Chapter 526 Special Treatment
Not to mention that everyone thinks so, Taozi really thinks for a moment that these two people really look like a good match.

Everyone is standing on CP, and someone is upset.

The air pressure on Lou Sijin's body suddenly dropped, making it difficult for everyone around him to breathe.

In the end, some people couldn't bear it and passed out.

This naturally attracted the attention of Lintian Auction House, and a small commotion was inevitable.

However, it was also because of this that everyone present came back to their senses.

Lou Sijin snorted coldly in her heart.

Hua Jiujiu didn't know about Lou Sijin's little actions, even if he really knew, he would be stupefied, what happened, why did he suddenly lose his temper, it wasn't Hua Jiujiu's sudden decline in EQ, it was her She really didn't think about Bai Shanya in that direction.

Bai Shanya is such a smart person, she glanced at Lou Sijin and Hua Jiujiu suspiciously.

It always felt like there was something she didn't know.

However, now is not the time to think about these things, Bai Shanya restrained her emotions and said, "Please, my lord."

Obviously, he wanted to bring Huajiu upstairs himself.

Such treatment is really envious of others.

Hua Jiujiu thought that she might have something to tell him, so he didn't think too much about it, and followed everyone up with envy and hatred.

Soon to the exclusive box, not to mention, this box is really not so good.

If ancient restaurants were also given a star rating, this private room would definitely qualify as a seven-star hotel.

The facilities inside are really everything.

"Young Master's two items are placed in the middle and the last two positions for auction, Young Master, do you think it is feasible?" Bai Shanya saw that she was quite satisfied with the box, so she opened her mouth and said.

"Yeah." Hua Jiujiu was a little surprised, he didn't expect that one of them was left at the end as the bottom of the box.

It seems that my own things are indeed very precious, much more precious than the things auctioned today.

Hua Jiujiu couldn't help thinking, did he take too much?

No wonder Bai Shanya is so enthusiastic about herself.

"My lord, if there is anything else you need, feel free to bring it up." Bai Shanya left a sentence before leaving.

"Thank you, Miss Bai." Huajiu thanked her.

Bai Shanya nodded gently, then turned and left.

Hua Jiujiu just wants to say, this woman is really fairy-like~
However, after appreciating it, he turned around and saw Taozi staring at him strangely, and asked in puzzlement, "Why do you keep staring at me?"

"It's nothing." Young Master Qianzui is indeed very attractive, if he didn't know her true identity, he might have fallen into it.

"Why do I always feel like I'm seeing the female version of the priest?" Yu Miao stroked her chin thoughtfully.

Apparently, he didn't notice Bai Shanya's different emotions towards Huajiujiu, so he probably paid attention to it.

Hua Jiujiu raised her eyebrows, she really looked alike.

However, it is not all like, the breath is still very different.

Lan Jinyuan was too indifferent, so indifferent that he had no human breath at all.

"However, you actually auctioned off both kinds of elixirs." Yu Miao looked at Hua Jiujiu in disbelief.

Did she know that this would cause a great commotion.

"I thought there was nothing wrong with it." Hua Jiujiu shrugged.

Yu Miao'ai couldn't help rolling her eyes, thinking there was nothing wrong?
Could it be that his previous shock was fake?

But people are really more popular than people!
"Forget it, forget it, you've already handed it over, just wait, you'll have to be busy enough to take off." After all, there will be countless dignitaries begging for pills on her head.

It can increase lifespan and keep yourself young and beautiful forever, who wouldn't like it?

It's just that Yu Miao'an is so sour.

It took me so many years to get to where I am today.

However, Huajiujiu directly soared into the sky!

Can't compare, if you compare, you can really kill people.

Yu Miao'ai quickly calmed down.

"My lord, there are so many toys here." Hua Youyou's voice led them all over.

When Hua Jiujiu looked at it, he saw the intelligence button.

"There are several more than that day, so I have to explain it properly." Taozi's face was full of interest.

Yu Miao'ai had some curious questions,

As a result, Taozi snorted disdainfully, "You definitely can't."

Say he can't?

How can you bear it?

The two became serious immediately.

It seems childish.

Naturally, Hua Youyou and Jin Qiyao also joined in.

Only Leng Xiye walked to the window and looked down at the dense crowd.

Hua Jiujiu blinked his eyes slightly, and also walked over, "What did you find?"

Leng Xiye knew that Huajiujiu would definitely not be messing around like them, and she must always pay attention to these things.

"Lintian Auction House seems to be interested in many people." Leng Xiye covered his mouth and said in a low voice.

After all, this is the site of Lintian Auction House, so you should be more careful when speaking.

Hua Jiujiu frowned and looked down.

After a long time, the abnormality was discovered.

The people of Lintian Auction House, who were satisfied with the people who came in, made small notes.

Hua Jiujiu took a deep look at Leng Xiye.

If I hadn't paid special attention to it, I'm afraid I wouldn't have noticed such a subtle movement.

This Leng Xiye's observation and insight are really amazing.

Hua Jiujiu put away this thought and continued to stare at the crowd.

She couldn't figure it out, why did Lintian Auction House want to be noticed here?
Isn't this kind of thing already marked in secret?
Why do you have to mark it on the spot.

Do you feel that you are hiding well enough that you are not afraid of being discovered?
If this is the case, it would be too conceited.

"What do these people have in common?" Hua Jiujiu lowered her voice extremely low.

"My lord, there are people in Lintian Auction House who can understand lip language." Leng Xiye covered his mouth and said in a low voice.

Hua Jiujiu took a deep look at Leng Xiye.

This young man was really beyond her expectations.

Hua Jiujiu turned to look at Leng Xiye, "Say it."

A hint of surprise appeared in Leng Xiye's eyes.


I didn't expect her to have such a skill, so I'm not afraid that people from Lintian Auction House will read it out.

Leng Xiye hesitated for a while and said, "They are all families that have successfully trained from the Lintian Auction House."

He could only think of this connection point.

As soon as Hua Jiujiu heard it, he knew that Leng Xiye also knew about the list.

It seems that Leng Xiye's strength should not be underestimated.

With this ability, she couldn't help but want to win him over.

As Leng Xiye said, Hua Jiujiu took a closer look, and it seemed to be true.

She couldn't help thinking, what else does Lintian Auction House need people from the same force?

Is it not enough for a power to have only one person?
(End of this chapter)

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