Chapter 396 is not calm

Hua Jiujiu had a good night's sleep, and when she was eating comfortably, Tao Zi hurried over.

"Hua Jiu Jiu, is that you? Is it really you?"

"What is me? Am I not me?" Hua Jiujiu ate breakfast slowly.

It doesn't matter that Tao Zi doesn't know how to do well, why is she suddenly excited.

"I said, are you the one who refused to host and Master Gao Yuan?" Tao Zi's face was full of disbelief.

Today, the whole Wanju County is going crazy, saying that there is a woman who rejected the opportunity offered by two eminent monks.

How could Taozi not gossip about such a thing.

After finally finding out who that person was, the whole person was like a lightning strike.

Thinking about what he said yesterday when he laughed at Hua Jiujiu, he suddenly felt his face burn.

Fortunately, she still thinks that Huajiujiu is not that lucky, so they don't care about it at all, okay?
However, she has to come and ask, why is it not rare? Is it true that there is no desire and no desire?

Hua Jiujiu snorted and admitted it.

Tao Zi continued to ask in disbelief: "Why did you refuse? Don't you have any confusion?"

"Yes, why not?"

Taozi had an expression that said you don't want to ask.

"But, what answers can they give me? For example, if I want to know the news about Tianshan Snow Lotus and Blue Crystal Silk, can they give it to me?

I'm afraid they don't know about retreating in the mountains all day long. What do you think they will say at this time?
I don't want to hear about God's will in the dark, or that everything cannot be forced, or that the Buddha said that such words should not be said. "

Hua Jiujiu put down the bowl and chopsticks and wiped his mouth.


Tao Zi somehow felt that it made sense.

Then, the excitement calmed down a lot.

"Hey, how do you know that those eminent monks like to say these mysterious words?"

Taozi thought about it and thought it was weird, Huajiujiu didn't become a monk, so how could she know this?

"Listen more and watch more." Hua Jiujiu got up and got ready to go to work. His shop might be quite busy today.

Because, there must be a bunch of people who want to see me.

Even if he couldn't see her, it would be good to see her senior brother, Young Master Qian Zui.

It is said that senior brothers and sisters are very close, what if you can find out what kind of person his junior sister is from Mr. Qianzui?
Seeing that Hua Jiujiu was busy with work, Taozi tidied up and went to work.

Now that she is the leader of Liangyan Hall anyway, she has to work hard, otherwise she will have to be pushed up by the people below, so how embarrassing will she be then?
Perhaps before, Tao Zi only thought about escaping from this place, but now she didn't think much about leaving.

Because that person is likely to be Yu Miao'ai, even if it's not Yu Miao'ai, it may be someone he knows.

Follow Hua Jiujiu, always see this man.

However, Tao Zi no longer intends to press Yu Miao'ai any more, what Hua Jiujiu said last night was right, she shouldn't expose his scars once, so just do it instead of talking.

Hua Jiujiu sees patients as the son of Qianzui, and meets many patients who ask her questions.

She just smiled and prevaricated.

In addition to asking her about things, they also talked about things in Guangyuan Temple.

Hua Jiujiu listened calmly.

It turned out that all the doctors with good medical skills in the county were taken to Guangyuan Temple.

No wonder there are so many people here at Huajiujiu today.

As for why he didn't bring Young Master Qianzui up there, it was because his whereabouts were always erratic and no one could find him.

"I don't know what's wrong, anyway, people are panicking recently."

"That's right, there are a lot of officers and soldiers on the street, and they even searched the house. Every house has been turned into a mess."

"I heard that many people were arrested."

"What are you arresting people for? This is terrible."

"Oh, I don't know what's wrong."

"It's better not to go out recently."

Everyone looks preoccupied.

Hua Jiujiu naturally knew why he arrested people, probably because he suspected that those people had something to do with Ningshencao.

"By the way, I heard that the county magistrate's fourteenth concubine was carried down from Guangyuan Temple this morning."

"Ah, what's going on?"

"I don't know, but I heard that there is a lot of blood left on her body."

"It looks like a miscarriage."

"Maybe it was because he was afraid of dirtying the holy place of Buddhism, or because he was afraid of offending the nobles, so he was carried down."

"I heard that when it was lifted down, it was out of breath, and I don't know if it died."

"Oh, she is also a poor woman. I'm afraid she won't be favored again in the future."

"Oh, women are like that."

People don't think so.

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Hua Jiujiu's mouth.

However, Hua Jiujiu believes that there is another reason for carrying the newly aborted Hua Meili down.

That is accountability.

Even Hua Meili may not know what she is doing.

Someone has to take responsibility, right?

In any case, it was an excellent punishment, and she was happy to see it.

During the lunch break, Mrs. Xu came to the door. It was obvious that Hua Meili's condition was not very good.

No matter in her capacity as Young Master Qianzui or Hua Jiujiu, she didn't intend to meet him.

Therefore, it was rejected directly.

Hearing this, Tao Zi became a little curious, "Aren't you doctors the worst at doing nothing?"

"Who told you that you're going to die?" It's just a miscarriage, and it won't kill Xiaoqiang.

Besides, isn't death a relief?
"Could it be possible that you still see a doctor in the air?" Tao Zi rolled her eyes.

Hua Jiujiu looked at her like an idiot.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at?" Tao Zi shouted dissatisfied.

Hua Jiujiu didn't bother to talk to her, and when she was about to do other things, there was noise outside.

Tao Zi was curious and wanted to go out to have a look, but Jin Yue suddenly appeared and blocked her way.

"Miss, no matter what, don't go out."

"What's wrong?" Hua Jiujiu was a little confused.

"Someone broke in." Jin Yue's expression was solemn, those people were not ordinary people.

Tao Zi looked surprised, she offended some powerful person.

"What's going on?" Hua Jiujiu froze his face.

Jin Yue hesitated for a moment, then said, "Miss, the situation there is not very good."

Hua Jiujiu immediately knew that Jin Yue was talking about Guangyuan Temple.

Could it be that the Queen Mother's wound has worsened?
"The people they sent were stopped by us." Apparently those people planned to take Huajiu away.

Huajiujiu hesitated a little.

At this time, going up the mountain again, it is not so easy to go down the mountain.

But if the queen mother is transferred here, the bumps along the way will kill her.

"It can't be seen that the magistrate loves this concubine very much." Taozi only thought that she was talking about beautiful flowers.

Hua Jiujiu ignored her, lowered her head thoughtfully, then raised her head and asked, "Where's Ah Jin?"

"Take Mr. Miao Ai to go." Jin Yue replied.

It seems that Lou Sijin still cares about the Queen Mother very much.

(End of this chapter)

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