
Chapter 364 Changing Strategies, Changing Directions

Chapter 364 Changing Strategies, Changing Directions (4.2K)

"The news came from the general. Yesterday, we encountered Hun soldiers and horses. There were about [-] soldiers and horses. They were wiped out by the general."


Huo Shan, who was lying in the swaying carriage, responded to Tian Qianqiu's report next to him.

"There is also news from Zhijinwu. They just arrived at Gonglushui today. The tribes on the left of the Xiongnu have been wiped out."

"What is the ratio?"

"The proportion of surrendered tribes is about [-]%."

"It's not bad, go on."

"Weiwei sent another message, they are here to ask for a battle, they said that they have arrived at the designated location for six days, the Huns are not prepared, can they attack Dragon City?

They also said that if they did not attack as soon as possible, they might be discovered by the Huns in a few days. "

"Why, they forgot why I asked them to go there?
Still want to attack Dragon City, do you want to take credit from His Majesty?
Write back to them and tell them to be honest, and don't report anything important. Isn't Xiao Hei tired of flying around every day? "


"Zhang Anshi, how is the situation of the Huns?"

"After these ten days of rushing, our army is less than five hundred miles away from Shan Yuting's position. The Huns have gathered more and more troops. They should have taken action in these two days."

Huo Shan thought for a while:
"Indeed, either tomorrow or the day after, they have only two choices, attack us, break through our defenses, and then flee to the Western Regions.

Or march north, and then turn to the northwest to escape after reaching the vast sea. "

Zhang Anshi nodded. They really only had these two options. As for breaking through them and going to the big man, this possibility is very small, because this is the way to kill, and the Huns know this too.

"15 troops?"

"The estimate is too much. It should be around 13 to [-]. If all the troops of the Xiongnu are exhausted, the main cavalry with combat power is estimated to be around [-]. Many Hun soldiers and horses have not come."

Huo Shan fumbled for the jade tablet in his hand, and said after a while:

"The Xiongnu have 12 soldiers and horses, and we have [-] soldiers and horses. If we win, we should be able to win, but it will take a lot of time. If we mobilize the soldiers and horses of Lu Bode and Li Ling, we will fight hard here, and the damage will not be small.

The best way is to defeat them in one battle, let them flee, and we will slowly hunt them down, consume their combat power, and disintegrate their willpower.

Finally, they rushed to the Northwest General and ate them up in World War I. "

After analyzing it, Huo Shan asked Zhang Anshi:

"Is there any suitable battlefield for the Kui Niu Army?"

Zhang Anshi also studied this carefully, and when he heard Huo Shan asked, he said directly:

"Indeed, there are two locations. We set off from Yinshan Mountain and headed straight to Dragon City, so our location is now west of the central part of the Xiongnu.

The first location, sixty miles to the west of us, is a tributary of the Junji Mountain Range, flowing out from the East Range and heading northwest.

There is a river flowing southeast from the Yanran mountain range, and the two rivers flow together and spread across this grassland. There is water in the rainy season, but not much in the dry season, but it will take a little trouble for soldiers and horses to cross the river.

In addition to this river in Yanran Mountain, there is another river flowing down from the east vein, going northeast, and merging into Yuwu Water.

There is a narrow road between the two rivers, with a width of about a hundred miles. When the rainy season comes in a few days, crossing the river is not easy, and it is still suitable for the Kui Niu army.

It is three hundred miles away from our army and eight hundred miles away from Dragon City. "

Huo Shan heard what Zhang Anshi was talking about halfway through, but he didn't interrupt out of politeness:

"Not here, let's talk about the next one."

This place is really not good, the two rivers come from Yanran Mountain, the northwest and southeast sides are rivers, the northeast side is the prairie, and the southwest side is Yanran Mountain.

There are rivers on the southeast and northwest sides, and it is impossible for the two armies to choose these two sides as their backs, so there are only two sides, the northeast and the southwest, one Xiongnu, and a big Han, but which side should the big Han choose?
Choose the southwest, seal it on three sides, and the only way out is the Huns, and that is a last stand.

As for the Northeast, how to let the Huns enter this deadly place is a big problem. Although the Huns are not smart, they are not stupid either.

Even if the Xiongnu entered this place, the two sides would fall into a fierce battle again, which was not in line with Huo Shan's strategy
What's more, Huo Shan brought these [-] soldiers and horses to this side, and there was a big gap in the west of the central part, and the Xiongnu could go straight away, so why bother with you?
Of course, even if they leave, they won't be able to leave. 12 are just soldiers and horses, and there are still many old and weak women and children. It is impossible for them not to take them with them.

No one will help them raise logistics cattle and sheep, and these people are the family members of the Xiongnu soldiers and horses. If the Xiongnu Shanyu dares to say no, the soldiers and horses will fall into turmoil the next moment.

So the location Zhang Anshi chose was just an unrealistic fantasy.

