
Chapter 295 It's time for a feast!

Chapter 295 It's time for a feast! (4.3K)

What happened next was no different from Li Ling's prediction.

The remaining soldiers and horses rushed straight towards their own crossbow formations. After two rounds of crossbow formations, Li Ling immediately gave an order:


Fifteen hundred soldiers and horses threw back the divine arm crossbow, hung it on the back with a belt, and then used the space left to turn the horse's head, turned around and started galloping back.

There is no way, and the Xiongnu soldiers and horses will catch up without running wildly.

Then you run, I will naturally chase after the Xiongnu soldiers and horses, no matter which direction you run, it's the same.

Although the Xiongnu can't play tricks against big men, they are not fools.

The big man wanted to widen the distance and defeat them one by one, and the Xiongnu would naturally have the same plan.

And according to the situation, the Xiongnu side is more reliable.

The [-] soldiers and horses on the north side dragged the second and third schools, and the [-] soldiers and horses from the first and second schools were directly wiped out on the south side.

You know, on the south side, the soldiers and horses of the Huns are more than twice that of the Han soldiers.

But they are indeed too young, and fighting a war is not just based on the number of people.

A five-year-old kid who knows how to use a gun can kill a [-]-year-old man with a knife.

But now the equipment gap between the big Han and the Huns is not much different from this.

The [-] Qiang soldiers brought their own armor, but among the [-] Xiongnu soldiers and [-] Huang, they had changed their armor.

Although it was just a knife, a bow and the cavalry three treasures, the combat power was more than twice that of the Huns.

And since they joined the big man, they also have the status bonus of the big man and the champion, so I won't mention other aspects.

Li Ling leaned towards the south side with his soldiers and horses. Instead of attacking the five thousand Xiongnu soldiers and horses who were entangled with the four schools, he began to slowly gather with the one thousand and one school soldiers and horses sent over.

If you can charge the enemy's [-] soldiers, the enemy soldiers who follow behind you can also charge the soldiers of your four schools, so it is not advisable.

After the first school returned to full condition, Li Ling shouted an order on the spot:

"The whole army listens to the order, uses Shi as a small team, relies on each other as a team, flees in all directions, and fights No. [-] guerrilla tactics. The battlefield is within [-] miles."

The herald immediately picked up the horn and blew the order after hearing the order amidst the sound of rumbling horseshoes.

Li Ling's order was to tear apart the formation of the enemy behind him, weaken the enemy's strength, and enter into a form that is beneficial to our army.

This is also thanks to the fact that the backbone of the army is all soldiers of the Northern Army, and they are also soldiers of the Northern Army who have been trained by the Habayashi Huben training method.

Otherwise, as soon as this order is issued, it will collapse immediately.

At this time, who would practice such complicated tactics!
Once you let go and flee in all directions, it is not a tactic or a guerrilla, but a real escape. You can't get together at all, and you just collapse.

The Xiongnu soldiers and horses behind them were overjoyed when they saw the big Han soldiers and horses dispersing and fleeing. The enemy general gave the order to start chasing them in all directions.

It was also thanks to the billowing smoke and dust brought up by the horseshoe, which blocked a lot of sight.

Otherwise, when they saw the scattered soldiers and horses still maintaining a neat formation, they would probably not be so easily fooled if they encountered a cautious one.

Xiongnu Yicong also went this way, and after he came to Yiwu, he trained a bit, but he was still far from Habayashi Huben.

If these soldiers and horses were Habayashi tigers, they would act more like a rout than a rout.

Of course, even if these Xiongnu soldiers and horses studied for a lifetime, they would not be able to learn the level of Habayashi Huben.

There are many reasons, not having read a book is an important reason.

Seeing the dispersed and chaotic formation of the Xiongnu, Li Ling began to laugh.

In this situation, he doesn't have to wait for reinforcements now, he can beat them by flying a kite.

Who made their riding skills not as good as our own, who made their horses not as good as our own, who made their shooting range not as good as our own!

Riding skills and shooting range are easy to understand, but this horse is indeed the same.

In addition to pasture grass, the horses of the big man still eat forage, while the horses of the Huns are completely pasture.

And don't forget where and when.

On the north side of Tianshan Mountain, there is a barren area, and there is really not much grass.

And at this point in time, the horses hadn't started growing their autumn fat yet, so even if they had fat now, it was still in vain.

As for the horse breed, there is basically no difference between the two, both are Hun horses.

And these horses under the crotch of the Huns were all brought back from Mobei, just like the Huns.

Even if the Huns in this part are close to the Western Regions and have better horse breeds, they are not much better among the army.

The soldiers and horses of the first school and the second school began to slow down after running for a certain distance. When the Huns were not easy to detect, and when the Huns felt that the soldiers and horses of the big man could not move, they slowly pulled the two closer together. the distance between them.

