Chapter 546 Too Excited
Yaoyao saw that everyone's atmosphere had reached a high point, but she still had no intention of stopping.

"Which master is the most sincere today, Yaoyao will go to that master's room and dance a dance that Yaoyao just choreographed for him alone, okay?" Yaoyao's words and deeds are full of temptation.

A solo dance, or a rearranged dance.

The last dance was newly choreographed by Yaoyao, and it just made people's brains bloodshot. Those dances are probably even more exciting than the last one.

Everyone was so excited that they wanted to cut out their hearts and let Yaoyao see how sincere they really are.

"Everyone, the first auction house in the afternoon has started, and Yaoyao will always watch you all."

The people present were so excited that they wanted to rush forward.

As a woman, Hua Jiujiu was a little excited.

"Jinyue, do you think Yaomei is better than her?" Hua Jiujiu suddenly thought of Yaomei.

I don't know how she is developing in the capital.

After so long, she never sent a letter asking for help, but only a letter of peace that everything was fine.

I don't know what's going on.

This woman is too strong, and she has always reported good news but not bad news.

Otherwise, how can there be no difficulties when a new force has just been created?

"More enchanting." Jin Yue said with certainty.

What Meigu Tiancheng was talking about was a demon, especially with the manjushahua tattooed on her by the young lady, making her look like a real demon.

It's just that she is not like Yaoyao, who can catch a man's heart.

Yaomei still needs more experience.

"I think so too." Hua Jiujiu curled her lips, she always believed in her own eyesight.

"Afterwards, you go to the capital to see if she needs help." This can be regarded as punishment for Jinyue.

Jinyue really didn't want to leave Hua Jiujiu's side, but she also knew that she had angered Hua Jiujiu several times, so she only punished herself now, which was not a punishment, which was already a great tolerance.

"Yes." No matter where she goes, she must do her best, and she will never disappoint the young lady.

Hua Jiujiu has always been very reassuring about Jinyue, so let her go to the capital to help for a period of time without worrying at all.

The people Lou Sijin cultivated never disappoint.

Hua Jiujiu put away these thoughts and looked at the first auction item below.

A woman stands in the center holding a plate covered with a red cloth.

Yaoyao is mysteriously introducing this thing.

"Do you want to find out how many more years you can live at the moment when you die?"

"Do you want to watch the beautiful sunrise and sunset for a few more years at the end of your life?"

"Would you like to have more time to make up for when you hate that you don't have enough time?"

"Do you want to spend more time with the woman you love the most?"

"Do you want to enjoy the wealth and honor in the world for a while longer?"

Five thoughts in a row made the people present feel passionate.

When Huajiujiu was mentioned, I really wanted to shout and think about it.

This woman really knows how to grasp the weakness of people's hearts. It's no wonder that she is able to preside over the auction every year and is so valued by Lintian Auction House.

"Tell me, do you want to?" Yaoyao shouted again.

"Think! Think! Think! Think! Think!" Overwhelmingly, they wanted to shout out all their inner desires.

"This woman is too good at it." Yu Miao'ai was a little stunned, although he knew that the Zengshou Pill would make people crazy, but he didn't expect everyone to go crazy like this before showing the Zengshou Pill up.

Then when they know that Zengshou Pill has no side effects and allows them to live for several years, wouldn't they die on the spot in excitement?

"The first auction item is indeed your longevity pill." Tao Zi had already guessed this before.

"I don't know whether to auction them all at once, or separately?" Hua Jiujiu touched his chin and said.

After all, this life-enhancing pill can only be stacked three times. Although it is useful to stack it later, it is definitely not very useful. It can be said that it is a waste.

"It must be divided into three times." And, the price of one auction will be higher than that of one auction.

Leng Xiye looked determined.

Hua Jiujiu showed a pleasant smile, isn't that just right?
Can't the money you get be higher?
Everyone below is looking at Yaoyao expectantly. What is it that can add a few years to their life span? How many years of life!

Unless it is the legendary Zengshou Pill.

But how is this possible?

That's a legend!

"This is the longevity pill. Taking one pill can increase your lifespan by three years, and you can add up to three pills, which means you can increase your lifespan by nine years. There are three longevity pills in total."

Yaoyao saw that everyone's emotions had reached the highest level, so she lifted the red cloth.

A small bottle of medicinal pills was placed on the tray.

Everyone stared at the bottle of elixir so hard that their eyes almost popped out.

Did they hear correctly, Zengshou Pill? !

It turned out to be Zengshou Pill!

How could it be Zengshou Pill!
All of a sudden, the forces of all parties were shocked, and they must be taken down!
They have no doubts about the authenticity of this Zengshou Pill. It is produced by Lintian Auction House, and there has never been a fake one. It is absolutely reassuring.

"Young master, it is the Zengshou Pill!"

Bai Yao looked at the bottle of pill in disbelief, and said to Lan Jinyuan excitedly.

Zengshou Dan!
Zengshou Pill that can increase lifespan by nine years!

This is the best thing for their pavilion master!

Take it!

Must be photographed!

Even if it goes bankrupt!

When Lan Jinyuan heard about Zengshou Dan, he was also slightly taken aback, and then looked in the direction of Huajiujiu.

Because he didn't lift the curtain, Hua Jiujiu didn't know.

At this moment, Lan Jinyuan's eyes were full of complexities.

As expected, her destiny is her, but she is also Jie...

A voice sounded from below again, "The starting price is 1000 million taels!"

Yaoyao's rose-like lips moved slightly, and spit out a few words gently.

Everyone present went crazy and began to bid desperately.

When Hua Jiujiu heard the starting price, she almost gasped.

"So high?" Even the transaction price of many auction items.

Will someone shoot it?
Tao Zi and the others looked at Hua Jiu Jiu with disgust, "Do you know how unnatural this Zeng Shou Pill is?"

"I know."

"No, you don't know."

Otherwise, why do you still feel high!

Huajiujiu was ashamed.

She actually thinks it's okay, especially after she knows how to refine it, she feels that refining it is very simple?
Even, you can improve it yourself.

Tao Zi looked greatly irritated.

Sure enough, people are better than others, so mad!
This woman, don't go against the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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