
Chapter 255 No hurry, let's take it step by step!

Chapter 255 No hurry, let's take it step by step! (4.4K for monthly ticket)
'Perhaps it is possible to build a governor's mansion in the Qiang region, play the game of the Western Regions, establish a good relationship with the Qiang people, rule them, and maintain and coordinate the unity of the various tribes.

Stationed in the Han army, let the Han people slowly adapt to the climate of this area, and then according to the situation, use force, diplomacy, or politics to gradually figure it out step by step! '

So the top priority in the current situation is to weaken them, not to surrender.

From the beginning to the end, Huo Shan never thought of surrendering!

But if the capital governor's mansion is built, maybe they can take it in. If they don't change the place after taking it in, take them to the Western Regions, and maybe they can do it like Huangzhong when they come back!

But the top priority is to weaken it!

Huo Shan looked at the scouts who came running again, expecting the rejection of the Qiang scouts in his heart, and sure enough, things were similar to what he expected.

"To the governor, the Qiang people just want to surrender, they are willing to dismount and join the army, submit to the big man, and serve as slaves, but they don't want to enter the mountains."

Huo Shan smiled. This answer did not exceed his expectations, but it made him very happy.

It is normal for the Qiang people not to go into the mountains.

Because Huo Shan didn't give them a definite answer, if they entered the mountainous area, if Huo Shan was unwilling to surrender, then they would be at the mercy of others.

At this time, in the eyes of the Qiang people, there is still a little confidence in the negotiation, and if they enter the mountainous area, there will be nothing.

In fact, Huo Shan could cut off some of them after surrendering, which would still weaken them, but he didn't want to bear this bad reputation.

Don't forget, after the weakening, there is still a link to take advantage of, and the reputation cannot be bad.

And even if you don't talk about the Qiang people, even if you are in the big Han, this is a very bad reputation!

Temporary change of mind can also be explained, but if he surrendered and handed over all the weapons and everything else, he can't kill him anymore. He still wants this reputation.

Migration is impossible, and it is definitely necessary to let them go back, but it is only a "small tribe".

It is impossible to let the big tribes go back without weakening them. Once the big tribes are released, Huo Shan has 1 affirmations, and they will definitely change their minds.

And before that, Huo Shan had to torture them a bit, and planted his power in their hearts, which would facilitate his subsequent actions.


"Go back and tell them that you can only talk when you go to the mountains, but if you don't go to the mountains, you don't have to talk."


Seeing that the scouting officer was about to leave, Huo Shan immediately ordered again:
"Order the whole army to proceed immediately according to the original plan!"

Let's talk about whether to accept it or not, Huo Shan felt that his own goal needs to be achieved first.

When the big tribes are weakened, it depends on whether they accept it or not, but migration is impossible.

Moreover, the big tribes couldn't be killed with a stick, they had to keep a few, otherwise their strength would be greatly weakened after heavy losses, and they might not be able to withstand other Qiang people.

However, there is no big problem in this aspect. With Huangzhong, after the area around the West Sea is taken down, Huangzhong will definitely move there. The area of ​​Lingqiang first is good.

Now, the cross-shaped plain where Huangzhong is located, the Han people can settle in. The terrain of this area is not high, the climate is not bad, there is no problem, and this area should be built first.

Push the buffer zone forward, and the West Sea, according to Huo Shan's thinking, must be stationed. The West Sea is a big salt pond!
So in this way, the overall Qiang defense line will be moved westward, and troops will be stationed in Xihai. Even if there are no troops stationed in Xihai, a large number of troops will be stationed in this cross-shaped plain.

It remains to be seen whether to continue to use the Hu Qiang school lieutenant, or to create a new Qiang land governor.

And it is most suitable to place the school captain's mansion or the governor's mansion on this plain.

And there is Huangzhong stationed next to the West Sea, so it is not a big problem.

Then coupled with his subsequent Western Region strategy, the Laqiang people robbed a wave of Western Regions, so they could really take down a wave.

Surrendering at least took the title, and in the future they will be the Han and Qiang tribes, and if there is a rebellion in the future, they can be regarded as famous.

So, everything is not absolute, and things change when you think about it.

Originally, Huo Shan didn't want to accept the surrender, and used them as outsiders and as cannon fodder, but now it seems that he can accept them.

And these factors of Huo Shan are all based on the fact that the national strength of the big man has become stronger and stronger in the past few years, otherwise he would still use the same method.

The advance of the defense line requires money, and the large number of troops stationed here also requires money, and everywhere requires money. Without money, nothing can be done.

However, even if the plan changes and the Qiang people move into the interior, this is absolutely impossible.


After Huo Shan gave an order, Xu Ziwei and the others no longer hesitated, and all started to act.

This little delay is not of much benefit to the Qiang people, and their internal situation cannot be calmed down at all.

On the contrary, this delay is very beneficial to Huo Shan.

