
Chapter 227 Hehuang, Xiqiang

Chapter 227 Hehuang, Xiqiang

Compared with the defense in the mountains, the defense on the plain is much simpler.

Starting from Huqiang City, there is a beacon fortress five miles away. It walks in a Z shape on this plain, or an S shape is more appropriate.

With a defense line of three hundred miles, there are more than 130 fortresses in total, plus [-] in the mountains, there are nearly [-] fortresses in the Huanghe River Basin in the Hehuang area.

In normal times, only one soldier is on duty in each fortress, but in wartime, there are two soldiers, who rotate separately to prevent accidents.

Their task is to light the beacon towers when they discover the enemy's situation, and then pass them on one by one to warn the army behind and the court.

And the crenels that appear at intervals on the Great Wall also have such a function, and it will spread throughout northern Xinjiang in a few hours.

During the day, the fire is lit with wolf smoke, and the smoke is billowing, while at night, the grass and trees are lit, and the fire is soaring into the sky.

As for the beacons here, each beacon can clearly see the other beacons [-] miles ahead, and there are levels in them.

If it is thirty miles, that is, six blocks and one pass, it represents a small group of enemy troops.

If it is twenty miles, four blocks and one pass, it means that there are more than ten thousand troops.

If it is ten miles, two blocks and one pass, it means that the enemy's army is overwhelming.

If it is five miles, one block and one pass, it means that the situation has reached the most critical moment.

And this system is the system of Hehuang, which is not suitable for northern Xinjiang.

Northern Xinjiang and other places have a vast territory, so the situation has naturally changed.

As for the fortifications in the back, it can be judged from the observation in front that it is a pass every few blocks, but how did you judge it at the beginning?
See with your eyes and hear with your ears.

At the front, there are basically four plugs in parallel, and a few seats are lit to pass, and the horn will be blown.

And this is the beacon system in the Hehuang area.

As for the fort defense system on the plain along the Huangshui River, a small fort ten miles away has 200 cavalry stationed, and a large fort thirty miles away has [-] cavalry stationed.

There are ten big forts, twenty small forts, and 4000 soldiers and horses.

Their task is to resist the enemy, slow down the speed of the enemy, and gain support or defense time for the Qiang City in the rear.

Then relying on the fortress, stick it there like a nail, so that the enemy will not dare to move forward unless these nails are pulled out.

Their strength is not very strong, but their defense is very strong, which is very troublesome for barbarian cavalry like the Qiang people.

It is very troublesome to pull it out, but if you don't pull it out and you are afraid of being slapped, what can you do? Pull it out.

And this is one every ten miles, which will seriously slow down their speed.

And if the enemy has a large number of soldiers and horses, you can send a small force to pull them out slowly, and most of them will go straight to Huqiang City, then the infantry in the mountains will come in handy.

Even if you Qiang people know that they are infantry, this is still a threat, and for them, it is much more difficult to pull up the military forts in the mountains than on the plains.

And the reason why the gap between the two lines of defense in the mountain was not built was that the gain outweighed the loss, and it was not worth it!
Although after the construction is completed, the difficulty of the Qiang people's attack will be greatly increased, and it will increase exponentially.

And who is the enemy of your Qiang people?
It's a big man!

Does the big man want defense?

No, what is wanted is to attack!
In the final analysis, the three large army forts in the mountains on the front line, the 24 small army fortresses, and the forts on the plain have only one function.

In addition to slowing down the speed and giving the rear time to deal with it, it also has the function of grinding away the vitality of the Qiang people.

For defense, it is enough to have Huqiang city and five forts.

But in fact, even if they are surrounded by the Qiang army, as long as they can hold the fort, they are still very safe.

The ones on the plains are very dangerous, but the ones in the mountains are not very dangerous.

Because there are enough food, grass and water for three months in the military fort all year round, as well as many arrows and equipment.

Even if they were surrounded by large armies, the Qiang people would not be able to take them down within a few months.

Because of the superior terrain, you can only send a small group of cavalry to grind slowly.

As for attacking viruses with fire and water, that is even more unrealistic.

In the case of viruses, dead horses and sheep with plague, even if you bring them up the mountain, you can't throw them up such a high fort wall.

Moreover, the Qiang people are more afraid of this kind of thing than the big Han. Don't forget that they are nomadic people, and a large number of cattle and sheep may die.

So the Qiang people can't play with viruses, only the Xiongnu in the desert, throwing dead horses and sheep into the water to ferment them by themselves, they will not touch it.

As for the water attack, the military fort is on the top of the mountain, so where does the water come from?

As for the fire attack, it is unrealistic to set fire to the mountains.

As for moving things up, unless you move a large number of them all at once, and a small group of soldiers and horses will definitely not be able to move so much.

And when you put it down and move it, the soldiers of the military fort come out and set you on fire.

As for someone to guard, even your small army can't guard it.

Therefore, the Qiang people have nothing to do with them. Since the construction of this fortress was completed, the Qiang people have tried several times, and now every time they attack, it is as if they cannot see them.

What else can I do if I can't chew it off?

Anyway, your infantry can't stop us who come and go freely, so you ignore them.

Well, Li Xi tried many times, but he really couldn't stop them.

