
Chapter 278 1 Lu Mang Just Go Over

Chapter 278 Just Go All the Way Recklessly (4.2K)

Three days later, it was still that mansion.

Three days ago was the investment promotion conference, but today, three days later, it was the auction conference, or the bidding conference.

There were indeed a lot of people who came today, but except for Huo Shan, Xu Ziwei, Sang Hongyang and others, no one else showed up. Old Liu came here, saying that he was going to take a look.

But I said I had a look, but I didn’t even look at it. After I came, I ran to the backyard, so it’s more appropriate to say listen.

Huo Shan is just going to show up, he won't take care of the rest, as long as someone else is in charge.

"In this conference, the lowest bidder wins. It is an anonymous bid, but the imperial court has a reserve price, and it cannot be lower than the reserve price. As for the reserve price, it is up to you to estimate.

One number can be bid five times, and one bid can be won, and no more bids are allowed. "

The previous process was almost done. Wang Wei walked up to the stage and started hosting. He got straight to the point.

What should be said has been said clearly in the past few days. A group of big bosses are sitting in the backyard, who dares to whine?
As for the issue of the base price, this is also to avoid people who don't want money for nothing, don't doubt it at all, there will definitely be such people!

But can the imperial court take advantage of you?
If you say give money, you are giving money, and you can’t do without it.

It was the first time to do this, although Huo Shan was full of confidence, but both sides were exploring each other, and Huo Shan felt that it was better to be on the safe side.

"The road from Longxi to Jincheng is divided into three sections, each of which is No. [-] Longjinchi Road, No. [-] Longjinchi Road, and No. [-] Longjinchi Road. The bidding will start after half an hour."

As soon as the words fell, the big households below started to take action, one by one poking their heads, looking at the expressions of the people next to them from time to time.

Then write a number on the paper, dry the ink and fold it up, then go to the small wooden box in the center of the courtyard and put it in.

After everyone had put in the boxes, Wang Wei ordered people to carry the boxes to the officials of the joint team of Dasinong, Shaofu, and Jiang Zuo, and began to calculate and select.

The officials acted quickly, and it was done in a short while, and Wang Wei came in front of the big households again.

"Now announce the results, Longjin Chidao, the winning bidders are the No. [-] Longxi Li family, the second Longxi Niu family, the Longxi Peng family, the third Longxi Xing family, and the Longxi Dong family."

The first wave, of course, is to take care of your own people.

But the big households below are a little confused. They feel a little headache thinking about the numbers they filled in, and they don't know what the range is.

But there are some very smart ones, and after looking at the entire Longxi lineup, they all understand. However, their headaches are actually still behind.

Although this actually has something to do with the numbers they filled in, it has nothing to do with it. This is also the reason for not reporting the winning bid amount.

All the initiative is in the hands of the imperial court. To put it bluntly, it is a black box operation, but what can you do?

Select the winning bidder based on various aspects, if you put Huo Shan here, he will also be confused.

To put it simply, a large project is divided into many small projects, and these small projects have a reserve price.

Some of them can make money, some of them lose money, and some of them don’t make much and will keep their capital.

And who can make money depends on the intention of the court, and it depends on who is more obedient.

However, there are big problems with this method. For example, some people will engage in a real black-box operation and get money from the court with big households.

But at this stage, with Huo Shan watching, there won't be any problems. This is more convenient to attack the big households, let them divide, let some of them rely on the court, and let this part attack other parts.

Long Jin Chidao finished recruiting, and the next thing was other projects. After Huo Shan looked at it for a while, he went directly to the backyard, and other people were in charge of the next things.

Although this matter looks simple, it is actually very troublesome.

Not to mention other things, just talk about the subsequent construction stage, it is estimated that there will be many problems, but time will not be a problem.

Say three years, that's three years, if you can't finish it, then wait to be cleaned up!

Since it can't be completed, why do you accept this project?Why bid?

Although time will not be a problem, there will be many other problems, but Huo Shan has also made preparations in advance and should be able to deal with most of the troubles.

Not to mention other things, just talk about materials.

Champion Hou Mansion, Changping Hou Mansion, Gongsun Mansion, no, Ge Yihou Mansion, and Shao Mansion have all prepared manpower in Qiang.

Just waiting for the spring, various stone factories and wood factories can be established, but such a large market, it is impossible for a few companies to eat, and the same is true for Shaofu.

Although with the size of the Shaofu, you can eat it casually, but it will cost too much, it is not worth it, and you can't do it. With this manpower and material resources, you can go to the Western Regions a few more times, and you will have everything.

They used to not do it to make money, but to set the tone.

