
Chapter 237 Seven, no loss!

Chapter 237 Seven, no loss!
When the soldiers of the northern army were fighting, they took the time to glance at the Qiang army who had stopped to watch the show. They realized that the situation was wrong, so they sent two troops with a total of over a thousand soldiers. He smiled and shouted:

The generals of the Northern Army issued orders, and the messengers blew their horns, and the fifty soldiers who rushed to kill in the first wave immediately changed their course and came towards this side.

And after the hundreds of soldiers charged out, they also ran towards this direction.

Seeing this scene, the Qiang people fighting with them immediately started to retreat, and the big Han soldiers did not stop them.

Although the two parties are fighting together, if they are not allowed to leave, they can be kept here.

But then they had to stay here, and the Qiang people's support was already less than three miles away.

The soldiers of the Three Defenses and One Fortress turned their horses and began to retreat immediately, with the support of the Qiang people chasing after them.

The soldiers of the Northern Army got up slowly, then raised their legs and squatted on the horse, looked behind them, and smiled after observing for a while.

Then he sat down again and shouted loudly to the surroundings:

"Report casualties!"

After waiting for a while, each team began to report the situation.

"I don't have it here, no death or injury!"

"No one died, two were injured, minor injuries!"

"Three people died on my side, and one was injured, seriously injured!"

The soldiers of the Northern Army calculated in their minds that four of them died on his side, and there were ten casualties in total. Although there is no statistics on the number of enemy kills, there is no way to calculate them, but it must have exceeded two hundred, which is too much.

"Brother who is seriously injured, hold on, there are still seven miles to go."

The seriously injured soldier covered his abdomen with his hands, his pale face rose and fell with the horse, and he had no strength to speak anymore.

The soldiers next to him looked at him worriedly. At this time, they had no choice but to run. If they didn't run, they would die!
After running another three miles, the seriously injured soldier's face became paler and paler. He turned his head to look at Shi Chang who was following him, showing a miserable smile.

Shi Chang's eyes were red, and he shouted in front of him:

"Team rate, I can't hold it anymore!"

When the leader heard this, his heart trembled, and he shouted without looking back:

"Hold on to me, I will die on the horse if I die!"

Shi Chang's tears flowed out, he wiped his blood-stained hand, and shouted again:
"Team leader, I hurt my stomach, and I won't be able to live if I go back. Let the big boy earn a pension!"

The team leader stopped talking, and the Northern Army soldiers in front sighed, then raised their hands and shouted:


The soldiers began to speed up slowly, and slowly the eldest child left the team and fell behind.

After leaving the team, he controlled the horse to stop, and without covering the wound on his abdomen, he drew out the ring knife and tied it to his hand, looked up at the sky, took a breath and raised his strength.

When the Qiang people saw him stop, the thousands of troops also stopped unexpectedly. The Qiang people stopped, and so did the soldiers in front of the three defenses.

The Three Defenses and One Great Fortress breathed a sigh of relief, what they were most afraid of was that the Qiang people would not stop, and an army of over a thousand would step on Dawa.

Now it seems that this Qiang tribe respects warriors.

The two sides confront each other, everyone looks at the big boy in the middle, the Qiang people don't say anything, a warrior comes out, draws out the knife in his waist and goes straight to the big baby.

With a knife in his right hand and a rein in his left, Dawa also rushed towards the Qiang warrior:


The two horses staggered past, and Dawa neither blocked nor evaded the Qiang's saber, so another deep wound with bone visible was added to his chest.

But the Qiang left this wound at the cost of his life.

Dawa spit out a mouthful of blood, looked up at the Qiang people proudly, then turned his horse's head and walked in the direction of the big Han soldiers, shouting in his hoarse voice as he walked:

"Sixth, my eldest child deserves to die!"

Then he came to the position where he was standing just now, turned his horse's head, raised his trembling knife and pointed at the Qiang people, and shouted proudly:

"Come again!"

Two Qiang warriors rushed over, and Da Wa went up to meet them without hesitation.

When the two horses missed each other, he used his remaining strength to support the saddle and jumped over the other, and then slashed the knife in his hand to the neck of the enemy.

At the same time, the enemy's bronze sword pierced his chest.

The two fell off the horse together, and after rolling a few times, the eldest child opened his tattered chest to the sky, showing a smile, and silently moved his mouth with blood gushing:
"Seven, no loss!"

Then he lay on the ground and closed his eyes forever!
The Qiang people watched this scene calmly, and the soldiers of the three defenses in the distance bowed their heads and hammered their chests, and gave a military salute.

Then Dawa's Shichang ran to the battlefield, got off his horse, picked up Dawa's knife, and handed it to another Qiang warrior.

The Qiang warrior took it respectfully, hammered his chest and said:

"My pleasure!"

Shi Chang couldn't understand what he was saying, and didn't want to know what he was saying.

He picked up the weapon of the Qiang man killed in front of Dawa, then walked to Dawa's side and squatted down, smiling with tears in his eyes and said:

"You kid is really lucky, I thought you would be trampled into meat, but I didn't expect to meet a good Qiang tribe before I died, and cut off two more heads.

You raised my power in the first battle, and the governor will definitely reward you when he finds out. "

After finishing speaking, Shichang couldn't hold back anymore. After taking a few deep breaths, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the bronze sword on Dawa's chest.

Then he held the trophy of Dawa's sword in one hand and Dawa's armor in the other, lifted it up through gritted teeth and carried it to his shoulder.

Then he walked to the side of Dawa's horse, threw him on it, then walked to his own horse and turned on the horse, took the rein of Dawa's horse and glanced at him, then shouted:
"go home!"

