Chapter 499 The Driven Hidden Family
Yu Miao'ai also had some doubts.

Seeing this, Hua Jiujiu walked over to feel Tao Zi's pulse.

This pulse showed that the poison was fading, so it was only a matter of time before the poison in her body was completely cleared.

In this way, Hua Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the direction of their research is completely correct.

Yu Yu also went over to check the pulse, and finally confirmed: "It will probably return to normal in two or three days."

Hua Jiujiu nodded in approval.

It seems that the sudden waking up and biting just now was just a reaction to the medicine.

"Although her poison is being detoxified, you can't let her bite you." Otherwise, you will still be infected.

An unnatural look flashed across Yu Miao'ai's face.

He knew a long time ago that he couldn't be bitten, but just now, Taozi didn't mean to bite at all, instead it was like a kiss between a couple, so he didn't push it away for a while, which made him feel so embarrassed.

"She may wake up a few more times in the future, don't tie her up, take care of her." Hua Jiujiu glanced at Yu Miao'ai meaningfully.

Yu Miao said alertly, "Why are you going?"

"Of course I'm sleeping. I'm a sick patient, so I don't have the energy to guard the patient." Hua Jiujiu yawned as he spoke.

Knowing that Taozi would be fine, Hua Jiujiu went to sleep in peace.

Yu Miao'an's face immediately sank, "I haven't slept for several days." He didn't stay, what if he was eaten tofu again?
Hua Jiujiu glanced at him leisurely.

In the end who is taking advantage, don't know what is good or bad.

Yu Miao'an was a little heartbroken.

How can this person think so dirty of him, it's really heartbreaking.

Hua Jiujiu rolled her eyes, turned around and left with Lou Sijin.

Yu Miao looked at their backs and mouthed the fragrance, but Lou Sijin seemed to have eyes behind her back, turned her head and gave him a cold warning, which made him close his mouth tightly in fright.

After Hua Jiujiu and Lou Sijin went out, he said with interest: "Ah Jin, why do I feel that these two people are having fun?"

Lou Sijin didn't answer.

He doesn't know if there is a drama or not, but the entanglement between them started a long time ago, and I'm afraid it won't be cleared up so quickly.

"I hope that after this incident, they can all let go of the knot in their hearts." Only in this way can they go further.

Lou Sijin rubbed Hua Jiujiu's hair helplessly.

My little girl always thinks of others, when can she think more of herself.

Hua Jiujiu turned her head and looked into Lou Sijin's affectionate eyes, feeling warm and sweet in her heart.

"What have you gained recently?"

During this period of time, Lou Sijin had been leaving early and returning late. I'm afraid the matter of investigation is not simple.

"Mmm." Lou Sijin's expression was a little serious.

"What's wrong? Is it complicated?" It's rare to see Lou Sijin showing such an expression.

"There are a lot of things involved." Although Lou Sijin had guessed a long time ago, he never expected such a result.

Hua Jiujiu thought about it, brought Lou Sijin into the space, and made tea for Lou Sijin while listening to him.

"Do you know the Hidden World Family?" Lou Sijin asked first.

"I've heard of it." Hua Jiujiu was a little surprised, how could he have anything to do with the Hermit Family.

The reason why the hidden world family is called the hidden world family is because they have long since stopped asking about worldly affairs.

That is to say, put away the heart of fame and fortune and hide from the outside world.

That's what he said, but what Hua Jiujiu thought was, how could everyone in such a huge family be able to accept fame and fortune?
Moreover, without fame and fortune, how could it be possible to raise such a huge family?
So, it's just for others to hear.

"You mean, the Hermit Family is already ready to move?" Hua Jiujiu could only guess like this.

Otherwise, she really couldn't think of anything else.

"Hmm." Lou Sijin had to admit that Hua Jiujiu was really smart, he could always guess things at the first time, and they were all right.

"There are quite a few hidden families." Hua Jiujiu was thinking, how many hidden families are ready to move?

If there are many, I am afraid it will be difficult to handle.

"Lintian Auction House has many hidden families participating, and they have been confusing the public, so that people have not been able to find out the real details." Lou Sijin said helplessly.

Huajiujiu knew this would happen.

That's right, how could such a large Lintian Auction House have survived for so long if not for the participation of various forces.

You know, the things auctioned in Lintian Auction House are not ordinary things.

"What purpose do they have?" Could it be that they are used to living a life of seclusion and want to come back out of the rivers and lakes?

It seems that it is not just that simple.

"These hidden families existed before the emergence of the Baili Dynasty, and their influence at that time was even feared by the royal family, but they had to hide from the world because of Baili Ji Yue's drive away." Lou Sijin Guess, there may be some agreement between them.

However, this is not important, what is important is that people want to be born again.

"Maybe he wants to restore his heyday." Lou Sijin was not sure either.

After being driven away, no one knows where they ended up.

Hua Jiujiu pondered for a moment and asked: "Have you found their foothold?" I'm afraid it's not that easy.

Sure enough, Lou Sijin shook his head.

Not to mention guessing, there is no clue at all.

Hua Jiujiu felt a little bit stuck, and it really wasn't that easy.

Nowadays, those members of the hermit family have been hiding in the dark, and they are very passive towards them.

Therefore, they must take the initiative to attack.

"Ajin, did you get the invitation?" Hua Jiujiu asked suddenly.

"Well, I got it." Lou Sijin knew that Huajiujiu's identity as Qianzui's son hadn't been taken yet.

It stands to reason that with her status, she should be able to obtain the influence.

If not, I don't know what the Lintian Auction House is planning.

"I don't know what idea Lintian Auction House has, but I want to take the initiative." Hua Jiujiu had a plan in mind.

"No, it's too dangerous." Lou Sijin would never allow Hua Jiujiu to do dangerous things.

"I haven't even said it yet." Hua Jiujiu said helplessly.

"It's about the Hermit Family, I can't let you take any risks." Lou Sijin said in a non-negotiable manner.

"Ajin, listen to me."

Lou Sijin said that she didn't want to hear it.

Every time I listened to Hua Jiujiu, I finally agreed softly.

"A Jin." Hua Jiujiu had to shout again.

Lou Sijin pursed her lips, apparently still disagreeing.

"Don't forget, I have two identities. If there is a problem with one identity, I can completely appear as another." Hua Jiujiu felt that his plan was very good, and he could definitely consider it.

No one is more suitable than her.

(End of this chapter)

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