Chapter 473 Lou Sijin is here!
The city lord had a bad premonition in his heart. Before he could do anything, Hua Jiujiu had already flashed in front of the second lady.

She pinched the second lady's chin and stuffed a pill into her mouth.

This action was so fast that the people present didn't even have the time to react. Of course, they didn't expect Hua Jiujiu to do this, so they just watched the second wife being fed medicine.

After the second lady was let go by Huajiujiu, she clutched her neck and kept coughing, trying to cough up the unknown medicine.

However, after coughing for a long time, the medicine was not coughed up. The second lady looked at Hua Jiujiu angrily, opened her swollen mouth and cursed.


The words that were originally cursing turned into pig-like screams.

This cry coupled with that pig's head really made people laugh.

Everyone laughed so hard that they couldn't straighten up.

At the same time, I have to admire Young Master Qianzui for daring to prescribe medicine so blatantly, but no one can tell what's wrong with this medicine.

It seems that this young man who is drunk is really someone who cannot be offended.

Hearing the ridicule around her, the second lady was trembling with anger. She wanted to yell, but the sound was a pig's cry, which almost made her faint from anger.

The face of the city lord also darkened directly, his premonition was indeed correct, this young master Qianzui really dared!

It's okay if the second lady loses face alone, but the identity of the second lady is still his wife, so it's embarrassing for the entire City Lord's Mansion!

Qiu Jinyu didn't think it was anything, on the contrary, he felt secretly refreshed. It was really refreshing to see her like this before getting rid of her.

As for losing face, isn't it too little for their City Lord's Mansion?

The main room was suppressed by a concubine, and even this concubine dared to ride wildly on the head of the city lord.

"Young Master Qianzui, please undo this poison for her." The city lord's tone carried a hint of warning.

He would definitely not care about their grievances if they were dealt with in private, but it is not possible now, so the antidote must be brought out.

"Second Madam doesn't want to talk about human beings anymore, why should the city lord be so considerate of her?" Hua Jiujiu obviously said that he was wronged by others.

The face of the city lord froze. This young man of Qianzui is really reckless and self-willed. He dared to do this kind of thing on such an occasion. If it is really serious, it will be their Dongfeng country who lost. face.

It seems that I have to put some more pressure on it, otherwise it will be very bad for myself and Dongfeng Nation if this trouble continues.

"Mr. Qianzui, this is the city lord's mansion, and you are not allowed to be presumptuous." If things go on like this, what prestige does he have as a city lord?

"Heh, my son is being presumptuous, so what?" Hua Jiujiu responded arrogantly.

Just like what she said just now, it doesn't matter if she takes the title of poisoning the second lady, it's just to let her vent her anger blatantly, this is not a person who is afraid of trouble at all.

The people present also got to know Mr. Qianzui once again.

There was only one thought in their minds, this young master Qianzui could only befriend him.

"In that case, don't blame the city lord for being rude." The city lord really didn't want to do this.

However, he had to do this, otherwise he would really make people laugh at him as a waste as the city lord.

The huge internal force of the city lord attacked Huajiujiu.

Jinyue had already stood in front of Hua Jiujiu, her face was still icy cold, making it hard to see what emotion she was in, but those who knew her must know that she was also a little worried at the moment.

The strength of this city lord is much stronger than her, even so, she will definitely not let this city lord hurt Miss!
Just when the city lord's palm was facing Shang Jinyue, suddenly, a terrifying aura enveloped the city lord.

The hairs of the people around also stood on end at that moment.

The city lord wanted to stop, but it was too late.

That person directly faced him with a palm.

The city lord took a few steps back, and there was a mouthful of blood on his chest, which almost spat out.

But this is not the point, the point is the person who made the shot, which horrified him.

"God of War... my lord." The city lord looked at Lou Sijin who suddenly appeared in disbelief.

Didn't it mean that he will come in two days?Why did he come here all of a sudden, and also act for Young Master Qianzui?

These two people... The city lord suddenly remembered something, it seemed that Mr. Qianzui had followed Lou Sijin in the last two major events.

Lou Sijin's cold gaze swept across the city lord, making him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

The people around were also silent at this moment.

Unexpectedly, this man actually came, and he defended Young Master Qianzui without saying a word.

I heard that the Lord of War God never meddles in other people's business, but this scene makes people have a lot of suspicions.

Among these people, most of them were afraid of Lou Sijin, but Helian Yixiu didn't have the slightest emotional change.

For him, this is just an opponent worthy of respect, not enough to make him feel intimidated.

However, Lou Sijin defended Young Master Qianzui as soon as he came, which made him a little curious.

It seems that Lou Sijin has changed a lot during this period of time.

Helian Yixiu looked at Lou Sijin quietly.

Oh, but don't have any weaknesses.

For Helian Yixiu, if a person wants to be truly strong, he should not have any weakness or weakness.

If there is, then this person is no longer worthy of being called a strong man, let alone be regarded as an opponent by him.

Hua Jiujiu was also a little surprised when he saw Lou Sijin.

Because based on the time stated in the last letter, Lou Sijin should arrive in two days.

Ah, it feels so good to have my own man backing me up!

Hua Jiujiu's eyes were shining with starlight, so dazzling that Helian Yixiu had to notice.

He looked at Hua Jiujiu and Lou Sijin strangely.

I heard that Lou Sijin has never had a woman by her side, could it be...


Although Helian Yixiu found it interesting, his paralyzed face still showed no emotion.

The city lord held back the blood that was about to spurt from his chest, and saluted Lou Sijin respectfully.

"My minister has seen the Lord of War God."

Lou Sijin looked at him indifferently.

The city lord immediately explained what happened just now, and then added: "I don't have any other intentions, I just want to solve this matter as soon as possible."

Without saying a word, Lou Sijin sent the city lord flying with his palm.

Everyone was dumbfounded, what kind of operation is this.

"Young Master Qianzui is a miracle doctor handpicked by the emperor, and also the king's lifesaver." You are the only one who can cooperate with her?
Everyone was taken aback.

They knew about the emperor's reward for Young Master Qianzui, and knew that it had something to do with Lou Sijin, but they never thought that Young Master Qianzui was also Lou Sijin's lifesaver.

(End of this chapter)

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