The Changshui soldiers in the east rested for a while, and they were obviously much more energetic. Compared with Hu Qi in the west, the [-] troops were much more tightly defended.

Among the [-] Huangs led by Xu Ziwei, after a little delay, they have already reached the north.

The Qiang people are not only useless, but also somewhat disadvantageous.

After such a short period of rest, their physical strength and spirit were even lower, and now they have no power to resist.

In this case, you can’t stop. Once you stop, you will feel that there is room for turning around, and your spirit will inevitably start to relax. As a result, fatigue will flood your heart, and then you will not be able to hold on.

This is common in most cases.

But Changshui didn't have this situation because he was Huo Shan, and these soldiers were all veterans, basically this kind of situation would not happen.


Seeing the Qiang people pouring into the mountains one after another, Huo Shan gave another order:
"Order: The Hu cavalry march eastward, press the Marquis forward.

Order: Five thousand soldiers and horses left in Huangzhong, led by the leader of Huangzhong, continue to drive in the north.

Order: The remaining [-] soldiers and horses in Huangzhong were led by Xu Ziwei into the east side of the mountainous area, and built roads in various valleys in the mountainous area, trapping the Qiang people to death in this area.

Order: The Changshui Department also pressed forward and assisted [-] soldiers in central Huang to drive away the Qiang people. "

After Huo Shan gave the order, there will be nothing else for him, and it will be time for him to build a defense line when all the Qiang people have gone into the mountainous area.

Everyone looked at the situation in front of them, and everyone knew that the battle was basically over.

The life and death of the remaining Qiang people now depend on Huo Shan's thought.

Huo Shan didn't even need to launch an attack. Given the current situation of the Qiang people, it only took a few days for the army to be trapped before they all died.

There are still some small rivers in the valley, but these small rivers are not enough for them to drink, and there is no need to worry about food for a short time, because there are horses!
This is why Huo Shan forced them to withdraw from the camp and not allow them to bring their luggage, and the battlefield changed to this side, and the strength of his own troops increased greatly, so why not do it!


October [-]th is the third quarter of the ugly hour.

This battle has been fought for a day and a night since the beginning, and all the Qiang people have entered the mountainous area, and it is basically settled.

Huo Shan rode the champion between the various armies, came to the Hu Qi Department, and found Hu Qi Xiaowei and Zhao Chongguo who were smiling from ear to ear.

"Don't be merry, the fight is not over yet, Captain Hu Qi, Zhao Chongguo listens to the order."

"The end is here."

"Your [-] Hu cavalry soldiers from the Northern Army have returned.

The two of you each lead [-] Hu cavalry troops and horses, and use the god arm crossbow as a sharp weapon to guard the main road out of the mountain for me.

Day and night shifts, tonight let's start with Captain Hu Qi! "

"The last general takes orders!"

After walking to the Huqi Department, Huo Shan returned to the Changshui Department and ordered to rest at the same place. After dawn, he changed to Xu Ziwei's Department in Huangzhong, and the work was basically over.

As for the remaining [-] soldiers, and the [-] soldiers who came after resting, they are the reserve forces left behind to prevent them from being rushed away after rushing out.

[-] infantry and [-] Yue cavalry in the west.

To the east is the central part of Ten Thousand Huang, and the ten thousand Changshui.

There are ten thousand Huqi tribes in the north.

In addition, the reserve army of [-], the firing sound of the Chinese army, and the three divisions of the Northern Army who joined the various armies.

Counting all the soldiers and horses, a total of [-] elite cavalry troops surrounded these Qiang people, and it was impossible for them to escape.

Zhang Anshi also did the calculations in his heart, his confidence doubled, and he was steady!

"Governor, I wonder if there is anything else that needs to be dealt with?"

Huo Shan thought for a while, then looked up at the sky:
"No, wait until dawn!"

After dawn, he will complete his weakening plan step by step!

Time flies, and it will be dawn in a while.

Huo Shan had a good night's sleep, and was washing in the morning when Sun Shang ran in.

"My lord, there is news."

Huo Shan spat out the mouthwash in his mouth:


Then he took another sip, and then rinsed again.

"My lord, the new leaders of the tribes, big and small, have just arrived at the defense line of the mountain pass, and I request to meet the lord."

Huo Shan spit out water and stood up, washed his toothbrush, then handed the cup and toothbrush to Xiao Lizi, took the cloth towel and wiped his mouth:
"New leader?"

Sun Shang smiled:
"According to them, the old leader almost died in the civil strife. They were all newly elected last night. They were temporary and not very safe."

Huo Shan raised his eyebrows, then stretched his waist, he didn't care what happened to them, he only cared about one question:
"Where's the head?"

Sun Shang took two steps, put his left hand on his waist and said:
"I was about to say this. Before they left the camp, they basically brought the corpses of the leaders of the big tribe with them. They also brought them with them this time!"

Huo Shan nodded:
"Since you have it, then accept it. After the tanning is complete, pay homage to the old general, and then send it back to Chang'an to show off."