"Another place, that is the place where we are walking now. On both sides are the Gobi desert, gravel, and there are many deserts. We are fine, but the horses of the Xiongnu army are not easy to walk.

In the middle is a flat road eighty miles long and thirty miles wide, which is suitable for Kui Niu to attack. Our position at this time is just over one-third of the way, which is just right. "

Huo Shan glanced at Zhang Anshi:

"Then why do you say the place in front?"

Zhang Anshi chuckled:
"It's nothing, I just want to say, I just think that place is a good place for a large army to trap the enemy."

"It is also a good place to arouse the enemy's fighting spirit, make the enemy's underdogs win, fight with their backs, and sink the boat.

You copy the military regulations ten times and give them to me tomorrow morning. "

Zhang Anshi looked at Huo Shan with a wrinkled face, and Huo Shan smiled brightly:
"It's okay, I just want you to copy it."


Zhang Anshi saluted regretfully, if he had known earlier, he wouldn't be so mean.

Huo Shan lay on the couch, picked up the long stick beside the bed, raised the carriage curtains and shouted:

"Sun Shang."


Sun Shang, who was following the carriage, hurriedly took a few steps forward, and clapped his hands at Huo Shangong in the carriage through the window:
"What are your orders, my lord?"

"Notify the whole army to stop marching and let Su Xian watch to set up camp.

Inform the Kui Niu Army and ask them to take out the heavy armor on the carriage and wipe it. Wear it today and tomorrow to get used to it. There should be a big battle soon.

By the way, I will report to His Majesty that the Xiongnu will come to attack in a short time, and let Your Majesty see how his [-] Kui Niu broke through an army of [-]. "


After Sun Shang agreed, Huo Shan lowered the curtains and the carriage stopped moving.

"I didn't ask just now, where did the general go?"

"Back to the champion, you have already passed Yanran Mountain, and you are on the north side of Yanran Mountain."


Huo Shan's expression changed, and he immediately sat up, Zhang Anshi also frowned.

"It's broken, uncle and grandpa are impatient, the speed is too fast."

After Huo Shan muttered something, he lifted the curtain and said:

"Go and call Sun Shang back to me, and tell him not to wear orders."


Just as the soldiers outside the window were about to leave, Huo Shan shouted again:

"Wait, don't go."

The orderer's speed is very fast, it is estimated that this meeting has been passed on for less than half, and it is not a good thing to change the order overnight.

Moreover, Huo Shan's mind has also turned around. Now that the situation has changed, it might not be a bad thing.

As for why Huo Shan said that Wei Qing's speed was too fast, it was because Wei Qing's movements of soldiers and horses had always been under the attention of the Xiongnu.

Wei Qing crossed Yanran Mountain, now is a critical moment, and the Huns are probably waiting for his next move.

If Wei Qing went west along Yanran Mountain to Longcheng, it is estimated that the Xiongnu would set off immediately, head to the north, and then go to the northwest.

If Wei Qing's soldiers and horses headed north all the way to the northwest to block the road, the Xiongnu would have no way out, and they would probably start running around.

The biggest possibility is that they all came rushing towards him, defeated him, and then crossed these rivers, passed through the grassland between the south side of Yanran Mountain and Zhuoxie Mountain, and headed to the Western Regions.

If Wei Qing's speed was slower for two or three days, everything would go according to the previous arrangement.

Wei Qing must have misunderstood Huo Shan's meaning. Huo Shan wanted to take his time, grind the Xiongnu slowly, and then eat them.

But Wei Qing probably understood it as besieging the Xiongnu, and then came to catch the turtles in the urn and wipe them all out.

Huo Shan glanced at Zhang Anshi:

"You really hit the mark with the wrong combination."

"Tian Qianqiu, make an order."

Tian Qianqiu laid out the paper and looked at Huo Shan.

Huo Shan asked Zhang Anshi first without ordering:

"How far is Li Ling from Dragon City?"

"Yesterday it was about nine hundred miles."

At this time today, it should be about [-] miles away.

Just at this time Liu Che got the news and came over and got into Huo Shan's carriage.

"I am waiting to meet your Majesty."

Liu Che sat on Huo Shan's couch:
"Excuse me."

Then he patted the seat next to him and signaled Huo Shan to sit down. Huo Shan was not at all shy, and sat down with his buttocks.

Liu Che looked at the serious faces of the three with some doubts:
"What happened? The Xiongnu have too many soldiers and horses, you are not sure, Zihou?"

He could only think of this possibility.

Huo Shan smiled and shook his head:
"Although my uncle's soldiers and horses walked much slower than us, they still walked a little too fast, and some of them scared the Huns. We need to change our strategy."

Liu Che nodded without asking further questions, Huo Shan began to give orders.

"First order Li Ling to take the Candle Dragon Army and the 150 Qiang Army to the west with great fanfare. They will travel [-] miles a day, and it will take about five days to reach Longcheng.

