Chapter 386
How could a person who wanted to secure his position in the backyard risk his own children?
You can't be so stupid as to believe that devoutly burning incense can keep your child.

Huajiujiu didn't care why people were so hesitant, and walked up the mountain.

The answer will be found in the end, so why does she waste her mind thinking so much?

However, I have to say that the temple was built really high.

Along the way, I saw a lot of people sitting on the stone steps resting. These people had confused expressions on their faces, obviously pinning their hopes on this god and Buddha.

I don't know how long it took, but finally I heard the sound of chanting sutras and chanting Buddha, and smelled the incense that made people feel calm.

Hua Jiujiu looked up, and at the end of the stone steps was Guangyuan Temple.

Before seeing the whole picture of the temple, she felt a sense of awe.

Before, she never believed in these things, but since she appeared here, she had to believe it again.

It seems that everything has its own will in the dark.

Therefore, although Huajiujiu came here with a purpose, he climbed up the mountain with a pious heart.

When things are done, she must pay a visit.

When Hua Jiujiu was about to climb up, she stopped suddenly, put her small hand into Lou Sijin's big hand, then smiled at him, and climbed up firmly.

Lou Sijin only felt a softness in her heart, this little woman was showing her sincerity to him.

He clenched Hua Jiujiu's hand and climbed up together.

Since they started their fate, no one can break it!
Gods and Buddhas can't either!
Finally, the appearance of Guangyuan Temple was completely imprinted in Hua Jiujiu's eyes.

As she thought, it was solemn and awe-inspiring.

She stayed at the gate of the temple for a while, and then asked Jin Yue, "Has Hua Meili come up?"

"Come up, resting in the meditation room." After all, she is pregnant, and the fetal image is so unstable, even if someone lifts her up, it will be horrific, so she must have a good rest.

"Can you find any suspicious people?" Hua Jiujiu asked.


"Anyone who comes into contact with her should keep an eye on her, even the young monks in the temple." Hua Jiujiu confessed.

"Yes." Jin Yue naturally knew the seriousness of the matter.

They didn't bring too many people with them this time because they were afraid of arousing the suspicion of magistrate Zhang, but that didn't mean they couldn't keep an eye on them.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Jinyue's leaving back, her brows still not loosened.

There is no room for mistakes in this matter, she must get this Concentration Grass, although she hasn't fully figured out a way to dispel the Gu, but she knows that this Concentration Grass must be one of the medicines.

And the Concentration Grass is not easy to find, if she misses this one, she doesn't know where to find the next one.

After getting the Concentrating Grass, she can try to dispel the Gu.

It's just that it's not that easy to get rid of Gu.

Because she has never been in contact with it before, all she knows now is to read medical books in the space, so she still needs to go through countless attempts.

If you can try it out in this way, that is the best and most ideal, but if you can't try it out...

I'm afraid she can only go to Loulan country once.

It is said that there is the birthplace of Gu insects.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Lou Sijin said distressedly.

He knew that Hua Jiujiu had taken a lot of trouble because of the Gu worms on his body, so how could she be willing to let her still be worried.

Hua Jiujiu doesn't want to worry, but there are too many uncertainties in this Gu.

In particular, it is not known who downloaded it.

I don't know how long it has passed, but finally, Hua Meili made a move.

Jinyue caught a suspicious person, Hua Jiujiu heard the news, and hurried over.

This person was a young monk from the temple, and he gave food to Hua Meili, and he didn't look suspicious at all.

For a moment, Hua Jiujiu thought that Jinyue had caught the wrong person, and that she would startle the snake.

As a result, the little monk Jinyue passed out, holding the food tray tightly in his hand, handing it to Hua Jiujiu and saying, "This tray is different from when we entered."

Hua Jiujiu was a little surprised, this time Jinyue was really staring at it attentively, she could even tell that things looked different.

She can guarantee that if the other party uses this tray to transfer things, the difference between this tray will definitely not be great, at least it looks the same on the outside.

Lou Sijin took the tray and immediately saw the doorway, he broke off the head of the tray and saw the gap in the middle of the board.

The plate was overturned, and a plant slipped out from the gap between the two boards. Hua Jiujiu recognized it immediately, "It's the Concentrating Grass!"

Before Huajiujiu got excited, there was a restless sound from outside, obviously the responders noticed something was wrong.

"give it to me."

It is safest to keep the Concentrating Grass with her. When no one is paying attention, she will directly transfer to the space.

Lou Sijin originally wanted someone to take Ningshencao to leave first, but Hua Jiujiu said that since this thing is so important, the person who receives it must be extra cautious, and now I am afraid that no one will be able to leave safely.

Even if they really leave, they will be watched all the time. At that time, they are likely to reveal their identities, and it will only be more inconvenient to act.

Lou Sijin hesitated for a moment, but let Hua Jiujiu take it with him, he won't let those people touch Hua Jiujiu's hair!

Huajiu asked Jinyue to take the little monk to another place, so as to save people from being suspicious of them.

After confirming that the suspicion was cleared, Hua Jiujiu and Lou Sijin went out for a walk.

"Since you're here, let's pay homage." Hua Jiujiu also knew that whoever went out first would be the first to be suspected, so he simply came to pay homage as if nothing happened.

Lou Sijin and Hua Jiujiu went into the temple, and when they were about to pay homage, a group of soldiers suddenly surrounded the temple, and all the worshipers were terrified, not knowing what happened.

A man walked out of the army, and he glanced at the people present with a serious face, "Everyone gather outside!"

No one dared to resist and walked out one after another.

Hua Jiujiu and Lou Sijin didn't want to make trouble either, and when they were about to go out, they saw an old lady kneeling there motionless.

"Get out!" the man said to the woman coldly.

The old lady didn't respond, and continued the prayer that she hadn't finished kneeling.

Hua Jiujiu looked over curiously.

The old lady closed her eyes tightly and bowed reverently, she didn't seem to be afraid of the soldiers with knives.

Hua Jiujiu only thinks that this old lady is not simple, not only her fearless appearance, but also the coercion on her body, which seems to be innate, which is not something ordinary people can have.

It looks like there will be a good show today.

(End of this chapter)

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