Then the two men and two horses, with the spoils and merits of a sword and a knife, began to return!
When the two of them returned, the Qiang people behind them chased after them again, and the big Han soldiers started running again, as if nothing had happened.

Warriors need respect, but battles must still be fought!

Although the soldiers were running for their lives and experienced this rare scene, they were still talking and laughing.

Everyone on the horse was talking about what reward the eldest child would get when he went back this time, but the sadness in their eyes couldn't be hidden at all.

But besides sorrow, there is glory and envy.

Glory for the big baby, envy the big baby's glory.

Most of the soldiers in the Qiang War Station are veterans who have fought against the Qiang people all the year round, especially the soldiers on the Pingyuan Military Fort, they are the veterans among the veterans.

Life and death have long been used to it, and I have already taken it lightly.

For these veterans who have been on the battlefield all year round, death is not terrible, it is terrible to die without value.

If you can exchange for the enemy's cessation of troops if you die, even if it is only for a while, this kind of glory is worth it, not to mention that you can also exchange for meritorious service.

If it can reach the ears of the governor, that family will have no worries in this life.

But this kind of opportunity can be met but not sought after, and it may not be exchanged for once in several lifetimes.


"Everything is ready, it's almost there, there are still three miles to go."

The soldiers of the Northern Army looked at a gentle slope ahead and shouted.

There are three big castles and seven small castles in the three defenses. His three defenses and one big castle control the two small castles, which are the three defenses one and two small castles behind the three defenses and one big castle.

The three forts add up to a total of four hundred soldiers, the two hundred soldiers in the big fort are facing the enemy in front, and the two hundred soldiers in the two small forts in the rear are naturally impossible to wait.

They are lying in ambush behind the gentle slope in front of you. If you Qiang chase me so closely, you will suffer.

There are more than 1000 Qiang cavalry galloping behind them. Although the two hundred soldiers and horses cannot cause much damage, on the contrary, if they attack rashly, they may suffer big losses.

However, what he wants is not to kill the enemy, what he wants is to put you Qiang people in a dilemma.

The soldiers of the three defenses and one big fort rushed across the gentle slope next to them in a short while, but they still didn't stop and continued to run forward.

The same is true for the Qiang people, they don't know what to lure the enemy into, and their army of more than a thousand is fearless at all on the plain.

So they also rushed across the gentle slope, and just after they rushed over, two hundred cavalry appeared behind the gentle slope, closely following them.

As a result, two hundred Han soldiers were running in front, an army of thousands of Qiang people was chasing behind them, and another two hundred soldiers were chasing them behind them.

The Qiang people also discovered the enemy army behind them for the first time, and they finally reacted. Now they have entered a dilemma.

If you chase, the more you chase, the farther you will be separated from the main force. If you don't chase, there will be two hundred enemy troops behind you, which is not a small threat. What should you do?
In fact, it was not only the Qiang army that was in danger, but also the two hundred soldiers chasing them.

The [-] army in the distance is not forbidden to move, they are always advancing.

As long as the Qiang people could turn their horses and stop the two hundred cavalry behind them, and then the army came, they would have nowhere to escape.

And the Qiang people obviously think the same way, if the ones in front can't catch up, it's okay to get rid of the ones behind.

So the thousands of Qiang people were divided into two parts, one part speeded up, made a big circle, and began to block the cavalry behind them.

And the other part began to slow down, and while guarding against the two hundred in front, it began to turn the horse's head.

But how could the [-] soldiers in front of us let the Qiang people get what they wanted? If you slow down, we will slow down too.

We not only slowed down, we also turned the horse's head. As long as you dare to stop and change direction, then I will directly hit your face.

The Qiang people had no choice but to maintain this speed and balance, and the half that was allocated to block the Qiang people with two hundred soldiers behind them was also a little helpless.

Because it can't be stopped, they are faster than them, because of discipline, because of the number of people, and flexibility is better than them, this, it can't be stopped!
Then running and running created a weird situation, two hundred soldiers in front of the three defenses and one big fort were running, and more than 500 Qiang cavalry behind them were chasing.

Then behind them were 500 soldiers from the three defenses and the first and second small forts chasing them, and behind the two hundred soldiers from the three defenses and the first and second small forts were more than [-] Qiang people.

Just like a sandwich biscuit, there are layers of enemies and friends.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Northern Army couldn't help sighing in their hearts:
"The tactics given by the governor are really easy to use. Now we only need to maintain it, and there are still five miles away from twenty miles." '

This step is very simple. Divide the enemy army. To put it simply, using less to win more is generally the same method.

[-] against your [-], find a way to divide your [-] into five parts, and then rely on the advantage of my [-] soldiers and horses over your [-] soldiers and horses, and attack you one by one!
And five miles ahead, there are [-] soldiers in ambush with three defenses, two big forts and three defenses, three and four small forts.

The thousand soldiers and horses on your side have been divided, and the two hundred in front of me are staring at the five hundred in front of you, so that you dare not support.

Then two hundred plus four hundred is six hundred, six hundred is against you five hundred, personal qualities, weapons and armor are superior in all aspects, there is no reason to lose!


Two quarters of an hour later, the soldiers and the horses looked at the blood-stained battlefield panting, and the remnants of the Qiang people who fled to the west began to laugh.

"This battle was fought happily, and the Qiang people were played around by us!"

All the soldiers agreed one after another. They have never fought such a simple battle in their life!
"That's where we are going, that's enough, most of the Qiang people are coming, let's go into the mountains!"

(End of this chapter)

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