Chapter 583
At the feet of the Son of Heaven, no depression or decline is allowed.

Therefore, wherever you can see, there are thriving and smiling scenes, as if this is a paradise on earth.

But what about the invisible?What kind of desolation and pain should it be?

Hua Jiujiu lowered the curtain of the carriage and looked at the two excited little guys in the carriage.

But hopefully they won't be dazzled by such a sight.

"Sister, can we go down and play?" Hua Xiaoxiao couldn't sit still, she saw a lot of interesting things outside.

Although many of them are not as good as their own toy stores, they are somewhat different.

Children, they are all fresh pictures.

Hua Jiujiu couldn't bear to refuse their request, so she got down from the carriage.

Taozi didn't have anything to do by herself, so she followed naturally. As for Yu Miao'an, she seemed to have something to do, so she left on her own.

Tao Zi looked at his back and snorted softly, "What else can he do, maybe he's going to meet his old friend."

Flower wine and wine can smell the sour taste in the air.

"Sister, what is an old friend?" Hua Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"Ahem, Xiaoxiao, do you want candied haws?" Hua Jiujiu pointed to the red candied haws not far away.

"Wow, I want to eat, I want to eat." The reason why Hua Xiaoxiao was so excited was because she was restricted from eating less sugar, so it was rare for her elder sister to take the initiative to buy her candied haws. Forget about the question just now.

Tao Zi also blushed, luckily she didn't ask any more questions, otherwise wouldn't she be a bad sister who spoiled the children?

What they didn't know was that Hua Yexu was silently thinking about what this old friend meant.

Well, include it in the dictionary, and look it up when the time comes.

Hua Jiujiu played with them for a long time. Finally, the two children couldn't stand it anymore. At noon, their eyelids kept fighting. After all, the two children were still young, and they would fall asleep after playing tired.

It was still a long way to go to the house in the capital, so Hua Jiujiu thought to go to the backyard of a nearby shop to live for a while, just as she still had some things to do.

Huajiujiu went to Yuyantang.

However, just as he was about to go in, he was blocked by an arrogant woman.

"No one else is allowed to enter here." Apparently it was a gatekeeper.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Jinxue, and Jinxue immediately turned cold, "When did Yuyantang have this regulation?"

"You are so poor, you still want to enter this kind of place, and you don't take a pee and look in the mirror."

The woman looked at their clothes with disgust. Of course, there was a hint of jealousy in her eyes. Why is this woman so poor, yet so temperamental, and so good-looking!
This kind of person is only worthy of staying in a place like a brothel, where men can ruthlessly ravage him!

The woman thought fiercely.

Seeing the jealousy and fierceness in her eyes, Hua Jiujiu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Jin Xue knew that the young lady was angry, and immediately said coldly: "Let your shopkeeper come out."

"Yo, you still want to see our shopkeeper, and you don't want to see if you are worthy." The woman didn't notice anything unusual, and said sarcastically.

Jin Xue was not used to her, so she slapped her across the face.

The woman looked at Jinxue in disbelief, "You dare to hit me, do you know who I am?"

Jinxue kicked over again.

The woman was kicked directly to the lobby inside, unable to stand up because of the pain.

Everyone in the room was stunned by this scene.

How long, how long has no one dared to make trouble here, and the two women outside are just making trouble like this?

You know, it was the princess princess who made trouble at the beginning, and she was severely repaired.

These two look like ordinary people, how dare they?
Is it because he is from the countryside that he is such a tiger?
"You guys are finished." The woman lay on the ground unable to get up, but her mouth could still move, and said gloatingly.

These two people must die, how dare they treat her like this!

Jinxue gave her a cold look, and the woman shut her mouth in fright.

"Who dares to make trouble in Yuyan Hall!" A serious voice came.

"Su Mo, you are really brave." Jin Xue's voice showed a trace of murderous intent.

Two years ago, Huajiujiu asked Su Mo to come to the capital to expand his power, but he didn't expect it to be so thoughtful.

Su Mo was startled when he heard this voice, and quickly came down from the stairs. When he saw Huajiujiu, his heart skipped a beat.

"Miss!" The tone was extremely excited and respectful.

The people around showed shocked expressions, Master Su Mo actually called this woman Miss? !
Could this lady be the one they knew? !

The woman lying on the ground had already turned pale with fright, wishing she could faint on the spot.

Hua Jiujiu looked at him lightly, with disappointment in his eyes.

I didn't expect him to manage power like this.

Su Mo panicked, glanced at the surrounding situation, and listened to the whispers around, and immediately understood what was going on, and said quickly: "I didn't control them well, please punish them."

Hua Jiujiu retracted the look in his eyes, Su Mo was still the same Su Mo, and had not changed.

"Miss, brother Su Mo can't be blamed for this incident. Brother Su Mo just came to inspect this place today." Suddenly, an anxious voice sounded.

Hua Jiujiu looked at the woman in front of her, only feeling a little familiar.

It took me a while to remember, isn't this the two brothers and sisters Tang Duoduo that I took in at the beginning?

Seeing her nervous appearance, she might have different emotions towards Su Mo.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Su Mo, "Get the punishment yourself." Although it wasn't directly caused by Su Mo, it was still due to his negligence in management.

Tang Duoduo still wanted to intercede, but was stopped by Su Mo, "Su Mo is willing to accept punishment."

Tang Duoduo had no choice but to keep her mouth shut. The lady has always been very kind to them and did not punish them lightly. This time, the incident may really make the lady angry.

That's right, after all, Miss hates this kind of bullying guy the most, and she doesn't know who recruited this guy, she must punish that guy!

Brother Su Mo has too many things to take care of, so it is inevitable that there will be omissions here. She must help Brother Su Mo well.

Hua Jiujiu didn't say anything else, but went upstairs with Hua Xiaoxiao in his arms, found a quiet box, let the two little guys sleep, and went to find Su Mo to find out the latest situation .

Although such an unpleasant incident happened, I have to admit that Su Mo's ability is still very good. At least the power in the capital is well controlled by him as a whole, and it is not much worse than Lingcheng. , if you give him a little more time, I believe it will be even better.

(End of this chapter)

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