Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 432 The Ignorant Imperial Physician

Chapter 432 The Ignorant Imperial Physician

County magistrate Li took the prescription to other doctors to go through it.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Huajiu, it's just that it is given to many people after all, so it's better to be cautious.

Hua Jiujiu nodded in agreement, and asked the doctor who followed him to stay. If there is anything he doesn't understand, he can explain it to them.

Those doctors were a little panicked, because they were facing imperial doctors in the palace, and they were all doctors with excellent medical skills.

Can I really answer them?
Hua Jiujiu saw their embarrassment, and said in a low voice: "There is no distinction between high and low in the medical field, and some are academic discussions."

These doctors immediately felt much better, but those imperial physicians were disheveled.

They are even worthy of being compared with market doctors!
Just wait, they must be able to understand just such a prescription, and not only to understand it, but also to optimize it, so as to save this group of market doctors from taking medicine indiscriminately and causing any bad effects on the body.

However, when they saw the prescription, they slapped their faces.

They really don't understand this prescription!

Hua Jiujiu naturally kept their appearance in his eyes, smiled at the people he had brought, and left with County Magistrate Li.

County magistrate Li has already believed that Hua Jiujiu is the young master Qianzui, since he is the young master Qianzui, he must have a way to deal with the prince's situation.

Huajiujiu originally wanted to see a doctor in Mocheng Yuchi, but County Magistrate Li didn't believe in him before, so he couldn't really go there, otherwise it seemed too purposeful. Now County Magistrate Li took him there personally, then It's much easier to handle.

However, when the door was opened, the doctor Huang inside shouted: "Didn't I say that no one should disturb me, if something happens to the prince, can you take care of it?" There was a trace of panic hidden in this tone.

Hua Jiujiu completely ignored him, relying on his own feelings, the situation in Yuchi Mocheng was probably very bad.

She strode to Yuchi Mocheng's bedside, and when she saw Huang Yuji was about to insert a silver needle into the acupuncture point on Yuchi Mocheng's body, she immediately grabbed his hand and stopped him.

If this goes on, Yuchi Mocheng's cultivation level will be lost.

Although she didn't like Yuchi Mocheng, she couldn't just sit and watch him lose his martial arts and be hacked to death by his enemies.

Doctor Huang was panicked at first, but when he was suddenly interrupted, he panicked even more, his voice trembling a little, "You...what are you doing, don't you know that I'm treating the prince? Because of your delay, what happened to the prince, can you bear it?"

County magistrate Li also looked at Huajiu with some doubts.

Hua Jiujiu looked at him coldly, "Don't you know that if this continues for a while, the prince's martial arts will be exhausted, and he will be weak and sick from now on. Doctor Huang, what kind of heart do you have?"

Hearing this, County Magistrate Li's face changed greatly. Could it be that this imperial physician Huang is someone's subordinate in the palace who came here to harm the prince on purpose?

Doctor Huang's face turned pale, and his tone weakened a bit, " are talking nonsense!"

This made County Magistrate Li more and more certain of his conjecture.

"Does Doctor Huang know what acupuncture point this is?" Hua Jiujiu sneered.

Doctor Huang's eyes dodged a little, but he quickly calmed down again.

"Magistrate Li, how could you let an impolite brat come in? Don't you know that when a doctor saves someone, the most taboo thing is to be disturbed? Don't you know that the prince's current situation is very dangerous? If something happens to the prince, Can you bear it?"

I don't know who this young brat is who dares to yell in front of him.

County magistrate Li was a little scared, so he couldn't help but glanced at Huajiujiu.

"Oh, people who don't know think you are murdering, not saving people." Hua Jiujiu continued to sneer.

"Nonsense, the current situation of the prince is very dangerous. If I hadn't done this, the prince would probably..." The following words did not continue, but everyone knew what it was.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at Yuchi Mocheng who was unconscious on the bed.

The dark eyes moved slightly.

Looking at the situation in Yuchi Mo City, it seems that he has been infected with the plague for a long time.

She hurried forward and put her finger on his pulse, and after a while, she looked at Huang Yu doctor with a cold face.

"Doctor Huang, did you misuse the prince?"

Doctor Huang's heart skipped a beat, "What do you mean?"

"The medicine you gave the prince is correct, but the amount is not right, which is why the prince is unconscious." Otherwise, Yuchi Mocheng should be awake at this moment.

"Nonsense, why do you say that, don't forget that I am the doctor." Huang Yu's beard trembled in anger.

"I'm also a doctor." Hua Jiujiu gave him a cold look, then took out a silver needle and was about to give it to Yuchi Mocheng.

"You young brat, you have the nerve to call yourself a doctor. What do you want to do, you can't give the prince a random injection. If something happens to the prince, we can't afford it!" Huang Yu said Later, I will go to grab the needle for Huajiujiu, for fear that because he let the prince die unexpectedly, all of them will be buried with him.

"County Li, if you don't want the lord to die now, just catch him!" Hua Jiujiu said in a deep voice.

That momentum made magistrate Li dare not resist.

He really caught Huang Yuyi.

Because Huang Yuji was also overwhelmed by Huajiujiu's aura, he was easily controlled by County Magistrate Li.

However, he recovered after a while, looking a little out of breath.

How could they be bluffed by a stinky brat.

"Doctor Huang, he is Mr. Qianzui." County magistrate Li had no choice but to explain.

"I don't care whether he is drunk or not, he dared to be so rude to me." Doctor Huang was already impolite.

Struggling, he suddenly thought of something.

Young Master Thousand Drunk?

Isn't that...

Doctor Huang's expression was a little ugly and weird.

However, he didn't struggle anymore, he stared at Huajiujiu, wondering if he could save the prince.

If there is no other way, and it makes the prince's situation worse, then he must make this young brat pay the price!

Hua Jiujiu inserted the silver needle quickly and ruthlessly, and the flowing technique made Doctor Huang feel a little guilty.

It seems that there are really some skills.

But so what, what if it's just looking good?

Therefore, Huang Yuji continued to stare at Huajiu, almost staring at a flower.

Hua Jiujiu doesn't care about the people behind him, and treats Yuchi Mocheng seriously. Now his condition is indeed very bad, and if he is not careful, it will cause irreversible sequelae, so she has to be more cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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