Chapter 393 Is It You?

Taozi looked like you are from Shangougou, "You don't even know Master Gao Yuan."

"Yeah." Before today, she really didn't know.

Taozi looked like you were hopeless.

Hua Jiujiu didn't bother to explain anything, but continued with Yu Miao'ai: "With your status, you haven't found any news about these two medicinal materials?"

Yu Miao'an was a little confused, why did she feel that she was underestimated.

Tao Zi glanced at Yu Miao'ai, and asked casually: "I just heard what you said about Tianshan snow lotus and blue crystal silk. Are these two medicinal materials useful?"

"Have you heard of it?" Hua Jiujiu looked at Tao Zi.

"I must have heard of it. After all, this is the best medicinal material in the world. As for where..." Tao Zi sat on the chair.

"You know?" Huajiujiu's mood changed somewhat obviously.

Looking at her like this, Taozi knew that these two things were very important to her.


"I just heard that blue crystal silk is extinct." Tao Zi said lightly.

How could Hua Jiujiu not have heard of this rumor, so she was in a very bad mood, "The world is so big, there are always more." She could only comfort herself like this.

Yu Miao'ai at the side looked at Taozi thoughtfully, and she didn't know what emotion was hidden in those peachy eyes.

Tao Zi ignored it, propped her cheeks and asked curiously: "I'm curious what you want such a precious thing for?"

"Save people." Hua Jiujiu didn't elaborate.

"That's it." Taozi guessed several people, but in the end she didn't figure out who she was using to save.

After all, the people around Hua Jiujiu all looked quite normal, and no one could use such expensive things.

"Jiujiu, can you lend me him for a while?" Taozi pointed at Yu Miao'ai and changed the subject.

Hua Jiujiu was worried about the medicinal materials, so he just waved his hand.

In fact, Yu Miao's fate is not up to her to decide.

Tao Zi stepped forward and grabbed Yu Miao'an who hadn't had time to escape, "This time, I won't let you run away again."

Yu Miao'ai wanted to break free from Tao Zi's hands, but he couldn't do so. He even had the guts to chop Tao Zi's hands off, but he wouldn't let go.

"What do you want to do?" Yu Miao asked impatiently.

"Just answer a few questions for me seriously." Tao Zi stared at Yu Miao'ai closely.

Yu Miao'ai looked at the stubborn woman in front of her, and finally pursed her lips and said, "Go over there and ask."

Hua Jiujiu looked at the backs of the two curiously.

What kind of whisper is this, and you want to avoid her?
It happened that Lou Sijin came over after finishing the matter, Hua Jiujiu asked, "Do you know what they are doing?"

Lou Sijin nodded.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Hua Jiujiu always felt that there was a big melon inside.

Seeing Hua Jiujiu so interested, Lou Sijin explained to Hua Jiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu suddenly realized.

I didn't expect Yu Miao'ai to have such a story.

"Do you think they can explain clearly?"

"A matter of time."

Hua Jiujiu nodded in agreement.

Over there, after Yu Miao'ai was taken to another open space by Tao Zi, Tao Zi began to question her.

"What's your name?" Peach asked.

"Don't you know?" Yu Miao'ai was a little impatient.

"Your real name, or the name you used before." Tao Zi looked directly into Yu Miao'an's eyes.

Yu Miao'ai almost dodged her eyes, but in the end she held it back, but she couldn't help complaining in her heart, she was still the same little girl back then, still so stubborn and strong, and still so annoying.

"Master Miao Ai." Yu Miao Ai opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Tao Zi stared at him in silence for a long time before saying again: "You don't need to tell me, but don't even want to know about the blue crystal silk."

Yu Miao'ai narrowed her charming eyes, "Are you threatening me?"

"It's not a threat, it's just a fair exchange." Tao Zi said lightly.

"Huajiujiu is the one who wants to know the news." Yu Miao'ai had to change his words, implying that he would exchange the news with him, without any attraction.

"If she knows, you have a chance to know, but you don't tell her, what do you think she will think?" Tao Zi is not at all cowardly, "Of course, I will only exchange this news with you. If others say it, even if it kills me Well, I won't say a word."

Yu Miao'ai believes that Taozi can do what she says, after all, it's not like she didn't do this kind of thing back then.

"Is it important to know?" Yu Miao's tone changed obviously.

"Very important." Taozi said very emphatically.

That resolute look made Yu Miao look like a little girl who saw the side, but he soon turned expressionless again, "What? Want to kill someone?" His tone was full of sarcasm.

"You really know him, or you really are him!" Tao Zi's mood fluctuated a little.

Yu Miao'ai was neither sure nor denied, just let Tao Zi talk.

"Do you know how long I've been looking for you? I've traveled all over Dongfeng Country, but I still can't find you. I thought I'd have to search like this for the rest of my life." Tao Zi was still a little excited.

Yu Miao'an lowered his head slightly, making it difficult for people to see the expression on his face, but there were still some changes hidden in his pair of peach blossom eyes.

Obviously, he didn't expect this woman to look for him for so long.

Moreover, he couldn't figure it out, what did this woman want her for?
With this woman's temper, when she suspects that she is that person, shouldn't she directly attack him?

"It's a good thing I found you, it's a good thing you're fine, and it's a good thing you didn't give up practicing medicine." Tao Zi said happily.

After a moment of silence, Yu Yu asked calmly, "What do you want him for?" It is impossible to give up practicing medicine for her.

"I want to say sorry to him, I misunderstood him." Tao Zi looked at Yu Miao'an sincerely.

"Some things can be solved by saying sorry?" Yu Miao sneered.

"I know, so I want to make it up to him. I'm willing to do anything for him, even with my life." Tao Zi looked at Yu Miao'ai sincerely.

Looking at such a peach, Yu Miao didn't know what to say for a while.

After a long silence.

Yu Miao said: "I will tell him for you." Yin Luo turned around and wanted to leave.

Tao Zi was puzzled immediately, she grabbed Yu Miao'an's arm, "What do you mean? You're not him?"

Yu Miao'ai looked up at Taozi, "I never said I was him."

Tao Zi froze, "How could you not be him? You're lying to me, right, you clearly just now..."

Yu Miao looked at her playfully.

Only then did Taozi remember that Yu Miao'ai really didn't admit anything just now.

(End of this chapter)

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