
Chapter 217 Order

Chapter 217 Order (four thousand)
Everyone waited here for a while, waiting for the following army to arrive.

During this period, Huo Shan kept frowning and thinking about the plan, and the others remained silent.

Zongquan wanted to speak several times, but was stopped by Sun Shang.

Everyone waited for a long time, and the louder and louder hoofbeats gradually woke up Huo Shan. At this moment, he had a decision in his heart.

Huo Shan returned to the army, and Zong Quan followed them.

And after he entered the army, he never closed his jaw. He had never seen such an excellent army, even the Northern Army, which he thought was the best in the world, could not compare.

Is this the Habayashi Army that wiped out 20 Hun cavalry in World War I?
Huo Shan didn't pay attention to what he was thinking, of course, he didn't care either.

After returning to the army, Huo Shan began to give orders:
"The order was sent, the army spared no effort to march urgently, and arrived in Longxi on the evening of the [-]th."


After hearing this, the orderly began to go down to deliver the order.

No matter which plan you choose, it is inevitable for the army to speed up.

It is no problem to march to Longxi in two days.

It took only two days to march more than 200 miles a day, which was easy for the soldiers' horses.

To make them unbearable, it will take at least ten days and a half months. Not only the soldiers are the most elite soldiers of the big man, but the horses are also the most elite horses of the big man.

The tall horses are fat and strong.

However, the pack horses that pull the carts are probably exhausted.

"Little Li, prepare the imperial edict."


After Xiao Lizi was ready, Huo Shan climbed into a carriage, leaned on an armored box, and picked up a pen to write while bumping around.

After finishing one copy, Huo Shan took another blank edict and wrote it. After the two edicts were finished, Huo Shan handed them to Xiao Lizi for him to stamp.

Then Huo Shan stood up, turned his head to look left and right, and then saw Zhang Anshi not far away, Huo Shan shouted loudly:
"Zhang Anshi."

"The minister is here."

"Bring some warrants here."


After a while, Zhang Anshi came over with a few pieces of paper, on which the basic specifications had been drafted.

After thinking for a while, Huo Shan bent down and began to write. After writing eight warrants and two letters, he stopped, then handed them to Xiao Lizi, and took two stamped edicts from him.

Xiao Lizi stamped the eight warrants, Huo Shan took a look at the edict, and then waited quietly. After Xiao Lizi finished all the work, the two began to prepare the bamboo tubes.

Huo Shan put an edict into the bamboo tube, along with a warrant.

Another edict was placed with the four warrants, and the remaining three were placed separately.

Afterwards, Huo Shan took the sealing clay that Xiao Lizi had just prepared, sealed his mouth, and then stamped his own seal on it.

Zhang Anshi immediately came over with three torches, and Huo Shan put the two bamboo tubes by the fire and roasted them for a while. After they were almost dry, the edict preparations were completed.

Huo Tan took these things and jumped onto the horse, then turned his head and shouted:
"Sun Shang."

"The end is here."

Zhao Ponu who was next to him responded.

Huo Shan handed him the first bamboo tube, and then ordered:

"Immediately send scouts, let the vanguard speed up the march, let him send out the northern army scouts, and send this edict to the Longxi county guard in a hurry."

"The last general takes orders."

Sun Shang left to start the arrangement.

There is an edict and a warrant in this bamboo tube. The edict is written on Liu Che's edict to hand over everything in the fourteen counties to Huo Shan.

The handwriting said that the governor of Longxi County should prepare [-] pack horses and corresponding reins before the evening of the [-]th, and assemble them outside Longxi City.

There are also slaughtered sheep and cooked food, ready to eat for 6000 people, as well as food, grass, fine grains, water sources and other things for [-] World War II horses.

With the help of the post post on the marching route, the [-]-li rush sent by the Northern Army could reach the city of Longxi before dawn.

But Longxi City is a big city, food and other things are not a problem.

As for horses, Longxi County and Tianshui County are the land for raising horses, and there is a large stable not far from Longxi City, so it is not a problem.

Zhao Ponu went down to make arrangements, and Huo Shan turned his attention to Zong Quan in the distance:


Zongquan tightened the reins, and the horse under his crotch stopped for a while, and when he got next to Huo Shan, he gave another "drive" sound, and then cupped his hands:

Huo Shan threw another bamboo tube to Zongquan, Zongquan received it and put it in his own box, and then locked the lock.

"This is an edict. Send it back to the Huqiang station in eight hundred miles."


