
Chapter 221 Tian Zheng, Wang Fu

Chapter 221 Tian Zheng, Wang Fu (ask for subscription and monthly pass)

Speaking of this, the tall man showed a hopeful expression, and said:
"I don't know if Champion Hou will bring the Habayashi Army here!"

"Habayashi Army?"

"Yes, the Habayashi Army is His Majesty's personal army for the champion, and only the champion has a personal soldier!

Some time ago, the champion Hou wiped out 20 Huns, and led the [-] Yulin Army.

It is said that they had just finished military training, and the champion Hou said that he could not form an army without blood, so he took them to the Xiongnu for training. "

Everyone clicked their tongues and went to the Huns' territory to train soldiers?
Yezi Zhenma (Gansu dialect, so courageous, means Luzi Zhenye)!

"This training alone can destroy 20 Huns, so now that the training is over, isn't that even more powerful?"

"Could it be that the generals of the Yubayashi Army are all three feet tall, three heads and six arms, and the horses they ride probably have legs as thick as girders.

Otherwise, how could 3000 people kill 20 people? Even if you just stand still and let them be chopped down, I feel soft when I think about it! "

Everyone was discussing with each other, but the tall man was listening with black lines all over his head.

"Have you ever seen a person who is three feet tall and has three heads and six arms?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"If I see it, can I still stand here?"

Everyone looked at the tall man like a fool, and the tall man felt helpless:
"Didn't the old stories say that the Qiang people are all disheveled, full of sharp teeth, five feet tall, three heads and six arms?

You have also seen Qiang captives, even if you haven't, there are many Qiang people in Huangzhongyi, they often come to our Longxi City, don't they look like us?
Two arms, two legs, two ears, two eyes, one nose and one mouth! "

Seeing other people thinking, the tall man said triumphantly:

"Anyway, I don't believe that the Habayashi Army will grow up to look like that, but it must be tall and powerful. I don't know if the army led by Champion Hou this time is the Habayashi Army."

After listening to his words, the strong man replied:
"Didn't you say that the Habayashi Army is the champion's personal soldier, and they will definitely come."

Everyone had a look of anticipation on their faces.

After being silent for a while, the tall man said with a look of hope:
"If you can join the Habayashi Army, it's worth dying."

The strong man sneered when he heard it:
"Just you? You have long arms, long legs, and thin bamboo poles. You can't even ride a horse steadily. You'd better serve in the county army. Maybe I might still be able to join the Habayashi Army."

One of the people couldn't help laughing:
"Oh, I don't think it's possible for either of you."

The tall man was so angry, just about to refute, the strong man rolled his eyes, and immediately looked at the tall man to change the subject:
"I think you are the reward that Greedy Yu Linjun will never worry about in ten lifetimes, and the treatment that exempts the family from paying taxes."

When it comes to this topic, the tall man is immediately happy:
"You don't want a reward? You don't want tax exemption? You don't want a good life for your mother-in-law?"

The strong man curled his lips and fell silent.

He also thought about it, but he knew too late about the recruitment of the Habayashi Army, and he missed the day when he knew that they had already recruited.

"Hey, why don't you say that in Longxi County, there is no Guizhou leader who enters Yulin?
It is said that there are several in Tianshui County, and I don't know if the millions of money they spread is true. "

After the strong man finished speaking, the tall man immediately retorted:

"Why not? Doesn't Lingju have one? Doesn't that mean that he is a military lord in the Habayashi Army. There are 3000 people in total, and he is in charge of [-], maybe they are in charge of those in Tianshui."

The strong man waved his hand:
"Tianshui also has a military marquis, and the one in Lingju doesn't count."

"Why doesn't it count? Lingju is also under my jurisdiction in Longxi."

"He's a wealthy family, not Qianshou. The military marquis in Tianshui County is also a wealthy family."

The tall man had nothing to say, because the strong man was right.

Several other common people watched the two people talking in full swing, but they couldn't get in the middle of the conversation. They looked at each other, and one of them asked:
"Where did you all get this information?"

The two opened their mouths at the same time, but when they saw each other open their mouths, they closed their mouths again. They snorted coldly in tacit understanding, and then the strong man curled his lips and turned his head away.

The tall man also leaned on the hoe and curled his lips, then pointed to the west with his chin:

"We both heard from Li Cheng from the west of the city. He just retired from the Northern Army and rushed home five days ago. Now he is resting at home. When he is rested, he will probably join the county army as a song chief or something."

A few people suddenly realized that the Northern Army was in Chang'an, and the champion Hou was also in Chang'an. It must be normal to hear a lot of news.

After finishing speaking, the tall man glanced at the wide open city gate not far away and said:
"Come on, go and help."

A group of people hurriedly picked up their hoes and walked home. After putting down their hoes, several of them carried the riding whips they made in their hands, and carried ropes on their shoulders to the county mansion in the center of the city.

Although the land has not yet been plowed, it can be plowed at any time. At this time, the grain has been harvested, and it is not yet time for planting. It does not matter if there is a delay of two days.

The most important thing is to help the county government prepare the food and grass for the champion Hou Dajun.

