Chapter 399
Lou Sijin's eyes darkened slightly, but her tone was as gentle as ever, "Ajiu, I miss you."

In a word, let Huajiujiu break the defense.

He was still him, and he still belonged to her.

Lou Sijin took the opportunity to hug Huajiu into her arms.

Hua Jiujiu pursed her lips and quietly stayed in his arms.

"Ajiu, I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I shouldn't have kept it from you."

Hua Jiujiu's eyelids flickered slightly, obviously unhappy because of it.

"The matter here is settled, are you going back to the capital?" Hua Jiujiu quickly calmed down.

"En." Lou Sijin's dull voice sounded.

His hands hugged Hua Jiujiu even tighter, and he didn't want to leave Hua Jiujiu at all.

Hua Jiujiu had expected this to happen a long time ago, but she still felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, Lou Sijin has been by her side all this time, and she has long been used to his presence.

If we go back to the capital, I'm afraid it will take a long time to see each other.

"We'll meet soon." Lou Sijin pressed a kiss on Hua Jiujiu's hair.

Huajiujiu doesn't think so.

This distinction is impossible without a monthly basis.

"As long as you miss me, I will appear by your side." Lou Sijin said.

Hua Jiujiu snorted softly, she didn't believe it.

The capital city is far from here.

Lou Sijin stroked her hair, he didn't lie, because he also made arrangements for the future.

The two got bored for a while before sitting down and talking about business.

"Someone wants to kill the Empress Dowager." With that kind of dose, if you take it twice more, you may die unexpectedly.

Lou Sijin's eyes darkened, he had already guessed this.

"I originally thought it was the person who wanted to stop us that day, but the difference in this method is not ordinary." Hua Jiujiu continued to talk about his guess.

"A Jin, who could it be?" The affairs of the palace were far more complicated than she had imagined.

"In the hands of the queen mother, there is also a dark guard left by the dynasties. It is rumored that each of these dark guards can defeat one hundred, and the wealth they have is amazing. In the past few years, there was a famine and the treasury was empty. The queen mother alone It fills up the national treasury." Lou Sijin did not shy away from it.

Hua Jiujiu slightly opened his mouth wide, "What kind of financial resources do you have!"

One man filled the void in the treasury!
However, he thought the Queen Mother had handed over everything.

That's right, after all, she's a genius who has gotten into the position of queen mother, so how could it be possible that she really doesn't have any backs?
Now, with such a powerful dark guard, how could no one keep an eye on them?
I'm afraid that the person in a high position is the most jealous.

"If the Queen Mother dies, who will be the direct beneficiary?" Hua Jiujiu suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Then the dark guard may be disbanded." Lou Sijin replied.

This is hidden among the common people, so he directly becomes an ordinary commoner.

It wasn't like this originally, but since the token that can order it is gone, it can only be passed on by word of mouth. If the word of mouth is broken, there will be no one who can work for it, and it will naturally be disbanded.

However, this dark guard does not only exist for the royal family, they have also served for other forces.

Because it was not the emperor who built them, but someone gave the emperor a gift, so they only recognize passwords and tokens.

Hua Jiujiu touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

Who can accept such a great wealth gone?
The first one to object must be the emperor.

No wonder he was asked to come here to investigate the situation as soon as he saw Lou Sijin appearing.

"Who would do such a thankless thing?" Hua Jiujiu was a little puzzled.

Even those who wanted to rebel shouldn't be able to do this kind of thing. After all, even if they became the emperor in the end, they would lose such a big hole card. It was a big loss anyway.

As for the women in the harem, there seemed to be no reason to do this, after all, the queen mother really let them go.

Lou Sijin shook her head, expressing that she didn't know either.

However, it is not difficult to find out, after all, not many people know that the Queen Mother is here.

"It seems that things are a bit complicated."

Sure enough, powerful people are so difficult.

"Don't worry." Lou Sijin rubbed Hua Jiujiu's hair.

"Don't worry, I just need to cure the Queen Mother." The rest has nothing to do with her, after all, she really knows too little to help.

Seeing that Huajiujiu was not too entangled, Lou Sijin breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Huajiujiu's little brain has already filled a lot of things. If he puts in other things, he might be kicked out when he is full. So, wouldn't they miss him at all.

"The queen mother should wake up in the next two days." This was Hua Jiujiu and Yu Miao'ai's best efforts.

"It's okay, as long as you don't die." Lou Sijin was too tired from drinking and drinking.

Hua Jiujiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and answered so indifferently, those who didn't know thought that the person lying down was an insignificant person.

Lou Sijin still wanted to continue to hang out with Huajiujiu, but was ruthlessly kicked out by Huajiujiu. She didn't want to hear the news that the Lord of War had taken a fancy to a wild girl tomorrow.

It's not that Hua Jiujiu doesn't want to confirm the relationship with Lou Sijin, it's just that it's inappropriate now.

Lou Sijin also knew this, so she went out without staying long, and her dark eyes became colder and colder, making the people waiting outside tremble.

What exactly were they talking about, and why the aura of the Lord of War became more and more terrifying.

I don't know what happened to that wild girl, she won't be scared to death directly, and I haven't seen any movement inside.

"Tell the magistrate to come here immediately." Lou Sijin headed towards the Empress Dowager's Zen room, apparently about to start investigating the case.

Those who were waiting froze, are you sure they want the prefect to come over?

Don't you always forget that people are fainted by you?

Although he is awake now, it is impossible not to lie in bed for two days.

However, looking at the tall and indifferent back, they couldn't explain it.

So, a few people ran to the meditation room where the magistrate was recuperating, and carried them out.

Fortunately, there are quite a lot of doctors on the mountain recently, and they woke up people, otherwise it would be really difficult.

Don't expect Mr. Miao Ai and Hua Jiujiu to come to rescue, their current task is to save the Queen Mother.

Let's not say that the prefect is not worthy of jumping in the queue, and he is not willing to make a move.

When the magistrate heard that he was going to see the uncertain Lou Sijin, he almost fainted again from fright.

He looked terrified, he didn't want to be thrown out again, if it happened again, he would definitely die!

However, his prayer was useless, and he was still carried to Lou Sijin's side.

(End of this chapter)

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