Zongquan was about to set off immediately after taking orders, and he was not a pedantic person. The northern army in front was now such a large army, in the hinterland of the Han Dynasty, and he was still the champion, so there was no need to doubt his identity.

If you can get a response from here, why go to Chang'an?

Huo Shan hurriedly stopped him:
"Hold on."

Zong Quan stopped immediately, and looked at Huo Shan suspiciously:

"What orders does Champion Hou have?"

"You have traveled all the way and never rested. I will send two people to follow you to avoid accidents."

Zongquan smiled, saluted and said:
"The champion is thoughtful."

With two people accompanying him, he doesn't have to worry about the road, and he is always on the alert.

It is not a big problem to travel long distances and starry nights, but it is very tiring to concentrate all the time!

Huo Shan arranged people not to guard against him, but just in case, after reading the battle report he brought, he would have no problem.

If there is a problem with the [-]-mile express of the big man, then the whole big man will really have a big problem.

Huo Shan snapped his fingers and pointed at two people at random:
"You, and you, you two go together, pack lightly, and walk alone. Your horse will be left at the next post post, and I will let someone take it. If you have something to do on the way, listen to Zong Quan's orders."


Naturally, they had to obey Zong Quan's orders, and the express route for eight hundred miles would change at any time, including all behavior styles, and all rules were kept strictly confidential.

They don't know how to make an emergency at [-] miles, and it would be wrong not to listen to Zongquan.

Looking at the three people going away, Huo Shan heaved a sigh of relief. According to the time, they would arrive at the Qiang Hu Station around noon.

According to his thinking, it was the early morning of the [-]th, and the army arrived in Longxi in the evening of the [-]th.

Then take a rest day and set off on the [-]th, and in another three days, he will be able to lead the army to the Huqiang Station on the evening of the [-]th.

And during these five or six days, the Qiang people need to be dealt with according to the order.

The bamboo tube that Zongquan took away contained an imperial edict and four warrants.

What was written in the edict was naturally an edict that Liu Che handed over all the problems of the Qiang people to him.

Although the news has almost passed, the edict still has to be sent.

As for the four warrants...

In the first warrant, Huang Zhongyi with a population of 6 people retreated to the rear of the Huqiang Station and abandoned the Huangzhong area.

From this point, it can be seen which path Huo Shan chose, it must be the second one!
As a champion, he doesn't play big ones, so he has a bland meaning!
As for the potential plan of this order, the first point must be to let the Qiang people confirm the news of Li Xi's death, and see if they will take the bait!

Huangzhong withdrew from the area where it had lived for decades and retreated to the rear. The big man's defense was obvious, and something must have happened.

The Qiang people will definitely take the bait, it depends on whether they bite the bait in one bite or tentatively bite the corners of the bait.

The Huangzhong area was the first temptation Huo Shan gave them.

If you want the fish to take the bait, you have to let them eat something good first, to stimulate their desire, and then let them go to the next step with the highest probability. This is Huo Shan's nesting.

Moreover, the Huangzhong area is located in a plain, including the north of Huangzhong, and the east to the Huqiang Station is a plain, and the Huanghe River runs through it.

Compared with other areas in Hehuang, this place is easy to attack and difficult to defend, both for the enemy and us.

So this is a very good bait. Plains represent grasslands and fertility, which is very attractive to Qiang people.

As far as Huo Shan is concerned, because this place is easy to attack and difficult to defend, even if all his plans fail, he can still get this area back.

There will be no changes in the region, nothing more than the loss of some resources and soldiers. For the big man, this situation is acceptable in exchange for an opportunity.

If the Qiang people came and occupied the Huangzhong area, but they were very content, and then stopped fighting, but they did not retreat, and resisted to the death, then Huo Shan would probably laugh crazy.

The Qiang people who are not slippery, want to have a field battle with my big man?
Isn't this right in your arms!
Therefore, this step of the plan, Huo Shan thinks it is a very good move.

Withdraw from Huangzhong, and you Qiang people are vigilant not to bite this hook, then I, a big man, will only lose some money and food mobilized by Huangzhong Yicong, as well as food and grass for the winter.

If you Qiang bite the bait, but are content not to attack the big man further, Huo Shan will launch an attack.

If you withdraw, then I will take it back, and we will treat everything as never happened, and each lose a little money and food, and then negotiate peace, we are all friends.

If you Qiang people are not too reconciled, and you fight a little before retreating, the two parties will suffer more losses, and then peace talks will still be held.

If you are stubborn and don't retreat, if you insist on taking a bite, then it's in my arms.