Let them be ready to meet the enemy, the Huns should send soldiers and horses to test them, kill as many as they can, the more they kill, the more afraid the Huns will be. "

Tian Qianqiu finished writing and put it aside.

"Then order the coalition forces of the eastern countries to dispatch troops and horses to herd horses six hundred miles south of Langjuxu Mountain, take a defensive posture, and block the way for the Xiongnu to move eastward."

After finishing the arrangement, Huo Shan said:
"The east side has been arranged, and now it's the north side. Didn't Lu Bode and Zhao Puonu ask for a fight, let them immediately march to the south of Longcheng with great fanfare, march 140 miles a day, and it will take five days to reach Longcheng.

They also need to be prepared to deal with the enemy and arrange to be equal to Li Ling. "

"Then send an order to the northern states, Qushe, Ding Ling and other allied forces of the Xiongnu's northeastern states to go to the east of the vast sea to defend and block the Xiongnu's way to the northeast.

Jiankun and other countries in the northwest of the Xiongnu went to the west side of the vast sea to make defenses and blocked the Xiongnu's road to the northwest. "

The coalition forces of these countries are not many, and they are just showing off, but Huo Shan only needs them to show off. There are big Han soldiers in front of them, and he is not afraid of the Xiongnu who will pick a soft persimmon and let them run away.

"Finally it's west."

This time Wei Qing brought over 15 soldiers, including [-] soldiers from the Western Regions Han Dynasty and [-] soldiers from the Western Regions.

The rest were left in Pulei, which entered the Western Regions, and on the border of Dunhuang, just in case.

But the Huns don't know. Although Wei Qing claims to have 30 soldiers and horses this time, the Huns still know how many there are.

But they didn't know that Wei Qing only brought 15, and they thought he brought all of them.

"Order the general to send a small group of soldiers to guard against the scouts of the Huns, and make a gesture of marching northward with all the troops.

Then lead the soldiers and horses back to the south of Yanran Mountain, march eastward, and wait in the middle of Yanran Mountain and Zhuoxie Mountain, across the plain of the two mountains, and on the west side of the Xiongnu River connecting the two mountains. "

Huo Shan thought for a while to see if there was anything he missed, and then he said:

"Okay, that's it. Uncle and grandfather let Xiao Hei go first. I will write a letter later. When Xiao He comes back, I will go to Li Ling and Zhao Puonu. The coalition forces of all countries let them send orders. .”

Nowadays, the big man's flying pigeons are very mature, but accidents will happen. If it falls into the hands of the Huns, what is the plan?

"Zihou, are you planning to drive the Huns to our side?"

Huo Shan smiled and nodded:


In the eyes of the Xiongnu, the east, north, and west were blocked, and they could only have a chance by going to the south where there were only [-] Han soldiers.

After Huo Shan's [-] soldiers and horses, they can turn directly to the Western Regions, and Liu Che is also a point of firepower. If they catch the Han Emperor, tsk tsk.

As for Wei Qing's soldiers and horses marching northward, why is the west side considered to be blocked?

This is because Yanran Mountain is very long, as long as the Huns go west, Wei Qing can directly return to block them, and then the rest of the Han soldiers block their way.

Attacking from both sides, the road to the west is actually the most dangerous road.

"Let's stay here, if they want to go to the south, they can only go to the place Zhang Anshi just said.

This is the upper reaches, and the amount of water is not large now, so you can cross the river, otherwise you have to go around a long way, and you can go directly to the Western Regions after passing, after all, your uncle brought all the soldiers and horses to the north, right? "

Zhang Anshi had already laid out the map and pointed to Liu Che. Liu Che glanced at it and nodded.

"And in order not to worry about the future, they will definitely get rid of us. We are here to wait for work and block their way to the southwest.

Kui Niu can play a role, defeating them, the northeast behind us, and our big Han soldiers and horses in the north will directly press on them. They have no time to cross the river to the west on the north side of Yanran Mountain.

We can drive them to the place Zhang Anshi pointed out just now. They can only cross the river, so we let them cross the river, slowly erode their strength and weaken their combat power.

And after they crossed the river, they would definitely go west instead of south. As long as they crossed the Xiongnu River to the west, the road to the Western Regions would be a flat river.

And to the south, there is Junji Mountain. After crossing the mountain, you will reach the border of the Han Dynasty, which is the road to death.

We chased and killed them all the way, and my uncle and grandfather led an army of 15 to wait for work in the Xiongnu River. By that time, it was almost the same, and we ate them directly.

This strategy is similar to the previous strategy, all of which are siege, drive, consumption, and swallow.

The only difference is that one is going north, one is going south, one is farther away, the effect is better, and the other is closer, the effect is slightly worse.

But it doesn't matter, let's just increase our efforts, not much difference.

The Huns have no choice, they can't beat them, and we are not subject to the surrender of the nobles, they can only run, this is a conspiracy, they will go step by step to the sea of ​​flames, until they disappear! "

(End of this chapter)

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