"I thought I would never meet her again." Yu Miao'ai was also very irritable, they were two people who had nothing to do with each other.

However, who knows that people have been looking for him, so that he has to recall that dusty memory.


Lou Sijin's eyes were a bit thought-provoking.

"Let's go, go drink." Yu Miao'ai was a little irritable and wanted to have a drink.

"No." Lou Sijin directly refused.

"Are you still a good brother?" Yu Miao'an was a little worried.



Lou Sijin directly threw Yu Miao'ai out.

Yu Miao'ai stood in the courtyard, feeling sad all by herself.

"Cowardly." Lou Sijin's voice sounded lightly.

"You are cowardly." Yu Miao'ai retorted.

Lou Sijin didn't answer anymore.

Yu Miao'ai felt bored, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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