
Chapter 271 Liu Shi Still Needs to Study Hard

Chapter 271 Liu Shi Still Needs to Study Hard (4.3K)

Hearing Liu Che's words, Huo Shan smacked his lips. It's actually not easy to talk about this matter.

The plan that Huo Shan prepared, in fact, will not have a very big effect in this respect.

Make them obsessed with money and neglect other things?

This sounds unrealistic, and people are not that stupid.

Huo Shan brought these two incidents together, just because both incidents were against big households and benefited big men.

Let's talk about the connection, there is a little bit, it can be regarded as inextricably linked, but it is not too close.

Huo Shan thought about it and prepared to tell the truth. When Liu Che heard this, he stared at Huo Shan speechlessly.

"Then tell me, what good does this matter do for me?"

Speaking of which, the benefits are huge.

"First, it can free up more hands for Chaotang."

Liu Che nodded, he could see this.

In fact, if you look at it from this direction, the two directions can really be said to be somewhat related.

If more hands can be freed up to deal with them, won't the connections increase?
"However, there are greater benefits to this matter. My uncle can think about it. Now it is only the development of the Qiang land, and in the future, the new capital can be entrusted to them to build.

After everything is proficient, the various projects of Dahan, such as road construction, canal construction, frontier city construction, etc., can be handed over to them. "

Liu Ju's expression changed, but Liu Che still nodded lightly:
"We'll talk about this later."

Huo Shan knew that Liu Che still had no feelings for big households and merchants, but Huo Shan didn't want to say anything more about it, because it would be useless to say more.

When the actual effect comes out, let him see for himself, and he will naturally understand.

"The second point is to get out the money hidden by the big businessmen.

The court didn't give them too many resources in the early stage, they could only advance money into it, and this matter was much more maneuverable. "

Liu Che looked at Huo Shan's presence, and said angrily:

"Speak frankly, don't give in."

Huo Shan chuckled:
"First of all, this project doesn't take two or three years, and it can't be completed at all.

Large households need to recruit workers for large-scale construction, and the common people also have to be busy with farming, so they must not have much time to start construction in a year.

And if the court comes to repair it, it will need to spend money all the time in the past two or three years, but now that it is not used, the money can be used elsewhere.

For example, if we open a few more salt farms, there is always a shortage of salt, so we don't have to worry about selling it.

There are also wine shops, tea houses, and silk workshops. Of the three, wine is the same as salt, and it is easy to sell. Isn’t there a Western Region behind silk and tea?

These two things are very popular in the Western Regions and even in the West, and they are not worried about selling.

And in the past two or three years, one year to build a workshop and one to two years to produce, the money invested can be easily earned back in terms of current profits, and it may even be able to earn back the money for the construction of the Qiang land.

From this point of view, in the original two or three years, with so much money, the court could only build one Qiang land.

But after doing this, not only the Qiang land was built, but also other things were done.

And the manpower used by the court has been greatly reduced.

The court has benefited, the rich have benefited, the common people have also received wages, and the great man has been vigorously developed, so..."

Liu Che squinted his eyes and listened seriously, but when he heard Huo Shan stop, he added:
"So, let's do this."

Liu Ju's agitated ass seemed to have nails growing under it, and he was restless, while Liu Che was very calm.

Because he has long been used to Huo Shan's whimsical ideas from time to time.

"And it's not just that, the imperial court can set rules, they buy building materials, they need five baht money made by water balance, and they need five baht money made by water balance to pay people's wages.

And the final payment from Chaotang to them will still be five baht from Chaotang. "

Hearing the benefit that Huo Shan mentioned, Liu Che understood it clearly, because he had already played with this method of operation when he was selling and buying grain.

But Liu Ju was at a loss, because he didn't understand the meaning. Is there any benefit in using water to balance five baht?
Seeing his expression, Huo Shan explained it to him.

"First of all, although my great-uncle has vigorously promoted five baht coins over the years, my big man is still full of counterfeit coins.

Secondly, there are many copper coins hidden in the hands of big households, in various styles.

And they have some influence in the local area, so that the local people still use old money, and the five baht money is not good for promotion!
A few years ago, due to some reasons, bartering even appeared in some places, and you have to know that this would do great harm to the big man.

To put it simply, if you barter things without using five baht to trade, the big man has nowhere to check in terms of taxation.

Moreover, there are all unfavorable factors such as the depreciation of the court's money.