Therefore, in the past ten years or so, when the Qiang people attacked, the cavalry usually rushed directly to Huang Zhongyi, who was outside the front line, to grab something from the army, or sent a small group of soldiers and horses to go to the river to attack.

In the Hehuang area, where there is Huang, there is naturally a river.

This side is the Huangshui area. Although there are also big mountains, there are also many plains washed out by the Huanghe River, so the situation here is much better than that over there.

As for the Dahe area in the south of Huangshui, that is, the upper reaches of the Yellow River, there are really high mountains and deep valleys.

Although there are some fertile plains on both sides of the big river, they are much smaller than that of the Huanghe River.

The Qiang people have always been focusing on the Huanghe area, because the situation there is too complicated.

The winding and rugged Yellow River and the complex terrain made the march very difficult.

The most important thing is that the area that is about to enter the big man is almost a real natural moat.

The Yellow River cut off a mountain range, and now there are cliffs on both sides, and yellow mudflats on both sides of the big river, which are not as flat as those washed out by later generations, and it is impossible to walk at all, so it is very good to defend.

Even if the Qiang people gnawed at the hard bones of the Huanghe River, they would not go there, but it is not impossible.

Therefore, two fortresses with thousands of people were set up there to deal with the Qiang attack.

If the Qiang army can't get through, the two forts below Wanqi can stop it.

Even if the army really came, they could defend for a period of time with the help of the natural moat, enough for Longxi County and Wudu County to send troops to support them.

Therefore, the big river is not the main battlefield, and the secondary battlefield is basically not counted. In all previous wars, there was only one battlefield, and that was the Huanghe side.

On the Huanghe River side, the Qiang Hu Qiang Station of the entire [-]-mile defense line occupies a small plain in this area.

If you go further west, there are always mountains on the south side, and after passing through a narrow and long small plain valley road washed by the Huanghe River for about 150 miles, you will reach the crooked cross-shaped plain in Huangzhong Yicong.

This plain is a fertile pasture with suitable temperature and climate, and it is also the seat of later generations of Xining.

Starting from the central point of this great plain, follow the cross-shaped southern protrusion to the south-west direction, and you will reach Huangzhong in less than a hundred miles.

After arriving in Huangzhong, walk west by south for about 350 miles, and you will reach the famous West Sea, which is the famous Qinghai Lake.

It also has another name, Xianhai, and another name, Yaochi.

According to legend, King Mu of Zhou found the Queen Mother of the West in this 'Yao Chi'.

And on this fertile grassland just north of the West Sea, which will be Gangcha in the future, lived the Xianling Qiang tribe among the Qiang people.

This tribe is the main tribal enemy of the Qiang people of the Han Dynasty since the great war between the Yuanding Han and the Qiang people.

Because they are the closest and occupy the fertile grassland, the situation in the tribe is the best, and it is also one of the most powerful tribes.

Although it is worse than before, it is much stronger than Huang Zhongyi Congbu.

As for the rest of the Qiang tribes, there are at least two or three hundred large and small tribes, the large ones have a population of 8 to [-] to [-] to [-], and the small ones have a population of thousands, or even hundreds or dozens of people.

And they all have their own history.

And they are mainly distributed on the two long roads that start from the West Sea and stretch towards Zhengxi and Zhengnan.

Zhengxi stretches all the way, and the farthest reaches the Western Regions, while the Zhengnan stretches, the farthest reaches the dense forests of the southwest, and there are a large number of frontiers in Shu.

There are also Qiang people such as Tang Hao on the plateau near Tianzhu.

Before that, the Han Dynasty mainly divided the Qiang people into two types. There were too many tribes to be divided, so they were divided into Eastern Qiang and Western Qiang.

At that time, the Eastern Qiang mainly lived in Shangjun and Anding, and the Western Qiang mainly lived in Longxi, Tianshui, Wudu, Wuwei and other places.

And everyone knows what happened next.

Lao Huo directly opened up Hexi, not only driving away the Huns, but also driving away the Qiang people.

The Eastern Qiang people, living together with the Han people in the interior, gradually entered the feudal society, like the Qiang people in Yicongli, Huangzhong, they are the Eastern Qiang people.

The Qiang people, the Huns and the Central Plains are actually of the same blood, but some tribes moved to the Central Plains, and slowly worked hard to develop and became a farming civilization.

And some of them are unwilling to go out, and their civilization is stagnant, that is, the nomadic people.

Later, due to a series of factors such as cultural differences and institutional differences, as well as the natural hostile relationship between farming and nomads, they became enemies.

The Xiqiang people were driven back to the Hehuang area, and the ensuing battle in Yuanding almost drove them out of the Hehuang area.

And now these Xianling Qiang, Fengyang Qiang, Laojie Qiang, Zhong Qiang, Bailang, etc. are all Xi Qiang.

Almost all of these hostile Qiang people are Xiqiang, so it is right to call them Xiqiang, and Qiang people are also right.

But the Qiang people themselves don't call them that. They only call them by the name of the tribe. Xiqiang is the name given to them by the great Han.

Huo Shan reckoned that the enemies this time were still these old opponents.

Although they are almost lonely, the new big tribe has not risen yet, and their strength should not be underestimated.


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(End of this chapter)

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