Then let's practice and see if my big man's iron cavalry has a tougher knife, or your Qiang's Hu cavalry has a sharp mouth.

And if they took Huangzhong and wanted to take advantage of this 'good opportunity' to attack the big man, then everything would follow Huo Shan's follow-up plan.

No matter which one of these or other possibilities, Huo Shan can afford them.

However, Huo Shan guessed that they would most likely continue to attack the big man.

You can't compare the Qiang people with the Han people. Although they are not as good as the big Han in fighting, they are still very powerful. Well, they are not as good as them in destroying the big Han.

But in terms of wisdom and planning, there is no comparison, there is no comparison.

As the saying goes, you can't underestimate any enemy. Huo Shan also agrees with this saying, but when dealing with the Qiang people, you really shouldn't think too highly of them when necessary.

If the opportunity to fight is delayed because of being cautious, the loss outweighs the gain.

As for whether Huang Zhongyi would obey Huo Shan's order.

This is indeed a question that needs to be considered. If Huangzhong does not listen to the Communist Party, it will fail completely, and may even push them towards the Qiang people.

But in this era, for Huo Shan, this is a problem that does not need to be considered.

The predecessor of Huangzhong Yicong was Xiaoyuezhi, a tribe living in Hexi, Hehuang and other places. It was a bit powerful, but it had been oppressed by the Xiongnu and Qiang people.

They were even defeated by the Huns and almost wiped out their clan at one time, but they were very strong and would not surrender to the death. Who saved them?

It's a big man, a champion!

Champion Hou led them, helped them avenge, and regained their lost ground. Although it was in the hands of the big man, they were very willing!

I don't want anything, I give it all to the big man, but I can't give you the Huns and Qiang.

After Hexi was pacified, the Xiaoyue clan, some of the surrendered Huns, and some of the surrendered Qiangs formed a new tribe.

They were moved to Huangzhong by Liu Che to resist the Qiang people, and as time went by, people gradually called them Huangzhong Yicong.

Historically, even in the late Han Dynasty, they did not see a supply from a big Han for several years, and the Qiang people seized the opportunity to attack and oppress them, but they still did not rebel.

They are still working hard and diligently to complete the tasks assigned to them by the big man.

As for the Eastern Han Dynasty in the future, that is too far away, people will change.

The reason why they are loyal to the big man is that one is because of the strength of the big man and the factor of helping them avenge, and the other is their hatred for the Huns and Qiang people.

And their loyalty to the big man, yes, that's right, loyalty.

It's unbelievable to experience loyalty from a foreign race, but they really have it.

Not all alien races are capricious and prey on the weak.

There is also the worship of the champion Hou.

Relatively speaking, their loyalty to the champion Hou is much higher than that of the big man.

Lao Huo led them to revenge, Lao Huo did not treat them differently, and Lao Huo's charm deeply impressed them.

So for all these reasons, Huangzhong is much more loyal than Wuhuan.

Therefore, they will definitely obey the orders given by Huo Shan, the champion.

In addition to the warrant to mobilize Huangzhong, the other three warrants, the first two are to mobilize [-] cavalry from Jincheng, and the latter are to mobilize [-] infantry from Lingju.

The order was to let them go to the front line of the Huqiang station.

There are [-] cavalry infantry at the Qiang Guard Station.

Mounted infantry means mounted cavalry and dismounted infantry.

This kind of division is very necessary. Because the cavalry soldiers have been riding on the horse for a long time, the belly of the horse is curved. At this time, there is no support for the stirrup, so they need to clamp the belly of the horse with their legs.

Therefore, the cavalry officers and soldiers are inevitably bow-legged, and if they are not elite cavalry, then they will be lambs waiting to be slaughtered when they dismount.

So cavalry infantry are generally elite.

Strictly speaking, Habayashi Huben is cavalry infantry.

There are nearly [-] cavalry in Huangzhong, [-] cavalry in Jincheng, and [-] infantry in Lingju.

Together, there are [-] cavalry and [-] infantry.

And the last warrant was for them to call up soldiers and horses to resist the Qiang people, and by the way, make a defense, very vigilant against the Qiang people's attacking posture.

Huo Shan reckoned that when he arrived at the Qiang Hu Station, almost all the soldiers and horses would be able to reach the Qiang Hu Station.

Soldiers and horses need to be summoned. At this time, soldiers and horses are not just waiting for training. Their homes are all nearby, and those who need to farm are military households.

The soldiers and horses at the Huqiang station will always rotate with other places, not always those people.

(End of this chapter)

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