These aspects are a bit complicated to say. If you have a schedule uncle, you can go to Sang Hongyang. He is an expert in this area. "

Huo Shan glanced at Liu Che, and Liu Che glared at Huo Shan:
"Look at me for what?"

Then he turned to look at Liu Ju:

"It's time to learn."

Liu Ju was overjoyed, and just about to get up to salute, Huo Shan coughed, Liu Ju paused, did not get up, and nodded solemnly in response.

Liu Che nodded in satisfaction.

The tone of Liu Che's words was obviously the tone of a father speaking to a son. If Liu Ju got up and saluted, then this matter would be mixed with something else.

It's like it's become a business.

Liu Che's heart is very sensitive, like a tsundere little old man, and his heart is complicated and entangled, and his thinking changes quickly.

Sometimes in a sentence, according to the previous conversation and the external environment, Liu Che's inner thoughts are different.

Maybe what he wants to see is the relationship between father and son, maybe what he wants to see is the relationship between the emperor and the prince.

As the saying goes, the king's heart is unpredictable, but as long as you get to know him, it is not so unpredictable.

And Liu Ju didn't have much contact with him and didn't know much about him, but Huo Shan knew Liu Che's character very well, so he naturally knew what kind of performance Liu Che wanted to see at this time.

In addition, although the three of them were discussing business affairs, they had such a homely conversation, so the reply Liu Che wanted was naturally clear.

Compared with Liu Che, Liu Ju is still far behind.

Not to mention comparing with Liu Che, compared with Huo Shan, he is far behind.

In the past, he stayed in Bowang Garden every day, and he had to practice hard to observe people's words and demeanor.

Huo Shan coughed, then continued:

"So, the money created by the water balance will have many benefits.

First, we can promote a wave of five baht coins, borrow the hands of big households, push five baht coins to the whole Han, and slowly let big households and common people develop the habit of using five baht coins.

As for the issue of exchanging money, although there are not many water balance offices in various places, or there are basically none.

However, Shaofu and Dasinong have offices in various places. With the help of the two channels, exchanging money is not a problem.

And the manufacture of the water balance this time did not need to be completed overnight. The project in Qiangdi is continuous, which means that the process of spending money by this big household is also continuous.

So you can take your time.

Moreover, there are also many five baht coins in circulation among the people. As long as they pass the inspection and are confirmed to be made by the imperial court, they can naturally be used.

So the pressure on the water balance side is not too great.

And the second is the most important point.

After the money of the big households has passed through the hands of the court, it is not so easy to hide the money.

And this money is under the control of the court, because the big money is going to be spent, building materials, and common people's wages.

Then the money will be circulated, and the money that is circulated is the real money. It will be of no benefit to me if it is buried in the ground and placed in a warehouse.

And with this money, the court can earn him a fortune. "

Liu Che was a little surprised:

"Make a fortune?"

Huo Shan nodded with a smile on his face:

"It's not appropriate to say that you earn a fortune, or that you get what the court deserves. When it comes to this, you have to mention commercial taxes."

Both of them looked at Huo Shan and did not interrupt him.

When Huo Shan thought of this question, he felt a little headache. The business tax of a big man is really hard to describe.

In fact, this is also normal. Merchants had no status in ancient times, and almost no one thought about what the appropriate business tax would be, and no one would think about it.

"It's time for my big man's business tax to change. The current business tax is too rough and too strict.

Moreover, there is no unified process. For example, the unnecessary customs clearance tax varies from place to place.

Some merchants would rather travel more distances to avoid those high-tariff gates, but if they travel more, the price of the goods will naturally go up.

All in all, I think it's time for my big man's business tax to change. If it remains the same, the following things will not be easy to act on.

Moreover, business tax can stimulate business, make my big man more prosperous, and make people's lives better. Similarly, it can also restrict businessmen and prevent them from doing too much or too much harm.

Although I have some ideas now, I don't have a clue yet. I have to discuss it with Sang Hongyang.

Uncle, I will present it to you after my discussion with Sang Hongyang is completed, what do you think? "

After Huo Shan finished speaking, he looked at Liu Che.

Liu Che nodded:


For Liu Che, this is just right.

Economically, he has a little bit of talent, although not much, but he doesn't quite understand the issue of business tax if you ask him to plan.

However, after you get it out, whether it is suitable for a big man, he can still see a little clue.

Although he doesn't have a good impression of the merchant, and he doesn't want to give the merchant too much power, but if it is good for the big man, he can still accept a certain concession.

