Chapter 455 Sudden Arrival
Hua Jiujiu's fingers tapped the tabletop, once and for all.

It seems that Lingcheng is not as simple as she imagined, even the City Lord's Mansion is so complicated.

But this mayor.

Although he is the lord of the city, in many cases, the lord of the city cannot decide the life and death of the people in Lingcheng.

Lingcheng is too complicated to be fully controlled by a city lord.

Therefore, she should not have too much hope for Qiu Jinyu.

However, the Jin family can do it, anyway, it is also a family with rich heritage.

Just as he was thinking, those girls came in with their instruments in their arms.

There wasn't much makeup on, so Hua Jiujiu was drinking the wine while listening to the ditties.

At this rare and comfortable moment, suddenly, there was an explosion outside, followed by various horrified shouts.

Hua Jiujiu's expression changed drastically, he stood up abruptly, and jumped out of the window with one leap.

The few people who were performing were also stunned, this skill is really good!

But what is this sound?

Where did the fireworks factory explode?

Hua Jiujiu ran towards the inn where his sister lived, and when he saw the inn that had turned into a sea of ​​flames, his face paled instantly.

Just when she was about to rush in to save people, Su Mo appeared and stopped her, "My lord, I'll go in and save them!"

"Let go!" Hua Jiujiu shook off Su Mo's hand with red eyes, and rushed into the flames without hesitation.

Su Mo and the others also knew that Huajiujiu could not be stopped, so they had to follow them in.

Hua Jiujiu quickly found the room where the sisters lived, and when he opened the door, there was no one there.

How is this going?

Hua Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, and a huge beam fell down.

Just as she was about to dodge, one hand pushed her away, and the beam just hit the person who pushed her away.

"Su Mo!" Hua Jiujiu's heart tightened, and he hurried to move the beam.

"Ahem, cough, miss, let's go!"

The fire is too big, and within a short while, this place is on the verge of collapse, so we can't waste time here, or they won't be able to get out.

Hua Jiujiu didn't leave, and hugged the beam with a cold face, trying to move it away, but the beam was too heavy for her to move away.

"My lord, the young master and the others have been taken out by the hidden guards. They are safe now. You go out with Jinxue first, and leave this place to us." Jinyue and others also appeared.

It was only then that Hua Jiujiu remembered that he had left people here, and if something unexpected happened, they would definitely come to his rescue.

Even knowing this, Hua Jiujiu didn't leave, she asked everyone to come over and move the beam away.

"Ahem, miss, let's go." Su Mo's mouth overflowed with blood, but he didn't care about his situation at all, and hurriedly told Hua Jiujiu to leave quickly.

"Let's go together." Hua Jiujiu said with a cold face.

She always thought that she regarded Su Mo as her younger brother, how could she give up on him at this time.

Su Mo's eyes flickered slightly, he opened his mouth to say something, but closed it completely in the next second.

"You are my younger brother, there is no way I would leave you alone." Hua Jiujiu said firmly.

Su Mo didn't know whether he should be happy or unhappy.

He smiled wryly in his heart, as expected he was regarded as a younger brother.

Even though he was older than Hua Jiujiu, he was still treated like a younger brother, as if he would never grow up the same in her eyes.

That's all, brother, at least it doesn't matter, doesn't it?

Finally, with the efforts of several people, the beam was pushed away by them.

"Hurry up, this place is about to collapse." Jin Xue felt the shaking around her and shouted in panic.

Several people supported Su Mo and quickly fled here.

However, when they were about to leave here, a weak voice sounded: " me."

Hua Jiujiu quickly found that person.

This person was tied up all over and lying on the ground in horror, her eyes were full of desire to survive.

Huajiujiu can't protect itself, so how could it be possible to take care of others.

However, just as she was about to leave, she felt turmoil in the space.

The space is letting her save people!
Hua Jiujiu's face sank, feeling threatened again.

She said with a cold face, "Take her away."

Jin Yue was a little puzzled. She knew that Miss was kind-hearted, but she also knew that Miss was not a person who would meddle in other people's affairs at such a time.

Unless there is something special about this person.

Jin Yue didn't have time to ask at this time, so she hurried over to carry this person away, and left in a hurry.

The moment they came out, the house behind them collapsed.

Everyone has some lingering feelings.

He was almost buried in a sea of ​​flames!

Hua Jiujiu's complexion has been very bad, not only because of the fire, but also because of the space.

She probably understood the meaning of space now.

She couldn't just ignore the death of civilians who didn't have blood on their hands.

As for those who had blood on their hands, that's not necessarily the case.

Back then, when I wanted to see Yuchi Mocheng die, I didn't see any space to stop him.

So, this space is really spiritual!

This seems a little ironic.

"Young master, young master and the others are fine, we have already arranged for them." The dark guard appeared in front of Hua Jiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu nodded, "Protect them well." Because I don't know if the fire is aimed at them.

She checked Su Mo's condition. It wasn't too serious. There was a slight fracture. He needed to be fed some medicine and recuperate for a while.

"What's going on here?" Tao Zi suddenly appeared in front of Hua Jiu Jiu.

She also ran out to play at night, and when she heard that the inn suddenly caught fire, she was so frightened that she hurried over.

"Someone deliberately set the fire." I don't know if it was aimed at them, but someone did.

After all, an ordinary fire would not burn so fast.

Taozi had a serious face, "Who could it be?" Along the way, they were attacked by many people, and I don't know if it was the same group of people.

Hua Jiujiu walked up to the tied person in silence, knelt down and untied her and asked, "Who are you?"

The woman didn't slow down a bit, her big eyes were full of fear.

"Is this fire aimed at you?" Hua Jiujiu guessed.

It is really hard not to think that she was tied up.

The woman was still sitting on the ground dumbly, obviously the fright she received was not ordinary.

Hua Jiujiu frowned and stood up, "Take her away."

Ask after she has calmed down. As for now, she is going back to accompany her younger siblings. I don't know if they have been frightened.

As soon as they returned to their new place, Hua Youyou rushed over, her tone full of panic, "Sister, you're back."

Hua Jiujiu rubbed her hair, "I'm sorry, my sister came late and surprised you."

"I thought I would never see sister again." Hua Youyou's small shoulders trembled slightly.

"No." Hua Jiujiu's eyes were filled with coldness, she would never let such a thing happen!

(End of this chapter)

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