Chapter 548
Hua Jiujiu's palms were itchy from being licked, and he couldn't concentrate anymore.

Helpless, she had no choice but to take out another bottle of pills and feed them to the dumplings one by one.

Yu Miao'an on the side looked at that distressed.

These are all at the level of elixir, and they are all fed to this snack!
They haven't benefited from this little guy, yet they lost so many good things, so don't be too worried.

Now that the dumplings have something to eat, they don't want to make a fuss anymore, and it's fun to eat it in her palm.

Knowing that there were not many pills, Duanzi didn't swallow them all at once, but hugged the pills and curled up in Huajiujiu's arms.Licking and licking like a jelly bean, it looks extremely cute.

Fortunately, the elixir taken by Huajiujiu is not bitter, otherwise Tuanzi would definitely dislike it.

Hua Jiujiu saw that the dumpling had stopped making trouble, and continued to look down.

Yaoyao was still playing up the atmosphere there.

In her words, Hua Jiujiu vaguely guessed what was in the cage, and a hint of disgust appeared in those eyes.

Until the red cloth on the cage was lifted, the disgust in the eyes was undisguised.

Inside the huge cage, curled up was a man who didn't wear much clothes.

And the man's neck was tied with a dog leash.

He lowered his head, and those three thousand overly beautiful blue hairs fell to the ground, blocking his unknowing face and trembling snow-white body.

"Tsk, when did Lintian Auction House start selling human teeth?" Tao Zi also had a disgusted face.

Because she thought of her brother, he was locked in a cage and treated viciously by those people.

If it wasn't for a coincidence, I don't know what my brother will end up with.

Thinking of this, Tao Zi couldn't stop being angry.

Thinking that his brother was persecuted by Lintian Auction House, he became even more angry.

Hua Jiujiu had no interest in this at all, just when he was about to look away.

The man was intimidated and raised his head, revealing that face that was astonished.

Everyone present took a deep breath.

How could there be such a good-looking man in this world!
It's not too much compared to a woman.

He is even more alluring than Yaoyao, no one would believe him if he was said to be a monster transformed.

Because, the blood mole in front of his eyes, like the bright red blood, seems to have magical powers, able to inhale people's souls into it, and make you willingly hand over your soul for him, become his slave, and let him drive you.

For some reason, Hua Jiujiu felt that the blood mole was marked by someone.

It was as if he had owed a debt in the previous life and wanted to pay it back in this life, but was afraid that he would not be found, so he put a tear mole under his eyes so that he could find it and make it up.

Hua Jiujiu was shocked by his sudden thought.

Why do you have this idea?

It's obviously just an ordinary mole of tears, so how can there be so many delusional thoughts!
"It's amazing!" Tao Zi couldn't help but praise.

No wonder Lintian Auction House dares to put it up for auction, it is simply unique in the world.

"What's wrong, a man who looks like this doesn't feel ashamed." Yu Miao's tone was a little sour.

He didn't expect that there would be such a coquettish man in this world, and even he would be willing to bow down.

Taozi rolled her eyes, "Unlike some people, they don't even have the chance to lose face."

Yu Miao had black lines on his face.

Tao Zi didn't pay attention to him, just lay there and continued to admire the man's peerless face.

Although she somewhat disliked this behavior of Lintian Auction House, it didn't affect her looking at this person.

"Azui, do you want to take a picture of him?" In this way, I can watch it every day.

Of course, the main thing is that if other people take it away, I'm afraid his fate will be very miserable.

After all, not everyone is as kind-hearted as Hua Jiujiu.

It is really a blessing for Sansheng to meet her.

"What did I photograph him for?" Take it back as a vase?

"I think it's pretty good to be a vase. Think about it, if you put it in your shop, the business of the shop will not be booming?" Tao Zi nodded approvingly.


It's really a vase.

Still, sure it's the vase and not what's the trouble?
It is said that women who are too beautiful will always encounter troubles, even if they are born as men.

"you can."

"Forget it, I'm afraid of nosebleeds every day." Tao Zi waved her hand.

Yu Miao's eyes widened, what is nosebleed every day, how could she be such a rascal.

Hua Jiujiu couldn't help but smile bitterly, and when the people below began to shout prices, he looked over again.

They were all bids by a group of perverted people.

If this person falls into the hands of those people, I'm afraid he will be severely ruined.

However, there is no waste around me.

Especially the price of this person is not low.

Hua Jiujiu was a little tangled, and then stared at him so hard that the man couldn't ignore it.

Then he raised his double dan phoenix eyes and looked at Hua Jiujiu.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of being electrocuted.

Hua Jiujiu paused for a while along the hand of Tuanzi's fur, and she couldn't help coughing lightly.

Why... look at her like this!
It's like she abandoned him?

When did I do such a crazy thing? I really expressed it casually!
Ah, those eyes are so innocent, so pitiful, so beautiful, I feel like I can't stand it anymore.

Hua Jiujiu tried her best to calm down, but her face actually turned a little red.

She wanted to look away, but the man seemed to be aware of her intentions, and followed her gaze all the time, obviously with an attitude that he must rely on her.


Hua Jiujiu looked down at the scum-filled dumpling he was eating.

Tuanzi, are you sure this person is not your relative?
Why do they look so similar?Especially that wet feeling!

Tuanzi looked up in confusion, what's wrong with the master, what kind of eyes are there.

Hua Jiujiu closed his eyes, and calmly continued to look at the pair of pitiful eyes asking for help.

She only felt one word.


There is no feeling of coercion, some are obediently waiting for the owner to buy him.

Are you so confident that she will make a move?
Huajiujiu was a little ashamed.

Why are they all staring at her?

Moreover, she obviously pulled down the curtain, so people outside could not see her, but why are they all aiming so accurately?
The competition below is a bit fierce, but most of them are people below the high-end boxes.

After all, for them, it is still a loss of identity.

Of course, some people didn't care, and some felt that no one knew who made the bid.

For example, there were people shouting prices for the boxes in Yuchi Mo City.

(End of this chapter)

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