It is impossible for Huo Shan to let go of the supply of materials, or other grassroots aspects, to the big family.

To build Qiang land, Huo Shan didn't just think about building roads and cities, he also wanted to make Longxi and other groups prosperous.

Therefore, the issue of material supply and other aspects, Huo Shan's idea is to hand over to the small merchants and small households in Longxi and other counties, as well as the people in various counties and towns.

The imperial court can owe money to the big families, and the big families can naturally owe money to these people. They used to build factories to make a name that they would not pay on credit.

The big households spend money on projects to bring prosperity to the local area, and the imperial court then pays the big households the final payment. After this set of actions, it is equivalent to the changing direction of the imperial court to prosper the local area.

This money was taken out by your big family, and it is impossible for you to earn it back. What your big family can only earn is the money of the court, and it is impossible to give you the money that goes to the people.

The people only pay taxes to the court, it is impossible to fatten you up and let you eat at both ends.

Although Huo Shan can hand over the basics such as materials to some other big households, and then they will owe them back and forth and let them consume by themselves, but as I said before, we must be steady.

Moreover, this will not have the effect of prospering the local area, so after the overall preparations are made, it can be said to be quite troublesome.

But the trouble is only this time, and when you gain experience next time, you don't have to worry about it anymore.

And no matter how troublesome it is, there is no trouble built by the imperial court itself. The imperial court only needs to take care of the people so that they will not be oppressed.

As for some other aspects that Huo Shan didn't think of, it's just a matter of seeing the tricks, and Huo Shan is not a god, so it is impossible for everything to be detailed.


When Huo Shan returned to the backyard, everyone was chatting and waiting for the news ahead, but because of Liu Che's presence, the atmosphere was a bit tight.

When Liu Che saw Huo Shan, a smile suddenly appeared on his face:

"Come here, Zihou, and sit down."

Huo Shan trotted for two steps and sat down to the first place under Wei Qing. Gongsun He was also here today. Although he was the elder, it was okay for Huo Shan to sit in front of him before, because Huo Shan had a high status.

But now that he is the prime minister again, it is impossible for Huo Shan to sit on top of him at this stage.

"How is it?"


Huo Shan was taken aback, Liu Che pointed outside, Huo Shan suddenly realized.

"No problem, everything went well."

Liu Che stroked his beard and nodded with a smile.

Let's talk about this matter for a while, as long as there is no problem, Liu Che came here today, one is to take a look at this incident, and the other is to gather together so that we can talk about other things.

The older he is now, the more he feels that a group of people sit together and talk about things, just like chatting, and things are settled.

Especially since the time in Huo Shan's mansion, this feeling can't stop the car.

Maybe the idea in his bones was stimulated. He founded the Inner Dynasty. Maybe in addition to other factors such as centralization, there is also the possibility of not wanting to be restrained, so no one can say for sure.

Immediately afterwards, everyone started to praise Huo Shan again. Liu Che was delighted to hear it. Anyway, he was happy when someone praised Huo Shan. Sometimes Huo Shan couldn't understand what he was thinking.

Maybe it's because he thinks that Huo Shan was cultivated by him, so everything that Huo Shan has done must be attributed to him!

As we talked, the subject changed and we talked about the Western Regions.

Huo Shan had already predicted this matter, and it was indeed getting late. He had to set off at the beginning of February, go to Qiang land first, then go directly to Wuwei to wait for the army, lead the troops to Dunhuang, and then go straight to the Western Regions.

When Liu Che came today, Huo Shan knew that he must talk about this matter, but it was indeed time to talk about it. After the last meeting, the preparations were almost completed.

"Zihou, what are your plans for the Western Regions?"

Liu Che looked at Huo Shan expectantly, he wanted to hear about the tactics Huo Shan was going to adopt.

When Huo Shan heard this, he wrinkled his little face, saying that he wanted to hit the Western Regions, what else was he going to do.

"Uncle, Zihou has no plans for this."

Liu Che frowned, and the corners of Wei Qing's mouth twitched, he almost couldn't hold back his laughter, what was his plan?
Wei Qing held back his laughter, and signaled Huo Shan to say something with his eyes. Huo Shan scratched his head and said tentatively:

"Go all the way?"

Everyone present was speechless.

Huo Shan chuckled:
"Hey, just kidding, kidding."

"I still have some plans, my diplomatic staff is almost done, and I am going to send them to the countries of the Western Regions tomorrow.

At that time, the situation of the countries in the Western Regions will be clear at a glance which country is their friend and which country is their enemy. "

Liu Che nodded in satisfaction, Wei Qing also nodded in agreement, and the others also looked at Huo Shan with admiration.

