Chapter 510 is actually in English

Hua Jiujiu doesn't know these things, she is locked in the study right now, reading the scroll that Bai Key gave her.

The scroll is a bit old, obviously it has not been around for a short time, and it is still sealed.

There is also a secret word written on the seal.

It is conceivable how important the content here is.

Hua Jiujiu was thinking, should he wait for Lou Sijin to come and watch together?

"Miss, Helian Yixiu sent someone to deliver a letter." At this moment, Jin Xue's voice sounded from outside.

Hua Jiujiu put the scroll on the table, "Come in." Helian Yixiu kept his word.

Jin Xue handed the envelope to Huajiu and went out.

Hua Jiujiu opened the envelope, there was not much content and not much useful information.

It seems that Tomorrow's Auction House is very cautious, and most people don't know too much inside news.

However, knowing the news about the internal structure of this auction house is also of great benefit to them.

Huajiujiu doesn't dislike the lack of news at all.

Just as she was about to pick up the scroll again, Lou Sijin came back.

Just right, we can watch together.

Lou Sijin was not in a hurry to read the scroll, but listened to Hua Jiujiu's talk about what happened today.

He rushed back because he heard that Huajiujiu had entered Diting Pavilion again.

Lou Sijin was silent for a moment after listening to Hua Jiujiu talk about what happened today.

"It really is a priest." After being described by Hua Jiujiu in this way, Lou Sijin was completely sure.

But, he was thinking, who is the priest in the capital now?
Not everyone can pretend to be a priest.

Also, does he know about Huajiujiu, and will it pose any threat to her?
"There will always be an answer." Hua Jiujiu persuaded.

Although she had been thinking about it just now, she had to admit that they couldn't figure it out even after thinking about it, so it's better to let it be, and one day they will know the answer.

"Yes." Lou Sijin felt that when should she meet him.

"Look at this first." Hua Jiujiu raised the scroll in his hand.

Lou Sijin nodded.

Hua Jiujiu carefully unwrapped the scroll.

This scroll is a bit old, if she is not careful, it may be destroyed.

After opening the scroll bit by bit, Hua Jiujiu's expectant eyes suddenly turned into an angry look.

"Are you kidding me?"

It turned out to be a blank scroll!

"Let me see." Lou Sijin took the scroll and read it.

Finally, I took a candle and put it on it to bake.

Hua Jiujiu raised an eyebrow, is this being hidden?As for being so cautious and mysterious?

Not long after, some words appeared on the scroll.

After baking all the characters, Lou Sijin looked at the characters with a serious face.

"Hiss." Hua Jiujiu involuntarily said.

"Do you know this character?" Lou Sijin looked at Huajiujiu.

"Of course I know it." Hua Jiujiu looked puzzled, she couldn't figure out why it was written in this way.

No wonder Bai Key didn't hesitate to give her the scroll, because he thought that even if she took it, she wouldn't be able to understand it?
If this is the case, then he is very wrong. She not only understands it, but is also very familiar with it.

Anyone who has passed IELTS.

Lou Sijin quietly waited for Hua Jiujiu to explain.

"This is English, an overseas language." Hua Jiujiu hadn't read English for a long time, and he couldn't calm down for a while.

So I picked it up and looked at it roughly, and then translated it carefully.

"The Lintian Auction House is indeed run by the Hermit Family, and it has existed a hundred years ago, but it has always focused on everyone's attention. As for their base, it is overseas, and the language they circulate is English, so It took so long for people to find nothing." Hua Jiujiu first gave an overview.


No wonder it was never found.

As for the fact that it has existed for a hundred years, Lou Sijin was a little surprised.

I didn't expect them to be able to hide it so well.

"It also said that as early as a hundred years ago, they had already made poisonous people, and almost caused a disaster, but in the end they were all eliminated by Baili Jiyue, and finally drove them out of the Baili Dynasty." Huajiu Liquor didn't expect that poisonous people existed a hundred years ago, but no one knew why such a serious matter happened.

Baili Ji Yue was able to get rid of this poison, she must rely on the spiritual spring.

When Lou Sijin thought of Huajiujiu's plan to use Lingquan to make medicine to participate in the auction, she immediately felt some opposition and worry.

If they find out, they will definitely be regarded as a thorn in the side.

No one hopes that the past will happen again, so everything will be killed in the cradle.

"The Hidden World Family wants to make a comeback." Hua Jiujiu looked serious.

I don't know when they plan to make a comeback, but it will definitely not be long before they look back. They must be prepared, otherwise what happened a hundred years ago may happen again.

"You don't need to participate in the auction." Now that you know so many details, there is no need to take any more risks.

"No, although this scroll allows us to understand the Lintian Auction House, it is only an understanding of the past. We have no idea what it is now." What's more, Huajiujiu still needs to enter Inside, see if you can find the antidote for the poisonous person.

Even if it wasn't an antidote, at least it would allow me to understand the poisonous person better.

It's strange to say that Baili Jiyue didn't put books about poisonous people in the space. It stands to reason that she should have experienced such a thing, so she would be included in it.

Lou Sijin looked at Huajiujiu, who was determined to help, and sighed helplessly. He knew he would answer like this, which made him look very useless.

"Ajin, I can't help you much." She didn't want to make herself look so useless.

Apart from investigating the news and finding the antidote for the poisonous person, she seems to have nothing else to help her, everything still depends on Lou Sijin herself.

"You've helped enough." So much that he felt like he hadn't done anything, how could that not be enough?
"Where is it? We are working in a division of labor." Hua Jiujiu didn't feel that she was of much help, she was always busy doing her own things.

Lou Sijin rubbed Hua Jiujiu's hair, this little woman is always so sensible.

It made him feel extremely distressed.

"Diting Pavilion is still too stingy." After reading the scroll, Hua Jiujiu sighed faintly.

These news are still not enough.

Although, it is also difficult for them to investigate outside.

"It's enough." At least Lou Sijin is not so passive anymore, he can even take the initiative to attack.

He will definitely not let Lintian Auction House achieve its goal!

(End of this chapter)

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