Sun Shang nodded, and just as he was about to lift his legs to leave, Huo Shan was about to call out to him, when Sun Shang slapped his head and stopped:

"Then, have you seen these people, my lord?"

Huo Shan smiled and said lightly:

"No, tell them that surrender is acceptable, but it also depends on the person. This matter will be discussed after the death of Ling Qiang, the culprit."

Sun Shang looked happy:
"My lord, it seems that the people from Xianlingqiang have come too!"

Huo Shan tilted his head, then spread his hands and said innocently:

"Does this matter?"

Sun Shang thought about it seriously, and then replied seriously:

"It doesn't seem to matter!"

Then the two looked at each other and started laughing.

This is a reason why I kill you and you have nothing to do with it!
"Don't worry about them, my [-] troops have besieged them, they have no food or water, should they all die, or should they just die Xian Lingqiang, whom they also hate, they will definitely have a choice, go!"


Sun Shang ran away, and after waiting for almost an hour, Sun Shang ran back with a smile on his face.

The idle and bored Huo Shan cast a glance at him, and asked:

It doesn't matter if Huo Shan doesn't ask, Sun Shang danced and said:

"Sure enough, as my lord expected, as soon as Zhao Chongguo said something, the eyes of the others looking at the leader of Xian Lingqiang changed immediately.

Afterwards, they all rushed forward and directly chopped the Xianling Qiang leader into a meat paste.

Then they saluted and said goodbye, and then left. It is estimated that they will go to Mie Xianling Qiang! "

After Sun Shang finished speaking, everyone standing next to him showed smiles. Tian Qianqiu cupped his hands and said with a smile on his face:

"Your Majesty knows things like a god!"

Huo Shan gave him a white look:
"This matter can be predicted. Although we don't know why they are in civil turmoil, we don't need to know, but this matter is inseparable from Xianling Qiang.

Moreover, Xianling Qiang organized this attack on our big Han, so all their tribes and Xian Lingqiang have a deep hatred.

And they don't have time to procrastinate. They don't know if they can finish the fight in one day. If they delay for a few more days, they will die if we don't need to do it.

In a word, they have no choice but to listen to me. "

Everyone agreed, or nodded thoughtfully.

"My lord's move is called a soldier who surrenders without fighting!"


Several people discussed happily, Huo Shan thought for a while and asked Zhang Anshi:
"How much food and grass do we have?"

"Back to the governor, there is still some food and grass in Huangzhong and the Huqi Department. When the Changshui Department came out, it took three days. Not much, the six thousand Yueqi has almost been consumed.

For an army of [-], the food and grass should last for five days. If the food and grass of the three frontier forts are added, it will take half a month without any problems. "

Huo Shan squinted his eyes and remembered that the [-] Qiang army had come to attack.

For the other ministries, [-] were wiped out in the mountains, [-] were wiped out in the city, and in the battle of Daying, there were basically [-], plus [-] Xianling Qiang who were all finished.

Added together, it is [-], and there are only [-] left in the [-] army. After that, there will be a further weakening, and there will be about [-] left.

Then take them to destroy the Xianling Qiang, and the other soldiers and horses can retreat, and the infantry will not follow. In addition, there will be an army of [-] in Huangzhong.

As for why he didn't bring other soldiers and horses with stronger combat power, but brought Huangzhong, it was because of the weather!

Huo Shan made a calculation, food and grass are not a problem, since food and grass are not a problem, then there is no problem.


In the early morning of the second day, those leaders came again, and as they came, Huo Shan added more than 1 achievements to his credit book.

"Let them report the figures of the various ministries."

Sun Shang went there again, and after a while he came back with a piece of sheepskin in his hand, Huo Shan took it over and looked at it, and counted in his heart while looking at it.

There are still 1 left in total. Yesterday he forgot about the possible losses of Mie Xian Ling's ministries. If more than [-] people were to be wiped out, their casualties would definitely be heavy.

Now there are almost [-] people left in the small tribe. These thieves are lucky. After several wars, they basically did not affect them too much.

There are still [-] left in the big tribe. It seems that the remaining troops are the same as the small tribe, but the initial base is different.

If calculated roughly, the loss of the large tribe is about [-] higher than the loss of the small tribe.

After reading it, Huo Shan threw the thing aside, and continued to tell Sun Shang:

"Zhong Qiang, Bai Lang Qiang, these two tribes, let them be wiped out."

These two tribes will definitely be exterminated, just because they are too far away from the West Sea area, the terrain is too high, it is difficult to control, and they are beyond their reach!

So instead of worrying about weakening them, it's better to kill them directly.

After the other tribes wiped out these two tribes, the plan to weaken the infighting here is almost over, but the subsequent plan is still long.

[-] of these tribes came, and Huo Shan was sure that there were definitely [-] or even more in the family.

This wave is about making a quick buck. Let’s talk about some of the Qiang first, and it’s impossible for other tribes to come out in full force.

These big tribes have to take it slowly step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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