Chapter 577 Yaosu is a traitor?
Hua Jiujiu felt his back go cold, and always felt that this person was scheming something.

"Pavilion Master be careful." Yao Su suddenly swooped down, blocking a hidden arrow that was aimed at Lan Jinyuan.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spewed out, staining Lan Jinyuan's fair hands and the holy zither red.

"Zheng!" The strings broke.

Lan Jinyuan's calm eyes also showed some emotion at this moment. He stared at the blood, his body tensed up, as if he was holding back something.

"Pavilion Master, you!" Bai Yao didn't feel pity for Yaosu's injury, but pushed him away, and quickly wiped the blood on the back of Lan Jinyuan's hand.

After wiping it clean, Lan Jinyuan's mood stabilized, as if the scene just now was an illusion.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Lan Jinyuan suspiciously.

Sick of blood?or something else?
"Yaosu, who are you!" You actually knew the weakness of their pavilion master, and then broke the strings!
Once the strings were broken, their Pavilion Master couldn't play anymore.

"Ahem, I... I'm just a slave, ahem..." Yaosu's face was full of horror, with blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, she looked very weak.

Hua Jiujiu couldn't understand the scene.

Didn't Yaosu save Lan Jinyuan? But, why is Bai Yao blaming him?

"Your martial arts are not weaker than mine, and you can completely blow this hidden weapon away, but you actually use your body to block it and take the opportunity to destroy the strings. You are from Lintian Auction House, and your purpose is to stop the pavilion master!" Bai Bai Key said with a cold face.

Huajiujiu immediately understood that there was indeed something wrong with this Yaosu.

A martial arts master pretends to be a weak person, which makes people doubt his purpose.

Compared with Yaosu, Huajiujiuhui is more willing to believe in Bai Yao. Although this person is a bit annoying, he is still open-minded and sincere in protecting the Lord.

Yaosu seemed to know that she couldn't pretend anymore, she evoked a wicked smile, and stood up from the ground.

Without changing his face, he pulled out the hidden arrow on his body, and let the blood gushing out from the wound.

Lou Sijin had already dealt with the two strong men, now she protected Huajiujiu behind her, and looked at Yaosu with murderous intent. Huajiujiu almost took this person at the last auction.

If it wasn't for Lan Jinyuan's sudden intervention, Huajiujiu would be the one who was plotted against today.

Damn everyone who wants to hurt Huajiujiu!
"Don't look at me like this. I'm a good person, and I saved the pavilion master's life. Whether it's blocking the hidden weapon for the pavilion master, or preventing him from continuing to play the piano, if the pavilion master continues to play like this, there will be no incense sticks. He must die unexpectedly." Yao Su said with an innocent face.

Everyone's complexion changed, and within the time of a stick of incense?
It hurt so much!

However, looking at Lan Jinyuan's appearance, it seems that he already knew it. It seems that he is really bearish on life and death.

Bai Yao felt sorry for the Pavilion Master, but it didn't mean Yaosu's betrayal. With a cold face, he pointed his long sword at him, "Who are you!"

"I'm just a boring person." Yaosu showed a meaningless smile.

However, from Hua Jiujiu's point of view, this smile is somewhat world-weary.

His mentality seems to be broken, he wants to take revenge on this world!
Huajiujiu, who has a little research on psychology, quickly saw what was tricky.

Yao Su must have experienced some inhumane things, so she has such a mentality on the verge of madness.

Hua Jiujiu glanced around, and suddenly made a bold guess, "Are these poisonous people under your control?"

Everyone looked at Yaosu in disbelief, could it really be controlled by him?

Bai Yao didn't believe it even more, because these days, Yao Su has been with them all the time, how did he control those poisonous people? !

Yao Su looked at Hua Jiujiu, "You are very smart." In fact, he could deny it, because this person's tone was just a test, and they actually had no evidence.

However, hiding like this all the time seems a bit boring. It's better to say it out and look at their wonderful expressions. However, they seem to be a little lost, and they are not much shocked.

Murderous aura surged from several people, obviously wanting to kill Yaosu.

"If you kill me, these poisonous people will lose control, and they will be several times more vicious than before." Yao Su was not nervous at all.

The current poisonous people are already cruel enough, if they are more cruel, how can they survive?

"Why did you do that?" Hua Jiujiu stared at his somewhat complicated eyes.

"That's a good question." Yao Su squinted her eyes, played with a strand of black hair on her chest, and whispered, "It's boring."

"If you want to die, don't drag everyone to be buried with you!" Hua Jiujiu shouted coldly.

"Dead? So I want to die? You idiot!" Yaosu snorted disdainfully.


Such a person is usually transformed into a second personality.

Looking at his current appearance, and thinking about his appearance at the auction, it seems that he is two completely different people.

Thinking about it this way, what he said and what he did seemed to make sense.

"Dead? I don't want to die. There are so many interesting things, aren't there?" Yao Su's eyes were tinged with excitement.

How can it not be interesting, one by one struggling so desperately, it feels so comfortable to watch.

Except for Hua Jiujiu, no one else could understand this man, and always felt that his words were contradicting each other.

Finally, they came to a conclusion, this is a lunatic!
"There are many interesting things in this world, but you chose the most boring one." Hua Jiujiu said lightly.

"Boring? How could it be boring? How wonderful their expressions are!"

"It's not as exciting as your previous expression." Hua Jiujiu guessed that he must have experienced something.

Yaosu's face changed suddenly, and the whole person was in a state of madness.

The others were a little puzzled, so is Hua Jiujiu planning to stop this person by persuasion?
How could it be successful? This is an inhuman lunatic, so violence should be used!
With that in mind, Bai Key made a move.

It's too late for Hua Jiujiu to stop it, forget it, let's wait and see what happens.

She looked at Lan Jinyuan, "Leave the rest to us." Saving Ling Cheng is not something that can only be done by consuming his vitality.

Lan Jinyuan was taken aback.

He has been standing in front all along, but he doesn't want someone to stand in front of him one day.

"Before the rainstorm comes, end everything!" Hua Jiujiu looked up at the dark sky, and said a word softly.

This is a killing, not only the poisonous people, but also those who have turned traitor.

After the killing is over, there should be a heavy rain to wash away everything and give Lingcheng a brand new look!

After today, everything will change.

(End of this chapter)

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