Chapter 439 Waste!

Lou Sijin comforted: "Don't worry, this time it was just an accident." Normally, if he can use five points of internal strength, he is already at the top of the sky.

If he wasn't in a hurry this time, and there were too many people besieging him, he wouldn't have used all his internal strength.

However, some people really can't wait.

He has just emerged, and he can't wait to kill him!
Do you really think that he is still the same person in the past?
It was impossible to kill him in the past, and it is even more impossible now!

Since you dared to block his way, then don't blame him for being cruel and merciless to go back!
A strong murderous look flashed across Lou Sijin's eyes.

Before he could react, he suddenly felt weightless, and Lou Sijin had been thrown out of the space.

Hua Jiujiu froze for a moment.

Why is it like this again?
Is this space really time-sensitive?
Hua Jiujiu soon appeared outside, looking at Lou Sijin with some doubts.

Lou Sijin's complexion was not very good.

Being thrown out by the space twice, the mood will never be happy.

"A Jin, what's going on?" Hua Jiujiu asked in confusion.

"Probably because I have murderous intentions in the space." Lou Sijin was afraid that Huajiujiu would be punished for it, so he reminded him.

Hua Jiujiu suddenly realized that it was so.

This space is indeed very spiritual.

"I'll take you in and try again." Hua Jiujiu took Lou Sijin's hand.

This time, Lou Sijin had restrained his murderous aura, so he was not rejected by the space, but the last time he couldn't hide no matter what, that's why he couldn't get in.

"You've been tired for so many days, take a bath in Lingquan, and then sleep." Hua Jiujiu looked at the tired Lou Sijin and said.

"You too." No matter how tired he was, he didn't lose weight so quickly as Hua Jiujiu.

"Okay." Hua Jiujiu nodded.

The two of them embraced each other and fell asleep after soaking in the Lingquan bath.

This sleep is really extraordinarily comfortable.

No nightmares, no fatigue, no restlessness, no vigilance, and they even felt like they could hug and sleep like this forever.

I don't know how long they slept, but after waking up, all their exhaustion disappeared.

In an instant, I felt like I could stay up for several nights again.

Of course, with Lou Sijin here, Hua Jiujiu wouldn't want to stay up all night.

When Hua Jiujiu brought Lou Sijin out, it was still dark outside, which made Lou Sijin once again lament the time difference between this space and the outside world.

"What do you plan to do next?" Lou Sijin had already arrived before the disaster relief items were delivered, and if someone who cared to know, he would definitely make a fuss about it.

"It's okay, I brought Yu Miao'ai."

It can be said that he came here in advance in order to control the plague as soon as possible.

Although this statement is not in line with his personality, who is Lou Sijin?What do you need to explain to others?Even if I really didn't bring Yu Miao'ai, I didn't have any business, but it would be a little annoying.

Hua Jiujiu thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong, so he didn't say anything more, and went back with Lou Sijin.

Now that she is full of energy, she can continue to see patients. Anyway, she can't stop until the plague is over.

Lou Sijin thought that she had just rested, and her spirit was fine, so she didn't stop her, and went to find Yuchi Mocheng herself.

Yuchi Mocheng was taken away because of the flowers and wine, and he didn't sleep well all night. When he was about to squint for a while, he was told that Lou Sijin was here.

He immediately lost any drowsiness. As expected, Mr. Qianzui was taken away by Lou Sijin, and he saw that figure correctly!
Everyone came to the door, how could Yuchi Mocheng be cowardly, and went out immediately.

It's just that this has nothing to do with being cowardly or not, because Lou Sijin is already very annoying.

Look, it turned out to be looking at him with mocking eyes again.

Waste, this can be infected with the plague!

Yuchi Mocheng's face turned black, so he has hated this man since he was a child. Even though he is also in the abyss, he can still look down on everyone as a high-ranking person. What on earth does he have?

Moreover, is he an existence that needs pity?Not only do you not need it, you won't be a lower class person, and your own destiny can only be controlled by yourself!
Yuchi Mocheng's aura didn't weaken at all because of Lou Sijin's suppression, and it became stronger and stronger.

I have to say that these two men are very similar in some places. They are both people in hell, but they have never fallen into darkness.

This is also normal, after all, they are brothers who are related by blood.

Lou Sijin didn't talk nonsense, and directly handed over the work to Yuchi Mocheng.

Yuchi Mocheng was in an extremely upset mood. Although Lou Sijin didn't say anything, his words and deeds could already explain something.

Therefore, after handing over the work, Yuchi Mocheng didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, turned around and went back to his room.

The two are brothers, but they are not like brothers at all. Don't be strangers if they are strangers. Sometimes they may even want each other's life. It may be more appropriate to say that they are enemies.

As soon as Lou Sijin went out, County Magistrate Li came to report to Yuchi Mocheng, but he stopped him directly, "If you have something to do in the future, report to this king."

County magistrate Li didn't react for a while.

This is not surprising, after all, it is only a small county magistrate, and there is no chance to know such a high-ranking person.

However, it is not completely unknown, such as his very iconic mask.

So, after being confused for a while, he knew who it was.

It's just that he couldn't figure it out, it didn't mean that it would take several days to arrive, so why did it arrive so soon?

It turned out that the original person was the fourth prince, and he was already flustered enough.

After all, the fourth prince's reputation is not very good.

Now that there is another God of War prince, this person is even more difficult to mess with.

But don't let anything happen to him again, otherwise the Nine Clans really don't have enough heads to beheaded.

County magistrate Li secretly forced a moment in his heart, then respectfully knelt down and saluted, "I will see you, Lord God of War." This is the only prince who has been given a title.

Compared with other princes, he is much more noble.

However, he was the only prince who was not crowned with a royal surname.

It is destined to have no relationship with the throne, but if it is between the princes, it is the most honorable existence.

"Pingshen." The tone was indifferent.

County magistrate Li couldn't help but shuddered slightly.

The rumors are indeed true.

This war god prince is not friendly at all.

Yes, after all, he is a person who has fought bloody battles.

"What happened?" Lou Sijin frowned in displeasure without hearing his report after waiting for a long time.

County Magistrate Li quickly said, "The disaster victims are making a fuss."

(End of this chapter)

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