Chapter 390
Hua Jiujiu gave you an idiot look, "Of course I drew the arrow."

"No, this arrow can't be pulled out casually." There was an arrow in the chest before, and he died as soon as he pulled it out!
Of course, if it's a person with very good medical skills, maybe nothing will happen, but this little girl is obviously not a doctor with good medical skills.

"Do you want to die?" Hua Jiujiu gave her a cold look.

"No, we can't pull it out until the genius doctor comes." Nanny replied quickly.

"By the time other doctors come, she will be dead long ago." Hua Jiujiu said without hesitation.


Nanny's complexion was extremely pale, how could she say such unlucky words, this is... But the Empress Dowager!

"It's too noisy, Jinyue, throw her out." Hua Jiujiu's expression froze.

"Presumptuous, what do you want to do, let me go, you can't do this, do you know who she is?" Nanny was being held up by Jinyue, and she kept struggling.

At the same time, her heart was filled with all kinds of regrets.

How could I let such a woman with a heart like a snake and a scorpion come in!
Of course, I also regret how I listened to the Queen Mother's words and didn't bring more people to follow!

Jinyue thought, it's not good to let her make such a fuss, and it would be difficult to deal with more guards later, so she simply touched her acupuncture points, making her unable to move or utter a sound.

Mammy opened her eyes wide in horror.

How dare these troublemakers be so bold!
Jin Yue stuffed her into a corner, Hua Jiujiu couldn't see him, and she couldn't see Hua Jiujiu either.

Hua Jiujiu confirmed that no one would bother him, and prepared to take the arrow for the Queen Mother.

"Jinyue, don't let anyone disturb me during this period." She took out a scalpel and moved closer to the arrow.

Jin Yue nodded and stood guard in front of the door, not letting anyone get close.

Hua Jiujiu is doing the operation seriously.

With only one Jinxue to help, the operation is still very dangerous.

In particular, the arrow is still very close to the heart, and the situation is very dangerous.

Halfway through the operation, there was a commotion outside.

It was the Empress Dowager's guards who were arguing with Lou Sijin outside at the moment.

Huajiujiu quickened the movements of his hands.

Although she was not worried that something would happen to Lou Sijin, she was worried that Lou Sijin's identity would be exposed.

However, how could Lou Sijin, who did not reveal his identity, be able to stop so many people.

These guards only thought that this person's status was good, and they kept obstructing them, so they felt that the Queen Mother was in danger, so they attacked Lou Sijin one after another.

Jinyue glanced at Huajiujiu, who was moving faster and faster in her hands, and walked to the side of the mother,
He said coldly: "You have also seen that our lady is rescuing the old lady, but it is too noisy outside, which will affect our lady's operation. If you don't want the old lady to die on the spot, you'd better let someone outside Stop, don't expect others to save the old lady, only our young lady has this ability, if you agree, just blink your eyes."

Although Mammy was uncomfortable being held by them, but she had to care about the Queen Mother's safety, so she blinked desperately.

Jinyue untied Nanny's acupuncture points, and Nanny wanted to go up to check on the situation of the Queen Mother, but was stopped by Jinyue's long sword.

Helpless, I had no choice but to shout to the guards outside the door: "Quiet down, don't disturb the doctor to treat the old lady, or you will be questioned!"

The outside voices immediately disappeared, after all, no one can afford it.

Hua Jiujiu can continue with the operation with peace of mind.

It has to be said that Jinyue and Jinxue were indeed well-bred. They didn't need to explain, they could solve the troubles ahead of time, and they didn't make smart decisions on their own. This saved Hua Jiujiu a lot of trouble.

It was the first time for Mammy to see Hua Jiujiu undergoing an operation. The shining scalpel cut back and forth on the Queen Mother's chest, and even sewed it back and forth with a needle, which made her almost suffocate.

Is this really saving lives? !
After such an operation, I am afraid that people will be gone long ago!
The nanny's legs were trembling, pointing at the wine and they said angrily: " are murdering, you are done, you must be buried with you, and you must be of the Jiuzu family!" Not only they are buried with them, but they are also buried with them !

Jinyue tapped another acupuncture point, which made Mammy unable to move.

However, this time, instead of turning her back to Hua Jiujiu, she was asked to watch the operation directly.

This bloody scene frightened Mammy so much that she almost had a heart attack.

Finally, Hua Jiujiu finished the operation and said with satisfaction: "The operation was successful!" Then, he put away his things on his own.

After collecting the things, he walked up to the nanny and explained to her some post-operative matters before letting Jinyue untie her acupuncture points.

Mammy rushed to the Empress Dowager's side immediately, and touched the Empress Dowager's nose with trembling hands.

When he felt breathing, he sat down on the ground all of a sudden, his face was full of joy.

Fortunately, he didn't die!

Mammy looked at Hua Jiujiu with a complicated expression.

Therefore, she was not murdering, but was really saving people, but this saving method was unheard of, extremely miraculous, and frightening!

"Remember to go to Yuyantang to remove the stitches after seven days." Hua Jiujiu was too lazy to say anything, turned around and was about to go out.

"What's your name?" Mammy called Hua Jiujiu.

"I'm just a doctor." Hua Jiujiu replied flatly.

Mammy knew it was a warning.

In fact, she didn't intend to embarrass Hua Jiujiu, and she would take credit for her in front of the Queen Mother.

Hua Jiujiu pushed open the door and went out, Lou Sijin was surrounded by a group of guards, no one moved anyone, and seemed to be quite harmonious.

When Lou Sijin saw Huajiu coming out, she immediately greeted her.

The guards surrounding him took a step back subconsciously, apparently quite afraid of him.

"Everything is going well." Hua Jiujiu said first.

"Mmm." Lou Sijin didn't show any emotion on his face.

"Then let's go home." Hua Jiujiu glanced at the sky, it was quite late.

Lou Sijin took Hua Jiujiu's hand and walked outside.

In the end, the head guard stood in front of them, "No, no one can leave here today."

Lou Sijin glanced at him coldly.

The chief guard shuddered involuntarily.

The Empress Dowager's meditation room was opened again, and the mother came out and said in an unquestionable voice, "Let them go."

The chief guard's face was a little ugly, "It's not up to you and me to decide."

After all, the person who is assassinated can be the empress dowager!

"I will tell the old lady personally." Mammy said coldly.

After all, Huajiujiu said that he will go to Yuyantang to remove the stitches after seven days. I am afraid that only the people in Yuyantang will do this kind of thing. I'm afraid the loss outweighs the gain.

(End of this chapter)

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