The emperors of all dynasties are regarded as strictly guarding against businessmen. One reason is that businessmen have not had a high status since ancient times.

The two are based on the experience and lessons of the sages. This thing is a double-edged sword. It is beneficial to use it well, but it is very harmful if it is not used well.

And generally they don't know how to use it. If this is the case, then don't use it and be a baby of experience.

And since ancient times, China has been mainly farming, so merchants can't get up at all.

Moreover, he still has the right to decide on this matter, let Huo Shan and Sang Hongyang discuss it, and he still needs to decide whether to use it or not.


After talking about things, Huo Shan came out from the palace.

As for the specific matters, the three of them did not discuss in detail, because they will discuss with the ministers tomorrow, and they will naturally know by then.

Moreover, Huo Shan didn't need to talk, and Liu Che didn't need to listen. As for Liu Shi, he was mainly studying, so he couldn't get in the way.

As for why Huo Shan didn't need to say it, Liu Che didn't need to listen, it was because Liu Che was the one who made the decision.

Huo Shan only needs to explain the estimated benefits and harms to him after completing the matter, and other people will handle the specific things.

Liu Che didn't need to care about too many details.

And Huo Shan came here today to give Liu Che a thorough explanation, in order to get Liu Che to agree to his operation, and to show his agreement when discussing tomorrow.

In this way, Huo Shan can let go and do it later.

As for other aspects, there is no need to talk about them.

For example, it doesn't matter whether the big households will do this thing, even the big households in other places are in a different situation from Longxi.

Even if they don't want to do it, but this matter is not up to you at this time, you have to do it, if you don't do it, you will die.

And the possibility that they will agree is very high, so even if they quit, there will not be many people, and killing a few will not be enough to turn the table.

This is the first time to do so, and it is a precedent in history. There is no trust between the two sides, so it is necessary to play some tough tactics.

After all, everything is difficult at the beginning!
After this first time has passed and they have tasted the sweetness, then things will go much smoother for the next ones.

They may still flock to him, because they can make money, improve their status, and get close to Huo Shan, so why not do it.


After coming out of the palace, Huo Shan went to Gongsun He's house. Huo Shan went to find Gongsun He, intending to talk to Gongsun He about his situation and the preparations for the Battle of the Western Regions.

When he went to the Qiang land, Huo Shan actually didn't plan to come back, his plan was to go directly to the Western Regions from there.

So he entrusted what he was going to do to Gongsun He, a well-connected person.

The situation in the Western Regions is complicated, and the distance between the two places is too far, and there is a Hun tribe with a population of 30 next to it.

So it is very likely that the Western Regions don't know much about the situation of the big man.

Huo Shan's overall strategy for the Western Regions is to coerce the past all the way, but this also requires some means, such as pulling a group to fight a group.

Therefore, he needs a group of people to go to the countries of the Western Regions, and at the same time to publicize the great man, to investigate the details of some countries.

By the way, let's find out which countries have the intention of "cooperating", which countries can strive for it, and which countries are stubborn.

Originally, this matter was Da Honglu's business, but Da Honglu, alas, let's forget it!
There are many talented people and strangers among the people, and it is said that the hidden strategists and famous experts are professionals in this field.

Huo Shan invited them to come out of the mountain, they will definitely come, let alone Huo Shan's prestige, let's just say that they have been hiding all the time, like in history, sooner or later they will disappear on the stage of history.

As for whether they can't live or die, they can't help them, and it's not that they don't know where they are!

This is all he cares about, and he doesn't care much about the rest.

From there, the Xiongnu will send news every five days, and he knows the specific situation clearly.

As for the soldiers, horses and military households, Wei Qing is in charge, so he doesn't need to take care of them.

In terms of food and supplies, Sang Hongyang presided over it, and it was the same.

What he is most concerned about now is diplomatic matters. If diplomacy is used well, it will be very effective, and sometimes it is no less than winning a big battle.

As for the existing personnel of Dahonglu, let them specialize in the Huns and deal with the chores of the natives in various frontiers!

When the people he summoned come back and join Da Honglu, it will be the time for Da Honglu to really rise!
 "I Can See the Script of Life"

  Traveling through another world, at the beginning, I found that the whole family is an undercover agent of the Demon Cult...

  What to do, waiting online is very urgent...

  Until the gold finger arrived, Xu Cheng saw the life script of his sister beside him.

  Those who are interested can take a look!
(End of this chapter)

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