Chapter 441 Like?

If he didn't know something, maybe he could still believe that Yuchi Mocheng would be somewhat sincere.

Yu Miao sighed faintly.

I don't care about them anymore, and continue to treat people.

It has to be said that Huajiujiu is indeed a talent. He found the prescription to prevent and cure the plague in such a fast time, and healed so many people by himself.

In the past, as long as there was a plague, the whole town and the whole village would die, but this time it is obviously much better.

Yu Miao'ai's admiration for Huajiu really grew deeper and deeper, and she couldn't stop it.

When Hua Jiujiu came out of the shower, he bumped into the distraught Hua Shishi.

She couldn't help but thumped in her heart. Could it be that Hua Shishi saw all the scene just now?

This girl won't really like that man.

"Shishi." Hua Jiujiu called out to her.

Hua Shishi didn't react and continued to walk forward.

Hua Jiujiu had no choice but to hold her back.

Hua Shishi suddenly stopped, and turned to look at her in doubt, "Sister?"

"What are you thinking? If I don't hold you back, you're going to hit the door." Hua Jiujiu didn't mention Yuchi Mocheng.

"I didn't think about anything." Hua Shishi shook her head.

The little girl has really grown up and will hide her thoughts.

"Have you not had a good rest these two days? Why do you look so tired?" Hua Jiujiu then took out a sachet, "Hanging this on the bedside will help you sleep better."

Hua Shishi took it, and when she was about to respond, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a tooth mark on Hua Jiujiu's earlobe.

In an instant, a sense of suffocation struck.

This feeling caught her off guard, and she didn't quite understand why.

"Ah... Sister, I'm tired, I want to rest for a while." She wanted to avoid it inexplicably.

Hua Jiujiu felt that she was a little strange, but she didn't ask any more questions, but said, "Well, take a good rest." These two days, Hua Shishi has also been busy.

Now, she can be alone.

Hua Shi pushed open the door and went in, looking a little embarrassed.

Hua Jiujiu's face darkened slightly.

Yuchi Mocheng, you damned man, you better not hurt her precious sister, otherwise she will definitely not make him look good!

After Hua Jiujiu eased his mood, he went to see the patients again. He wanted to finish the matter as soon as possible and leave here as soon as possible.

Lou Sijin didn't come back until the next day.

Hua Jiujiu didn't see Yuchi Mocheng, and still had some doubts, until later, when he saw Yuchi Mocheng being carried back, he understood something.

She just wanted to say, boy, that's how it should be!
Seeing Yuchi Mocheng like this, Hua Shishi felt a little distressed, she didn't say anything, and silently stayed by his side to take care of him.

This made Huajiujiu feel a little worried.

So, is she giving them a chance to get along independently?

Hua Jiujiu couldn't help but glared at Lou Sijin, why can't she take care of herself because of being beaten up, isn't it her sister who suffers in the end?

Lou Sijin said, how did he know that Hua Shishi would care about this guy!

Heh, it's really shit luck, it's such a piece of rubbish, yet someone still cares about him.

However, the parties were not grateful.

He looked at Hua Shishi indifferently, and said in a cold tone: "I don't need it, you can go."

Hua Shishi's hand wiping his face paused slightly, and she said calmly: "After all, this matter is related to my elder sister, I have a reason to stay and take care of you."

Yuchi Mocheng only felt a little irritated, "Your elder sister is your elder sister, you are you, her business has nothing to do with you!"

Hua Shishi didn't speak, and continued to work.

Yuchi Mocheng raised his hand and patted her hand away, a scar of bright red appeared on that tender little hand.

Hua Shishi only felt pain, but she still didn't make a sound.

This made Yuchi Mocheng even more restless.

"I like your elder sister. It's impossible for me to like you just because you are her younger sister." Finally, Yuchi Mocheng broke away and said.

Hua Shishi looked at Yuchi Mocheng in astonishment.

hi... like?
How to say like the above.


Yuchi Mocheng looked at Hua Shishi with a dazed expression, and wondered if he was just pretending to be affectionate?
This feeling is really uncomfortable!
But, yes, after all, this little girl is still young, so it's normal if she doesn't understand.

Yuchi Mocheng completely ignored those who were younger than her, but they already knew about feelings.

"You really like my sister?" Hua Shishi asked with her head tilted.

"What? Can't you see it?" Yuchi Mocheng played with a strand of black hair on his chest, and there was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, which made people look a little unreal.

Hua Shishi shook her head, "I don't know, but Sister Ah already has someone she likes, and Brother Ajin also likes Sister Ah very much."

Therefore, he was doomed to be unrequited love, and suddenly felt so pitiful, such a poor person, how could he not be nicer to him, anyway, he has always been nice to her.


Yuchi Mocheng's temples throbbed when Hua Shishi looked at him.

"I don't need your pity." All along, those who pitied him turned into corpses in the end.

"That's right, brother Cheng doesn't need pity, brother Cheng is very powerful." Hua Shishi said confidently and proudly, as if Yuchi Mocheng was someone of hers.

Yuchi Mocheng lost his temper in an instant, so he could only utter a muddy word: "Get out!"

"Brother Cheng is sick, don't be angry, take a good rest, I'll go out and cook first." Hua Shishi went out as if she didn't hear her.

However, she turned around and fell into deep thought.

Does she like Brother Cheng?
But what exactly is liking?

All she knew was that she liked to be with Brother Cheng.

Perhaps, she should ask someone who knows.

Yuchi Mocheng, who was lying on the bed, looked at Hua Shishi's petite back, only feeling irritable, and he didn't know what he was upset about.

Anyway, I don't want to see this little girl anymore.

Otherwise, he can't help but want to hurt her.

Because I have severely hurt all the people close to me, right?
Those people didn't end up with a good end in the end.

It would be too sad if such a kind girl ended up in a bad end. What's more, Huajiujiu would definitely not let him go. Wouldn't he be about to kill him?

Yuchi Mocheng could no longer tell the priority.

Was it because she was afraid that Hua Jiujiu would be unhappy, so she didn't want to hurt Hua Shishi, or was she afraid that such a kind Hua Shishi would end up like this?
It really doesn't seem like his character to be so hesitant.

When did all this start to change?
(End of this chapter)

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