Chapter 461 Meeting Mu Rouqing
Hua Jiujiu walked over with an indifferent smile on his face, "I kept Madam waiting for a long time."

What Mu Rouqing looked at was pleasing to the eye, and she didn't care about waiting for a long time, so she said "sit down." and poured a cup of tea for Hua Jiujiu herself.

"Seeing that Madam is so happy, I think things are going well." Hua Jiujiu smiled and took a sip from his teacup.

Mu Rouqing raised her lips and smiled, coupled with that noble and delicate face, it made people feel happy.


She looked at Hua Jiujiu with admiration, and continued: "Young master's idea is not something that other people can easily come up with, let alone something that other people can reach." So it is really difficult not to want to go well.

"A good idea needs someone to manage it." Hua Jiujiu said modestly.

Mu Rouqing smiled again.

So, she likes to get along with Hua Jiujiu very much, neither arrogant nor impetuous, neither humble nor overbearing.

The two sat here and chatted for a long time.

By the way, he also mentioned that not long ago Huajiu asked Mu Rouqing to help her decorate the Liangyan Hall and Yuyan Hall.

The renovation is in progress, and if you calculate the time, it shouldn't take long before all the renovations will be completed.

"Young master, do you want to go and have a look?" Mu Rouqing asked after the chat.

"No hurry, eat first." It's already noon, so let's have a meal first.

Mu Rouqing nodded, they had plenty of time, and they were not in a hurry.

Their box is next to the window, so when the window is opened, they can hear the discussion from the hall downstairs, but because it is too noisy and too far away, they can't hear anything.

At such a long distance, only practitioners can hear it.

Although Hua Jiujiu's martial arts are not particularly high, her body has been washed by a spiritual spring, and her five senses are strong, so it is more than enough to listen to the discussions downstairs.

Mu Rouqing also practices martial arts, but her martial arts skills are lower than Huajiujiu, so don't want to hear what everyone is talking about downstairs.

What's more, she doesn't need to listen. Anyway, if there is any news, their people will send it to her.

"Have you heard that Qin Xian was born again?"

"Hasn't she already escaped from the world?"

"I don't know. Two days ago, I suddenly appeared in the Listening Dream Workshop and played an intoxicating piece."

"Learning Dream Workshop? I've never heard of it."

"I haven't heard of it either. It seems that he just came to Lingcheng, and it seems to be opened not far from Xianyinfang."

"Isn't this a bright confrontation with Xianyinfang?"

"That's right, but Xianyinfang probably won't do anything, after all, there are Qinxians sitting in Mengmengfang."


Hua Jiujiu returned his attention to the dinner table.

Qin Xian, Lingmengfang.

She looked up at Jin Yue.

Jin Yue nodded.

Hua Jiujiu couldn't help smiling.

It is indeed her!
Her younger sister really surprised her.

She even opened a shop in Lingcheng, but she didn't know if it belonged to her or her master Qinxian.

However, Hua Jiujiu had to pay attention to the Xianyinfang mentioned by those people just now.

I don't know if I will bully my sister?

Hua Jiujiu didn't know that his people had trained in Xianyinfang, so it was inevitable to have this worry.

After all, they are in a competitive relationship, and it is impossible for them to live in harmony.

Mu Rouqing was in a state of refraining from eating all the time, so Hua Jiujiu didn't take the initiative to talk to her, but continued to search for useful information while eating.

"Lingcheng is so lively recently."

"That's not true. After all, the Lintian Auction House will start soon."

"Speaking of which, has your family received an invitation letter?"

"Our family is just a small family, how could we be eligible to receive an invitation letter?"

"Hey, then we can only do the task?"

"If you receive the task of paying money, it will be easy to handle. I am afraid that we will also provide some treasures." No one is willing to take out the treasures, even if they are not of much use to them.

"I heard that there are still some missions to kill people."

"No, this task is too bloody."

"Who knows."

"I don't care about this task, I heard that our Lingcheng is going to have a lot of big shots recently."

"What big man?"

"It's just the princes and princesses of various countries."

"It actually provoked them all to come. What's so special about this auction?"

"I don't know, I heard that there is a treasure that all countries are eyeing."

"Ah, I'm really curious, but I'm not even qualified to go in."

"It's okay, wait until later, if the number of people is not full, you can go in with a little more money, even if we can't get the treasure, it's good to open our eyes."

"You are dreaming, how could there be an empty seat for you."

"Oh, it's really too difficult."

Hua Jiujiu tapped the table with her fingers, not knowing what she was thinking.

Mu Rouqing had already finished her meal, and wiped her mouth gracefully.

After putting down the towel, he asked, "My lord, have you received the invitation letter from Lintian Auction House?"

An invitation letter can only be entered by one person, but one of his subordinates can be brought in together. After all, when bidding prices, it is impossible for these rich people to compete for a blushing and thick neck.

"No." Hua Jiujiu shook his head.

It is estimated that his name is not loud enough.

"This is strange. It stands to reason that a young and promising person like Young Master should have received the invitation letter." Mu Rouqing was full of doubts.

Huajiujiu didn't feel that unbalanced, and it didn't matter if it was given or not.

"My lord, do you need me to get you an invitation letter? I'm just afraid that you won't be able to get a private room." That means you need to compete with the people below, but such a place is not suitable for Mr. Qianzui at all.

Of course, Mr. Qianzui can also go in as her subordinate, but this will cause him some grievances.

"No, I have a solution." Hua Jiujiu thanked Mu Rouqing for thinking of herself.

"That's right, with my son's ability, I'm really dissatisfied with getting an invitation letter." Mu Rouqing still believed in Huajiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu just smiled, it's really not that difficult, she has many ways to get it.

"Madam, have you ever participated in the Lintian Auction House?" Hua Jiujiu wanted to know more about the Lintian Auction House.

"No." Mu Rouqing shook her head, and said helplessly: "This Lintian Auction House has only been in operation for about ten years. The previous auctions were held every two years, but in recent years, it has been held only once a year. , you also know that I was just a woman with little rights before, and I am not qualified to participate in this kind of thing."

She was a little thankful, fortunately, Mr. Qianzui gave her a chance to be reborn, otherwise she would not have known that the outside world is so beautiful.

Huajiujiu naturally knew this, so she was also very curious about Lintian Auction House.

It has only been a few years since it started, but it has such a great influence in the mainland.

He said he would send someone to be trained, so he sent it, and he was not afraid of accidents to his genius son and daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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