The Huns behind them eagerly pursued, and as the distance got closer, they became more and more excited.

He picked up the bow and arrow in his hand and prepared, and waited a little closer for the moment when he could shoot, but the next moment, the arrow of the big man directly inserted into their chests.

The soldiers of the Huns chasing at the front only felt a chill in their chests, necks, and before they had time to react, they felt a loss of strength all over their bodies, and fell off the horse's back directly, and were trampled into a pulp by the hooves of the horses that followed. .

While the soldiers and horses were staying, Li Ling didn't stop. He directly boarded a high ground with his shooting guards and watched the battlefield.

The battlefield at this time was a mess, very chaotic.

But if you look carefully, you can still see it clearly.

In the general direction, the soldiers and horses of the Han Dynasty spread out in front and ran towards the east, and they did not walk in a straight line. Some ran forward, some ran south, and some ran north, mainly to expand the range.

The Xiongnu soldiers and horses scattered behind, biting tightly behind and chasing, the situation seemed to be very urgent for the big man.

As for the small details, the soldiers and horses of the Han Dynasty slowed down from time to time, waiting for the soldiers and horses of the Huns to catch up, and then shot a few arrows to kill a few enemies.

As for how to control the shooting range, the Huns Yicong is also a Hun, and it hasn't been long since he changed camp. How can the Huns not know the details of the Huns?

Keep at this distance, keep shooting arrows, the fallen horses will slow down the speed of the Huns soldiers and horses, the distance will be opened again, and then the speed will be reduced, the distance will be shortened, and the cycle will continue.

And some teams wanted to go around to the back of the Huns soldiers and horses from the side, and then saw the Huns soldiers and horses estimate their route, and after dispatching the soldiers and horses to intercept the road, they turned their horses around.

And if you want to surround us with troops, then I will run without turning back. You can catch up and let you...

Just kidding anyway.

The entire battlefield is just one word, chaotic, very chaotic.

Looking at the battlefield, Li Ling couldn't help sighing in his heart:
'The tactic of the governor is really suitable for them. '

This is indeed a tactic developed by Huo Shan, and it was developed specifically for the Huns who had the Northern Army as their backbone.

A real guerrilla is not like this at all. How can there be tens of thousands of soldiers and horses scattered into units to fight against tens of thousands of enemy soldiers and horses.

Small-scale soldiers and horses are fine, but it is too risky to do so with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

Huo Shan also regarded this tactic as a backup tactic, and he didn't use it if he could use it. This is also the reason for naming it No. [-], which is later.

He didn't expect that Li Ling would use it directly.

Li Ling himself didn't expect that, anyway, he used his brain as soon as he had a flash of light.

But this tactic seems to be very useful now.

This set of tactics is actually very suitable for the wild Huns, and it also fits their usual combat habits.

Not as strict as the soldiers and horses of the Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu soldiers and soldiers only need to obey their long orders.

Run when you are told to run, fight when you are told to fight, and chase when you are asked to chase.

Others, apart from keeping up with their own team, the rest are all up to them, with a high degree of freedom.

However, the requirements for those who give orders are very high.

Because he not only has to pay attention to his target, but also has to pay attention to his surroundings all the time, because it is very messy.

And this situation in this battle is also the reason why Li Ling has made sufficient preparations in front of him.

After chasing and fleeing, he entered the state directly, and the situation was much simpler.

Li Ling was also very courageous and indeed a genius, so he immediately chose this tactic.

Li Ling also didn't have such a careful method, and it was also due to luck, just a coincidence.

Every move of the Xiongnu soldiers and horses happened to be in the most perfect state.

As time went by, the generals of the Huns gradually discovered something was wrong.

I can't catch up with life and death, the enemy is too slippery, but my own casualties are getting bigger and bigger.

Logically speaking, the pursuit shouldn't have this result. If he hasn't discovered this, he doesn't deserve to lead these soldiers.

But what he didn't know was that it was already too late, since they started chasing the crossbow array, it was already too late.

Whether he continued to chase, or turned around and retreated, they would all have an ending, that is, to return home in a disastrous defeat.

If it weren't for Li Ling's lack of soldiers and horses, most of them would have stayed here, but in the subsequent offensive and defensive changes, they still had to stay most of them.

They can't win when they chase, and when they run away, more people will die.

Although it's just the difference between you chasing after me and me chasing you, this difference is very big.

Li Ling smacked his mouth, he always felt that there was something missing in his mouth!
While Li Ling was watching a play and eating, the second and third schools were almost done.

The situation over there is much simpler than here.

As soon as the reinforcements from the Second Department and the Fourth School sent by Su Xian arrived, they aimed at the Xiongnu soldiers and rushed over.

It was just a wave, and the Xiongnu soldiers and horses collapsed directly, it was that simple.