Said that they couldn't think of this diplomatic strategy.

In fact, speaking of it, diplomatic strategies are very common in China, and everyone present here is well aware of these things.

After all, there are so many classic cases in the Warring States Period.

But for some reason, Huaxia seldom uses diplomatic strategies when facing foreigners, and it can't be said to be very few. It can be said that compared with other aspects, the proportion is very light.

Diplomacy is very important, and intelligence is also very important.

Especially in the case of the Western Regions, the role of diplomacy is simply to break through the sky.

Huo Shan didn't want to talk about historical diplomatic time with them, and it's not too late to realize the importance now.

"As for the march, I really don't have any strategy.

The countries in the Western Regions are scattered, and the Xiongnu can't take care of themselves now. My great man is at the height of the sun, and his reputation is booming.

Moreover, my big man sent [-] cavalry this time, who can stop it, who dares to stop it?
I'm afraid that before my big Han Tianjun arrives, they will have to mess up. "

After listening to Huo Shan's words, Liu Che clapped his hands and laughed loudly:
"Hahahaha, what Zihou said is good!"

It's really not that Huo Shan underestimated the enemy, but that's the case.

Li Guangli's second expedition to Dawan brought a lot of resources, but the real elite soldiers of the big man did not bring many at all.

There are only a few thousand cavalry, and there are quite a few Hu cavalry. Most of the rest are prisoners, but their combat effectiveness is not weak at all. It doesn't matter how many generals there are in the big man, there are more than fifty.

As the saying goes, you will be the master of soldiers!

Whether the army is elite or not, although the number of soldiers is very important, the generals are actually more important than the source of soldiers to a certain extent.

A strong general leading an army that has always been mediocre, and a general general leading an army that has always been strong, the former must have a higher winning rate.

And under such circumstances, none of the countries in the Western Regions dared to stop them. Although there were some minor setbacks in the middle, they successfully conquered Dawan and returned.

And this time, you look at how much resources have been invested.

There are 20 cavalrymen alone, and then there are [-] military households, not counting horses, and all the people add up to a million.

To be honest, these one hundred thousand cavalry are not as good as the cavalry of the big man, but they are not weak.

Sixty thousand came from the Xiongnu. Although the combat power of the Xiongnu cavalry was not comparable to that of the Han cavalry, their strength was not comparable to that of the soldiers and horses of the Western Regions.

And in fact, compared with the cavalry of the big man, if Huo Shan was to bring it, the Xiongnu's soldiers and horses were actually more convenient for him to bring, and it was more in line with his strategy and tactics.

Of course, the big Han soldiers, Habayashi Huben and the Northern Army are naturally excluded.

As for the Qiang cavalry, their combat power is not as good as that of the Xiongnu cavalry, but for the Western Regions, the destructive power and ferocity of the Qiang people are definitely beyond that of the Xiongnu.

The Qiang cavalry is most suitable for such a big place as the Western Regions, let them run freely.

However, it was quite a challenge for Huo Shan himself to bring [-] cavalry into battle.

In the first battle of the Qiang people, it is said that [-] soldiers and horses were used, but in fact he actually used about [-] to [-] soldiers and horses under command.

And you can't use the Qiang land as an analogy with the Western Regions. The Qiang land has a narrow terrain, and he played a game of luring the enemy to go deep, and a battle of encirclement and annihilation came. It was very easy for him to command.

But the Western Regions are different. This place requires field battles, and the terrain is vast, and the distance may exceed thousands of miles.

The general direction is field battles, but there must be some wars such as siege battles.

Therefore, it will be very difficult for Huo Shan to command such a large battlefield, but he is confident that there are many capable men under his command, so it is not a big problem.

As for the [-] cavalry entering the Western Regions, will the Western Regions resist and surrender directly?

It is possible.

But whether to surrender or not is their business, whether to accept it or not is his business.

Except for Dawan, which was definitely going to be destroyed, Huo Shan had to find something to do in other places.

How can he establish the Governor's Mansion of the Western Regions if he doesn't show his prestige?How to make them obedient afterward?

The ministers were discussing the relocation that would start in the next few days when Wang Wei walked in from the outside.

"Your Majesty Wang Wei respectfully asks for His Majesty's peace."

"How many?"

"Return to Your Majesty, one million and seventy thousand gold."

Huo Shan frowned and muttered:

"Is it a little less?"

When Liu Che heard this, he gave Huo Shan an angry look:
"Isn't it a good thing to spend less money?"

Huo Shan chuckled:
"Then what does His Majesty think?"

Liu Che waved his hand:
"That's it!"

(End of this chapter)

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