Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 458 You really know how to play!

Chapter 458 You really know how to play!

However, when Jin Xue was haggling wildly with her, Ren Yazi's face turned green.

She thought she was a proud young man, so she just threw out the banknote and it was over, but she didn't expect that he would even bargain!

Ren Yazi's mouth twitched violently.

Hua Jiujiu took a cool look at her.

I am rich, but I am not a fool, letting others slaughter me.

This man clearly saw that she was rich or an outsider, and slaughtered her crazily.

Ren Yazi felt a little guilty and had to lower the price.

In the end, Huajiu also reached a price that he was satisfied with, so he followed Ren Yazi back to the trading market.

Ren Yazi was a little bit worried, he didn't expect these people to be too good at bargaining, they obviously looked so rich and powerful.

However, this price has already exceeded her expectation, after all, it is difficult to sell this house.

Because this is a haunted house.

For such a big house, it hurts to sell it cheap, but no one wants it if it is expensive, so it is really a good deal to buy it at a pretty good price.

Several people were walking, when suddenly, a cage next to them shook.

"Roar!" The slave who was staying quietly in the corner suddenly grabbed the iron bars of the cage and yelled at Huajiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu was taken aback, but he didn't show it on his face.

She looked over with some doubts.

be alone!

However, how can a person make a cry like a beast?

Hua Jiujiu wanted to get closer to see what kind of face he had with his disheveled hair, but his teeth blocked it.

"Hehe, son, some people have special hobbies." She was afraid that such a cold and clean son would be disgusted.

Hua Jiujiu's eyes sank slightly.

Hobbies are special!

Do you treat people like wild animals?

Who has such a disgusting habit!

"There are many people like this?" Hua Jiujiu set his gaze on Ren Yazi.

Ren Yazi only felt that there was some kind of Alexander.

"No... not much." Either raise them as a wild animal from an early age, or cultivate them later, no matter which method is used, it will be very time-consuming.

What's more, the person who cultivated a beast had to be good-looking.


People in Lingcheng really know how to play!

I'm afraid that the more prosperous and lively the place, the more perverted people there will be!

She still protects her younger brothers and sisters, so don't be caught by these beasts.

Ren Yazi's back was chilled by this sound.

It wasn't raised by her, so what are you saying to her!
Tao Zi said that these people are really perverts, and they still do this kind of thing!

Hua Jiujiu didn't want to take care of this, because there was more than one such person, and she didn't have the ability to save everyone.

So, she followed Ren Yazi and continued to do things.

It didn't take long for Hua Jiujiu to get the deed, and when he was about to go back with the others, he suddenly heard a commotion outside.



"Don't bite me, help!"


Hua Jiujiu glanced at Jin Xue.

Jin Xue immediately went out to inquire about the news.

After a while, she came back, "My lord, that savage ran out and was biting people everywhere."

Hua Jiujiu has some doubts, isn't that person locked in a cage?
Why did you run out all of a sudden?
"My lord, he is in some danger, let's avoid him." Jin Xue suggested.

"Yeah." As a newcomer, Hua Jiujiu didn't want to meddle in other people's business.

However, not long after they came out, they confronted that savage.

With red eyes, he pounced on Huajiujiu in the posture of a beast.

Jin Xue hurriedly led her away.

However, the savage quickly rushed over again.

The wind blew his hair covering his face, exposing a delicate and beautiful face.

Hua Jiujiu was slightly taken aback.

She never thought that it turned out to be such a beautiful face.

How perverted are those people!

Just as Jinxue was about to attack the savage who rushed over again, Tao Zi suddenly exclaimed, "No!"

Jinxue gave a pause, but she didn't have time to withdraw her hand, so she had to try to shift her strength, and finally the wind hit the wild man's shoulder, and the wild man fell to the ground, unable to move for a while.

When Taozi was about to run over, a group of people suddenly came and caught the wild man.

"Let go of him!" Tao Zi shouted coldly.

Those people looked at Taozi in confusion.

This man is their slave, why let him go?

Hua Jiujiu looked at Taozi with some doubts. She seemed to know this person just now?
"We can't let him go, we have to take him back," said the man who caught the wild man.

"How much is he, I bought it." Tao Zi said with a cold face.

"Someone already wants him." However, these people did not let him go.

"I'll pay double!" Tao Zi will take this wild man away no matter what.

These people were a little moved, but looking at Taozi, it seemed that he was not someone who could afford so much money.

"Don't talk big, do you know how much money it takes to buy him?"

"How much?" Tao Zi didn't care about that much.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Taozi thoughtfully.

"1 million taels."

"Hiss!" Everyone around gasped.

There are so many, the 1 taels can buy several houses.

Who is so rich and spends so much money to buy a slave who can hurt people at any time? Sure enough, they don't understand the world of rich people.

Tao Zi looked at Hua Jiu Jiu, obviously hoping to get her help.

She is rich, but there is no way to take out so much at once, so Hua Jiujiu needs to lend her some money.

Hua Jiujiu gave her a look that you better explain why.

Tao Zi nodded and said that she would tell Hua Jiu Jiu the truth about it later, but she must take these people away today.

Huajiujiu Western Dress took out a few banknotes from his pocket and handed them to Taozi.

The people around gasped again, they actually carried so many banknotes with them, who the hell is this young master!
Tao Zi immediately went over to negotiate with these people, and finally bought them.

The savage was chained, and although he couldn't hurt anyone, he never cooperated.

Taozi had to continue to ask Huajiujiu for help.

Huajiu gave the savage an injection, and the savage fell into a deep sleep.

Then a group of people left with the savage.

Everyone was whispering to their backs. I am afraid that this matter will spread to restaurants and teahouses in a short time. Of course, such news will not reach the ears of the major families. For them None of this is news.

Hua Jiujiu and the others went back to the inn. Tao Zi asked someone to help the wild man take a bath, while she sat there sullenly, not knowing what she was thinking?
"You know him?" Hua Jiujiu asked, sitting opposite Tao Zi.

(End of this chapter)

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