
Chapter 230 Battlefield Division and Xu Ziwei's Abilities

Chapter 230 Battlefield Division and Xu Ziwei's Abilities

After Huo Shan finished talking about the division of soldiers and horses, he walked up to the sand table and waved to everyone:
"Come on, let's talk about the division of the battlefield."

Huo Shan picked up the stick, pointed and said:

"From today onwards, this city is called Huqiang City, the military fort on the north side of the city is called Huqiang First Fort, and the four forts on the south side of the city, from north to south, are called Huqiang Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Forts.

The three military forts in Qianyan Mountain are called Frontier No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-]. The surrounding small military forts are divided according to their jurisdiction, and they are called No. [-] and No. [-], No. [-] and No. [-].

The rest are small castles from [-] to [-], and small castles from [-] to [-], do you understand? "


Huo Shan looked at Zhang Anshi again, and said:
"The work of division is left to you to complete, and after the division is completed, it will be passed on to me and the generals at all levels."

Zhang Anshi bowed and saluted:
"The minister takes orders!"

Huo Shan raised his stick again, pointing at the [-]-mile defense line at the front:
"The defense line of three hundred miles to the west of Qiang City is called the line of defense theater, which is divided into three lines of defense and six areas.

The distance from Huqiang city to a hundred miles outside the city is called the third line of defense, the mountainous side is called the Sanshan area, and the plain side is called the Sanyuan area.

The front is the same, one hundred miles to two hundred miles is called the second line of defense, the Ershan area, and the Eryuan area.

Two hundred miles to three hundred miles are called the third line of defense, the Sanshan area, the Sanyuan area, do you understand? "


Everyone bowed and saluted again. This division is very simple, and they can all understand it clearly.

Moreover, this kind of division is very beneficial to the mobilization of the commander's soldiers and horses during the war, the combination of the soldiers and horses of various ministries, and the area where the enemy has arrived to investigate the situation.

After hearing the report, no matter which area the enemy is in, they can understand it very clearly.

"The division of military forts on the plain, counting from west to east, three defenses and one large fort, three defenses and a small fort, second defense and a large fort, second defense and a small fort, and so on, do you understand?"


When Huo Shan explained, he would always point to the corresponding fortress, so it was very easy to understand.

"The division of the mountain area is divided in detail by the four fortresses of Huqiang. The second to fourth fortresses of Huqiang are arranged neatly from north to south, so they are divided into four roads from east to west.

For example, this area is called the second defense of Qiang and the second defense of thirty miles, and this area is called the third defense of Qiang and one defense of seventy miles, understand? "


Everyone thought for a while, and it was simple and clear, and they all responded.

In fact, it is indeed very simple. In the three hundred miles of mountainous area, the Y-axis in the east-west direction is divided into four areas, and the X-axis is divided into three large areas, and the mileage is used as the detailed division.

After talking about the defensive line theater, Huo Shan stood up straight and said with a smile:

"The division of this area is more detailed. In addition to the defensive theater, I also divided the entire battlefield into three other theaters and one main road. It is relatively simple. You only need to pay attention to the first two and the main road.

After leaving the [-]-mile defense line and heading west, our army will no longer be stationed here.

Just beyond the [-]-mile defense line, the south side is still mountainous, while the north side is a narrow and long small plain area. It is the place where large-scale troops must pass. I call it the main escape route. "

Hearing this name, some eyes flickered with vivid brains, and they had almost guessed Huo Shan's strategy against the enemy.

"Passing through this main escape route, we will arrive at this distorted cross-shaped plain originally controlled by Huangzhong, and I named it the Huangzhong War Zone.

With the central point as the center, this grassland extends in four directions, so it is naturally named after the four directions.

Huangbeiyuan, Huangxiyuan, Huangnanyuan, Huangdongyuan, and Huangzhongyuan in the center.

Although the Huangzhong area is on the Huangnan Plain, this is not contradictory. Huangzhong is still Huangzhong, and the four major plains are just the temporary division of the Marquis. Do you understand? "


"Out of the Huangzhong War Zone, and then go westward to the West Sea, Ben Hou divided it into two parts, the North District of Xihai, where Xianling Qiang lived, and the South District of Xihai, and the North District of Dahe, where other Qiang tribes lived. For the West Sea theater.

These are the two more important war zones, do you understand? "


"In addition to these, there is also the Dahe area on the south side. I call it the Dahe War Zone. The road here is rugged and it is not the attack direction of the Qiang people, so don't worry too much."

After Huo Shan finished speaking, he raised his head, looked at the generals and said:

"The division between the soldiers and the battlefield has been completed. Benhou learned the news that the Xianling Qiang in the northern part of the West Sea and the dozen or so Qiang tribes in the southern part have undergone major changes.

It is a certainty that the Qiang people will come to attack. Benhou estimates that the number of soldiers and horses is less than [-], and the time of attack is estimated to be this month.

As for this battle, what the Marquis wants is a quick battle, not that the Marquis wants a quick battle. In fact, the longer the time drags on, the better it will be for our side.

But the Qiang people will definitely fight quickly, and Benhou has no choice but to follow suit. Even if they want to delay, they have to wait until the Qiang people have no way out.

