
Chapter 22 Weiyang Palace

Chapter 22 Weiyang Palace

Looking at these five baht coins, Wei Zifu seemed to see a scene: a young general, relying on his own luck, rampaging through the army, entering seven times and exiting seven times...

She doesn't know anything about battle formations, but she knows that only when she is strong can she have confidence and have a chance.

The world said that her nephew is a genius, and he is indeed a genius, but no one is born with everything, and he also studied hard before going out to war!

How to ride a horse, how to wield a knife, how to lead an army, how to set up a camp when an army goes out, how to recognize the sky when traveling, how to arrange the army formation when two armies confront each other, these are the basics, and they must be learned.

Huo Shan nodded directly, he actually had the same idea.

Huo Shan never underestimated any knowledge. Old Huo said that the art of war is outdated, that is just to say that some tactics and tactics in the art of war are outdated. After reading two books, he also agrees.

The whole article is full of chariots. In this era of cavalry, except for some special geographical locations, what is the use of it on the endless prairie?

Is it used as a target to attract firepower?
But for other things, those are the experiments of the predecessors from generation to generation, and the essence left behind after getting rid of the dross will never be outdated at any time!
In this day and age, if you take a military book and run into the street, saying that I want to exchange this military book for tens of millions of dollars, there are not too many people who will trade it with you, and they will trade it with you even if they go bankrupt.

Because this is the hope of changing the family and revitalizing the family, and this is the power of knowledge!

How can you say that military books are useless?
Lao Huo is purely a full man who doesn't know a hungry man.


Huo Shan chatted with Wei Zifu for a while, a little eunuch walked into the front hall, saluted after entering, and said:

"Queen, a visitor came outside the door, saying that His Majesty has summoned the young prince."

Huo Shan heard this and immediately said:

"No, let him go back!"

"Don't lose your temper!"

Wei Zifu patted Huo Shan on the head, and then said to the little eunuch:
"Zhao Xiao, you go back to the visitor and tell him to wait."

Huo Shan's face was full of reluctance, and he said luckily:

"Grandmother, Your Majesty must have asked me to go to the Gaomiao to worship the ancestors. I didn't bring my court clothes, and I'm only ten years old. If Your Majesty gets angry and takes me alone, then I will offend a large number of people again."

Huo Shan felt that this possibility was very high.

"It's nothing, I have your court clothes here, Xiaoying, go get them, and..."

Wei Zifu paused at this point, smiled at Huo Tan and said:

"You are a champion, are you still afraid of them? When you whip Confucian scholars, you are very powerful!"

Huo Shan froze for a moment:
"My aunt is really well-informed. However, my aunt has been with me all the time. How do you know?"

Wei Zifu smiled mysteriously:
"This palace has its own way!"

Huo Shan's eyes flickered, and he glanced at the few people in the hall, it must be one of them who passed the news!
After a while, Xiaoying came back. Wei Zifu helped Huo Shan change into the court clothes, nodded in satisfaction, and then touched Huo Shan's chin:

Huo Shan walked out of the gate of the palace, and led the visitor to the west gate of Changle Palace. After leaving the west gate, Sun Shang had been waiting here for a long time, and everyone turned to the south in the direction of Anmen, and after walking for a while, they arrived at Gao temple.

After Huo Shan came to Gaomiao, he found that everyone had already made preparations and was waiting for him. Although Huo Shan was a little embarrassed in his heart, he didn't show it at all.

Knowing people by looking at clothes all the way, saluting with more than two thousand stones, nodding below, and slowly walking forward, the first time you show up, the impression is very important, after the previous experience, you can't leave the impression that you are not easy to get along with.

Everyone was very enthusiastic, all smiling, and praised Huo Shan for his filial piety, and they should wait.

Everyone said it nicely, whoever can go to the Gaomiao to worship the ancestors is not a human being!

When he got to the front, Huo Shan found his place and stood still after being instructed by Yangping Hou Duxiang. Liu Che glanced at Huo Shan, hooked the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart:

'Little boy, still want to run? '

Lao Liu didn't make any trouble this time, Feng Chan came once, if Gao Miao came again, the hatred would definitely be full, Huo Shan heaved a sigh of relief.

The ancestor worship started, followed by a series of very complicated and numerous processes. People should not move too much, and the next few imperial servants stare closely.

Huo Shan didn't care about them, twisting and turning like ADHD.

"Stand still."

Huo Guang, who was standing beside him, patted Huo Shan furtively, and reprimanded him softly. After that, Huo Shan calmed down a bit, but it was only for a while, and after a while, he still returned to his original state.

Huo Guang ignored him, and some people standing behind couldn't see it, and gradually started discussing it.

But there are also some officials who stayed in Chang'an, and the others who went to Fengchan didn't say a word. They have long been accustomed to it, and they still secretly despise others:
'I really don't know much, where is this? '

The censor at the back wrote down all the people who spoke. These are all political achievements. If you can say it, you can say more...

Of course, Huo Shan, the culprit, didn't use the notebooks, because their boss Ni Kuan had already told him that it would be useless even if he used the notebooks...

The voice gradually became louder, attracting Liu Che's attention in front of him. After Liu Che understood it, he felt a little helpless. Really, why did I call him here? It's just a small scourge!
After staring at Huo Shan for a few times but it didn't work, he waved at Huo Shan in distaste, hurry up and go!
Huo Shan turned around and left, waiting for your words!