The leader of the army will help you fight the Qiang people, you can't let them go hungry, can you?
They can't go to the battlefield, if they can't even prepare food and grass, it's really ridiculous!
A group of people chatted while walking towards the county mansion.

The strong man said with a hint of expectation in his sentence:

"I don't know if Champion Hou will recruit soldiers, my martial arts must come in handy, right?
It would be even better if I could chop off two heads and exchange for a title, and a little less hard labor. As for the reward, I don't think about it either. "

The tall man did not refute him this time, but the others said:

"Wang Fu, I'm afraid that the champion will not recruit troops. There are [-] to [-] troops at the Qiang Guard Station, and the champion even brought his own army."

Wang Fu sighed, the tall man was silent for a while and then said:

"I want to try."

Wang Fu looked at him in surprise:
"Tian Zheng, are you serious?"

Tian Zheng turned his head and glanced at him:
"of course."

"A large army must be led by someone to lead the way. There are many mountains in Hehuang, and the terrain is complicated.

Even on the large plain where Huangzhong and Huqiang Stations are located, there are continuous hills between the small plains.

The loess hills look exactly the same, even acquaintances may get lost when they walk in, and the army will definitely need a guide.

And I, Tian Zheng, are very familiar with that area, even if it's Hu Qiang's side, I can still be in the front, I want to try. "

Everyone began to encourage, only Wang Fu lowered his head, he was very annoyed, he was annoyed that his martial arts were useless.

If he had known this earlier, he should have gone there with Tian Zheng in the first place to fool around. What's the use of practicing this martial arts.

Just when he was annoyed, Tian Zheng slapped him on the shoulder, and Wang Fu grasped and twisted reflexively.

"Ah, it hurts, hurts, hurts!"

Wang Fu quickly let go, and Tian Zheng, whose face was flushed with pain, held his wrist and took a deep breath.

Wang Fu looked at Tian Zheng with concern:

"Are you okay?"

Tian Zheng gave him a blank look without saying a word, and after a while, he shook his hand and he was fine. He couldn't remember how many times he was injured by Wang Fu's conditioned reflex.

This is Wang Fu's conditioned reflex and then reflexively withdrew a little force, otherwise with Wang Fu's hand strength, it would be sent off gently if he twisted it off.

Wang Fu's arms are thicker than Tian Zheng's thighs.

Wang Fu said that it is true that Tian Zheng has long arms and legs, but he also has some flesh.

It's just that his tall stature and his seemingly long arms and legs make him look a little thin.

When Wang Fu said Tian Zheng, he also took himself as the standard.

Wang Fu is a standard strong man, with a height of eight feet five and a stout figure. If he wears armor, he will be a fierce general.

You don't care whether he is fierce or not, he looks fierce.

And Tian Zheng is taller than him, reaching nine feet, but if you compare them horizontally, the two of them are probably not as good as Wang Fu.

Tian Zheng rubbed his wrist, looked at Wang Fu and said:

"Although I know the way, I'm not good at force. Don't worry, if I can be the guide, I'll take you along to protect me."

Wang Fu asked in surprise:


"That is certainly true."

Although the two quarreled and choked each other, among this group of people, the two had the best relationship. Who made them play together since childhood.

"It's not just you, I'm going to look for Li Cheng to see if I can pull him in.

This is what I think, whether he has served in the army or the Northern Army, he must be more capable than the two of us, the heads of Guizhou.

The old people have always said that the battlefield is dangerous. Although we have also served in the county military, we have never been on the battlefield, and we don’t know why it is dangerous. It would be better to bring someone who is familiar with the situation.

He is still literate, so he must have a lot of ghosts. If he encounters scouts or something, he may have to rely on others to protect us. "

Wang Fu was worried when he heard this:

"Can Li Cheng come with us?

Maybe someone has already looked for him. He hasn't entered the county mansion yet, so it's not considered AWOL. I'm afraid someone will look for him by now.

And there are so many tricks, will it cheat us? "

Tian Zheng patted his chest confidently:

"Don't worry, they don't know the way, but I know the way. As for pitting the two of us, they definitely won't. We are both from the village. His family can't get by in Longxi City?"

Others quickly echoed and began to encourage, one of them said:
"We don't have the martial arts of Brother Fu, nor the ability of Brother Zheng, the two elder brothers don't forget that I just wait for the brothers.

Although my brothers and I have no skills, it is still possible to block knives and guns, raise horses and cultivate land. "

Tian Zheng looked back at these people. Although the five brothers' feelings were not as good as his to Wang Fu, they were not much different. They all grew up together in the neighborhood.

"Don't worry, I will never forget you. If I get ahead, I will let you live in my mansion and help me raise horses. We brothers eat meat and drink every day."

Several people are all smiling, and the folks at this time are the most solid backing.

If you happen to meet a fellow countryman in an accident, they will help you no matter what. Even if you die because of it, you will not regret it. This is very normal in this era.

Of course, it also depends on the person.

Don't you think that Gaozu led his gang of old brothers to conquer the world, not to mention that these people are Tian Zheng's iron brothers who have played with him since he was a child.

And suddenly there was a laughing sound not far away:

"Heh, still drinking and eating meat?"

Tian Zheng turned his head and looked, his face immediately became gloomy, and so did the others.

(End of this chapter)

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