After a brief pursuit, more than 1000 people were beheaded, nearly 2000 were captured, and more than 1000 people ran away.

The Sima of the Second Department, the Four Schools and the First Army, that is, half of the soldiers and horses stayed to guard the prisoners, and the rest came directly to Li Ling for support.

Without reinforcements, Li Ling felt that he could grind them to death, but now that they have reinforcements, it's all right.

However, after Li Ling saw the reinforcements coming to support from a distance, he did not let them join the battlefield. Instead, he sent messengers to wait for them on the way west of the Huns.

The purpose of this operation is to cut off their retreat.

Of course, Li Ling didn't intend to keep them all, that would take too much time and energy.

He didn't forget the task Huo Shan gave him, which was to slow down most of the Xiongnu's troops.

He wanted to try to see if he could force them to surrender, then it would be much easier to clean up, a matter of three swords at most for a soldier.

This is still a situation where soldiers and horses need to be guarded, otherwise one person and two swords will not be used.

As for taking them down for his own use, it's impossible for Li Ling here. They are all meritorious service, and they are unstable and slow down.

As for letting them go back, that's even more impossible.

But to stop them, the [-] cavalry of the second and third schools and the second and fourth schools alone are not enough.

There are no more than [-] soldiers and horses, and they cannot stop the Huns. Even if there are more than [-] soldiers, Li Ling is reluctant, and the casualties will be heavy.

Therefore, he needs to replace the crossbow array.

"Send the order, the second school enters the battlefield, and the first school slowly withdraws."

Give an order, and the two schools will act immediately.

But just as the second school was about to arrive, the Xiongnu soldiers and horses began to retreat in an all-round way.

Although Li Ling's terrain is relatively high, it's not much higher.

What Li Ling could see, the Xiongnu soldiers and horses could also see. No one who is blind could see such a big cloud of smoke and dust rolling in.

Therefore, the generals of the Xiongnu knew that this place would not be old for a long time, and it would be more risky to stay there, so they began to retreat directly.

But in this situation, what can the big man do?
No way.

The Xiongnu ruled the world, relying on this method to come and go freely, they are professional in running, and they can't stop them.

Li Ling gritted his teeth, stabbed his waist and cursed angrily:
"Really fucking decisive."

Still naive, how could the Huns surrender, there are still nearly [-] soldiers and horses, and they are not yet in desperate situation. The bones of the Huns are not so soft!
"The order was given that the soldiers and horses of the third school in the first department and the fourth school in the second department should make way for the Huns to pass, and then I would chase after them and bite them to death. Don't let them run away."

"The order is that the first school will drive our horses. After changing the horses, we will continue to chase. Our army has one man and two horses. The general wanted to see where they ran.

Our army dispatched [-] troops this time, the result of the battle must at least be unreasonable, otherwise wouldn't it be the name of the Great Governor? "

All the soldiers around laughed, and some smart people knew that after this battle, Li Ling might become famous all over the world.

It's not so easy to achieve success, who can play a battle of success, which one is not a famous general?
Not to mention that the enemy is the Huns.

And excessive means beheading, that is, beheading captives and dispatching troops and horses that exceed one's own side, which is called excessive.

So there is a premise, that is, you must attack more with less, otherwise you will kill all the enemy troops, and you will not be able to survive!
Attacking more with less, winning a big victory, the result of the battle is too much, Li Ling has already become a famous general of the Han Dynasty after this battle.


Two hours later, except for the third school and the second and fourth schools that were pursuing, the rest of the army had changed horses.

The battle damage and results of this battle also have a rough figure.

The battle damage was at least [-] or more, and it was the first time to use this tactic, so it was an unskilled pot.

There were no casualties at the beginning of the crossbow array, there were corpses on the battlefield, and the terrain slowed down the speed. Although the Huns were fast, the crossbow array evacuated successfully.

The battle damage basically occurred in the following battles.

The result of the battle is at least six thousand. Of course, the nearly two thousand captives and the more than 1000 people who did not come and escape were counted.

The actual number of enemies killed by the two armies against the enemy was more than 2000, less than [-], which is already very, very high.

The results of a war are basically produced in the subsequent pursuit, and killing the enemy on the spot basically does not exceed [-]%.

After Li Ling finished listening, he immediately started to arrange:
"One, one and two schools speed up, and replace the third school and the two and four schools, and the second army Sima.

Then Sima of the Second Division and the Fourth School and the Second Army stayed behind to clean up the battlefield, and one of the Third and Fourth Schools rested while rushing along the road, ready to rotate the First and Second Schools at any time.

An order was sent to Sima of the Second Department, the Fourth School and the First Army to kill those prisoners, and the same is true here. "

Then Li Ling looked around at these generals, and smiled brightly:
"It's time for us to start eating!"

(End of this chapter)

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