The latter official was somewhat skeptical about life:
"Here, Gaomiao ancestor worship can quit halfway?"

The person next to him glanced at him and said lightly:
"You can try!"

After Huo Shan left the high temple, he smiled proudly behind him:
"Hmph, fight with me..."


The ancestor worship in the Gaomiao lasted for a whole day, and lasted until the evening and dusk.

After Huo Shan was sent back by Liu Che, he did not return to Changle Palace, but directly returned to his residence in Weiyang Palace - Qilin Palace.

This Qilin Hall is not the same place as the famous Qilin Pavilion, it just has the same name.

In the future, the Qilin Pavilion of the eleven heroes of the Qilin Pavilion is now just a place to store important materials and secret documents of past dynasties.

The entire Weiyang Palace is located in the southwest corner of Chang'an City. It is different from Changle Palace and Chang'an City. The whole layout is square and square. Generally speaking, it can be divided into three parts: south, middle and north.

There is a gate to the west of Chang'an Gate, called Xi'an Gate, which is also an important gate of Chang'an City. After entering Xi'an Gate, there will be another gate called Nansima Gate, which is the gate of Weiyang Palace. It's called the bus commander, but he's at the east gate most of the time.

The entire Weiyang Palace not only has Sima Gate in the south, but also has Sima Gate in the east, west, and north. But in the north and east, there are Que Gates outside Sima Gate. The famous Beique Gate is just north of Weiyang Palace.

Beique Gate became famous because it was the place where the army went out to swear an oath, and it was rewarded after returning from victory!

However, the Beique Gate is the nominal main gate, and it is only used for state events and important occasions. Generally speaking, emperors and ministers come in and out, and princes and princes go through the east gate, so there is also a que in the east gate. , can also be regarded as the main entrance!
Huo Shan also entered through the east gate. Besides these gates, there are fourteen other gates.

In fact, the entire Weiyang Palace is not as complicated as Chang'an City, and the layout is also very simple. There are three main roads in the palace city, two parallel east-west main roads run through the entire Weiyang Palace, and there is also a north-south main road running through it in the middle.

Two east-west trunk roads divide Weiyang Palace into three areas: south, middle and north.

The front hall of Weiyang Palace is the most important main building of Weiyang Palace.

The emperor of the Qiandian ascended the throne, got married, died and sat down here, and the court meeting was also here. However, in the era of Lao Liu, in order to centralize power, an internal court was established, and there were basically not many meetings per year.

The middle hall is the Xuanshi hall, which is basically the place for normal inner court discussions, and the apse is the back pavilion, where Lao Liu slept.

The Jiaofang Hall is not included in the front hall of Weiyang Palace, it is in the north of the back pavilion.

Some other important halls are distributed around the front hall, like Huo Shan's Qilin Hall, which is not far from the west side.

Further north of Jiaofang Hall are the Dahan National Library - Tianlu Pavilion and the Dahan National Archives - Shiqu Pavilion.

On the west side of the front hall of Weiyang Palace, there are royal government offices such as the Central Government Office and the Shaofu.

The southwest corner of Weiyang Palace is the imperial palace pool garden area, with Cangchi, Jiantai and so on.

The southeast corner of Weiyang Palace is the Weiyang Stable, a place where horses are raised. There are more than [-] horses in the Weiyang Stable, and Huo Shan has never paid attention to it. Originally, he thought that Weiyang Stable, one of the six stables of the emperor, was in Shanglin Garden, but he did not expect to be in Weiyang Palace.

Speaking of horses, Huo Shan only realized after learning about them, which broke his cognition again and again.

Can you imagine that the big man is never short of horses?
But that's it. In this period, big men never lack horses, what they lack is only good horses!

During the period of Emperor Jing, the Han Dynasty set up 36 large horse farms in the north and west respectively, raising 30 horses, and there were 3 servants and maidservants serving the horses.

The number of horses in these farms has been maintained at 30 for a long time.

The royal family has six stables for the emperor in Shanglin Garden, and each stable has 36 horses. This adds up to 40 horses, and the total amount of miscellaneous things is [-] horses.

And this is only state-run horses, and the number of private horses far exceeds this number.

Moreover, after so many years of fighting against the Huns, these horses not only did not lose anything, but also made money?
The horses have also changed a wave, and all the bad horses in the Central Plains have been replaced with good horses in the grassland.

After careful investigation, Huo Shan discovered that it was because Lao Wei and Lao Huo would bring back a lot of spoils every time they went out.

Not only horses, but also some other aspects of profit. Although the profit is not much, at least there is no loss. This is the status quo in the early stage of the Han-Hungarian War.

I will lose 10,000+ horses when I go out to fight, but I can earn it back, are you convinced?

But the future generations are not strong enough. After the death of both empires, the Han and the Xiongnu fell into a tug-of-war and consumed too much.

So much so that Li Guangli was short of horses when he went to Dawan, and had to go back to the infantry fighting decades ago.

When Huo Shan recalled these things in his mind, he deeply regretted them, and then he discovered the important point:

"I seem to have caught the peak's tail?"

(End of this chapter)

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