Today is September 23rd, and it will be winter after a while, and the Qiang people will definitely retreat when winter comes. "

Having said that, Huo Shan sneered:
"Oh, how can there be such a good thing, you can come and go when you want?

The body of old general Li Xi is still parked in the Houfu. General Li Xi has fought for our great Han for 30 years and has been an enemy of the Qiang people for nearly 15 years!
In this battle, the Marquis intends to behead [-] Qiang people's heads and bury them for the old general Li Xi! "

After Huo Shan finished speaking, the eyes of all the generals of the Qiang Hu Qiang War Station and the Jincheng Commander's Office burst into flames.

Li Xin nitrated his own body in order not to leak the news. This incident was actually a great insult to them generals.

If they can live up to their expectations, why not block the news and wait for the court general to come?

Moreover, most of them have been with Li Xi for five or six years at least. In order not to leak the news, the old general actually wanted to nitrate the corpse, and there would be no peace after death.

And Huo Shan's words directly aroused all their emotions, anger towards the Qiang people, complaints towards themselves, depression over this period of time, expectations for the [-] heads to be buried for the old general, all here. It exploded in an instant.

Huo Shan has never worried about the army under his command, because as long as he is around, the morale of the army under his command will always be high.

However, Huo Shan was a little worried about the army of the guarding Qiang school lieutenant. He was worried that before the war, the news of Li Xi's death would spread and they would be plunged into grief.

Li Xi has resisted the Qiang people here for more than ten years. Not only the generals, but in the hearts of the soldiers, Li Xi's prestige is also very important, much heavier than these generals.

And Huo Shan's fire is to ignite their grief, turning grief and anger into strength and morale.

Moreover, Huo Shan's words also set the tone for them, expressing his attitude clearly to them.

This battle must be fought, not only to fight, but also to defeat the Qiang people, defeat the Qiang people, and even make them come and go.

Gentlemen, for the [-] heads, work hard!

After hearing Huo Shan's words, the generals of the Guarding Qiang Commander's Department immediately knelt on the ground and shouted redly, one by one:
"The end will fight!"

Huo Shan showed a smile, raised his hand and said:
"The Qiang people haven't come here yet, so why do you want to fight?

Today is only for discussion, not for war.

The Marquis only brought [-] soldiers and horses, and [-] were integrated into the army. The main force is still you, don't worry, you have your own place to use. "

The generals got up after listening to Huo Shan's words.

Xu Ziwei rolled his eyes, thinking of the escape route that Huo Shan said, he was the first to stand up:
"I report to the governor, the general feels that the enemy should be lured into deep."

Huo Shan frowned, and said with interest:
"Tell me."

After speaking, Huo Shan handed him the wooden stick in his hand.


Xu Ziwei took the wooden stick and said:
"Report to the Governor, the Qiang people invaded our great Han. The Governor said just now that the Xianling Qiang in the northern part of the West Sea, the southern part of the West Sea, and the dozen or so Qiang tribes in the northern part of the Dahe area have changed.

According to the battlefield situation in the Hehuang area, and according to the news of the death of the old general that the enemy has learned, it is impossible for the enemy to divide their troops to attack our big man. "

All the generals standing around the sand table nodded.

The Qiang people who have changed are only the Qiang people around the Hehuang area, and those in other areas have not acted. Moreover, according to the news of Li Xi's death, and at this point in time, they will definitely not go to other places.

Because if they want to attack the other borders of the Han Dynasty except the Hehuang area, it will be too late now that winter is about to enter.

"Therefore, the next move of the Qiang people must be to assemble a large army. Although the old general died, the number of soldiers of the Han Dynasty has not decreased.

If they divide their troops, their strength will be much weaker. They send troops at this time to seize the time when the old general died. "

Everyone nodded, and Huo Shan raised his hand to signal him to continue.

"So the general speculates that if the enemy gathers troops and horses to attack on a large scale, then the most likely place where they gather troops and horses is here."

After speaking, Xu Ziwei raised the wooden stick in his hand and pointed to the southeast corner of the West Sea.

Huo Shan smiled, raised his head and asked:

"Back to the governor, the final general is also speculated based on the situation, there are four main points.

The ones who have changed are the Qiang people around the West Sea, and this place is their center point, which is one of them.

And now time is tight, there is no time for them to waste, this place is the most suitable place closest to the ministries, the second is also.

And after they gather their troops and attack my big man, they can follow the trend from here to the Huangzhong area of ​​Huangnanyuan.

Although they have heard the news that Huangzhong has returned my big man, they must have doubts and will come here to investigate, in case Huangzhong cuts off their retreat, the third is.

The fourth, because this place goes down the road, passes through Huangzhong all the way to the Huangzhong war zone, then enters the main escape route, reaches the [-]-mile defense line, and finally arrives at the Qiang City.

This route is the most convenient and most suitable route for the Qiang people to attack our big Han in the area of ​​thousands of miles or even thousands of miles, and this is the fourth. "

"Well said, clap clap clap!"

Huo Shan praised, then clapped his hands, and the other generals also clapped their hands with smiles on their faces.

Although this is news that almost everyone knows, they know that the Qiang people will definitely attack from here, and if they want to tell them a clear reason, they really can't tell if they are not capable.

And is Xu Ziwei capable?Naturally, he has the ability!

(End of this chapter)

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