
Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Liu Xu discovered the champion's intention at the first time, and avoided it by moving to the right two steps ahead.

Then he took two steps forward, turned around, and faced the whole person backwards, wrapped his right arm around the champion's neck, stretched out his left hand to hold the champion's left front leg, pressed his whole body up, and at the same time exerted force with his left hand, trying to bring down the champion directly !
Huo Shan's eyes instantly turned red:
'I damn... dare to grab the mane? '

Liu Xu's movements and strength, if he is an ordinary horse, will definitely make him fall.

But the champion is not an ordinary horse, he can let you put yourself down so easily?
The champion's front legs straightened, he stepped on the ground hard, his neck lowered along with the strength, and then he turned his head and bit Liu Xu's ass hard.

Liu Xu's expression was wonderful in an instant, his whole face was wrinkled, his face was flushed red, and the strength to break his left front leg loosened. The champion seized the opportunity, raised his right hoof, and kicked forward with one hoof.

And just right in front of the horse's hoof is between Liu Xu's legs!

Huo Shan yelled loudly, causing the champion to stop, and unwillingly put down his right foreleg, while Liu Xu looked at the champion's lowered hoof, and immediately broke into a cold sweat, he didn't have a son yet!
"Give me arrest him!"


In an instant, more than a dozen gates rushed up. Seeing that the situation was not right, Liu Xu immediately threw away the champion, faced the dozen people, glanced at the champion who let go and ran towards Huo Shan from time to time, and at the same time shouted loudly:

"Who dares to touch me?"

The Qimen army doesn't care who you are, so what if you are the king, we are His Majesty's personal guards, and continue to charge up!

Huo Shan looked at the champion carefully, and after seeing that he was fine, he pushed his head away in disgust:

"Go back and brush your teeth!"

The champion snorted heartlessly, turned around and ran to Chang'an, hungry, go eat!
Huo Shan ignored him, and looked at Liu Xu again, only to see that four or five of these dozen people had been knocked down.

You know, this is the most elite soldier of the big man, and he was really fierce when he was knocked down by Liu Xu four or five times.

But it was also because Qimen didn't use a weapon because he was afraid of hurting him. If he had a weapon, no matter how fierce he was, he would definitely not be an opponent of more than a dozen Qimen with bare hands.

"Twenty more, there are 300 people here, I don't believe I can't catch him!"

Huo Shan brought troops here, preparing to defend against Liu Xu's entourage, but he didn't bring many entourages today, and he was taken away by the champion...

After these 20 people went up, the effect was immediate. More than [-] people rushed up, and you can't get up if you can't get up.

So what if the strength can carry the tripod?You are not the Overlord of Chu!

After a while Liu Xu was tied up and brought over.

"Huo Shan, do you dare to offend?"

Liu Xu's eyes were so wide open that he could tell he was very angry.

Huo Shan pulled the reins with a smile, Li Yu raised his head, and Huo Shan lay on the horse's head, looking at Liu Xu one by one.

"I'll tie you up today, what's the matter?"

"Not only will I tie you up today, but I will also strip you and hang you to the gate of Beique, believe it or not?"

Huo Shan was naturally trying to scare him, no matter how arrogant he was, he would not dare to hang Liu's family members, the emperor's own son, and the king of a country to the gate of Beique.

Only the heads of the Xiongnu royal family can be hung on the Beique Gate, even if it is a living Xiongnu king, it is impossible to be hung up!
Killing but not humiliating is not an empty phrase in this era.

But others can't see my Qilin Temple, so I can try...

To be honest, Liu Xu was a little frightened. If he was hanged to the Beique Gate naked, he would be humiliated and might as well die!

"Okay, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you!"

Huo Shan stood up and turned the horse's head.

"Gag his mouth, cover his head, so that no one can see him, and go back to the palace for dinner!"

"Little Junhou, what about these people on the ground?"

"Send them all back!"



All the way back to the palace, only Shiqimen followed Huo Shan to the Qilin Hall, and the rest went to rest!
"Hang him up for me, wherever you want!"

Huo Shan pointed to the beams in front of the hall. Liu Xu was strong and strong, and nothing would happen if he was hung overnight. Not only did he have to be hung up, but he had to be firmly trapped, and a rope was tied around his feet. The rope is tied to the tripod.

Huo Shan was also afraid that after the guy broke free, he would run over in a fit of anger and stab himself!
Hearing Huo Shan's words, Liu Xu struggled vigorously, screaming "Woooo".

Sun Shang commanded the people and hung him up very neatly. Huo Shan walked into the hall and found that the meal was ready. He raised his eyebrows and ordered someone to move the table out and put it on Liu Xu's table. in front of.

Under Liu Xu's vicious eyes, Huo Shan started to gobble it up. The food was delicious, and Huo Shan was even babbling!

After eating and drinking enough, Huo Shan took a bowl of meat and walked up to Liu Xu, blinking his big eyes:
"Dog meat is delicious, does King Guangling want to eat it?"

Huo Shan picked up a piece of meat and shook it in front of Liu Xu's eyes. Liu Xu's eyes followed the piece of meat. He wanted to swallow, but the cloth in his mouth prevented him from doing so complicatedly. operation.

The corners of Huo Shan's mouth rose slightly, and then his expression became serious:
"If you don't want to eat, forget it."


Huo Shan ignored him, put down the dog meat, washed his hands in the basin next to him, took the toiletries and began to rinse his mouth.

After washing up, he came to Liu Xu again, wiped his hands and asked:
"Are you satisfied?"

As soon as Liu Xu raised his head, the expression on his face already said it all!
"Don't accept it? If you admit it, I'll let you go."

Liu Xu rolled his eyes and looked around. He and Huo Shan plus a little eunuch nodded decisively.

'I'm done, I'm done! '

Huo Shan seemed not to see him nodding, threw the cloth towel in the basin, turned around and left:

"Forget it, go back to sleep!"

"Little Li, take everything else away, let's put that pot of dog meat there, the moon is quite bright tonight..."


Liu Xu was immediately dumbfounded, are you... kidding me?

Liu Xu struggled immediately, but unfortunately, no one cared about him. After struggling for half an hour, he found that the lights were turned off. No one really cared about him, so he burst into tears.

Thinking of him, Liu Xu, from childhood to adulthood, who didn't follow him, how could he have suffered such grievances!

Huo Shan had two balls of cloth stuffed in his ears, and he slept in the apse, let alone with the cloth stuffed, he couldn't hear him crying at all, so he slept soundly!

Early the next morning, at four o'clock in the morning, he got up at six o'clock in the morning.

After a brief wash, she stepped on a pair of double mouth cloth shoes, black shorts on her lower body, white short sleeves on her upper body, and walked outside the hall with her ponytail tied up.

Huo Shan found that Liu Xu was motionless, walked over to have a look, and saw that his eyes were red, his face was full of tears, he was in a daze!
"Didn't sleep all night? Still crying?"

"Oh, your determination is not good enough!"

Huo Shan put on a show and sighed twice.

Liu Xu didn't resist anymore. It was really a whole night last night, struggling for half an hour, crying for half an hour, until finally he had no strength left, only crying...

Huo Shan ignored him, turned around and walked to the front of the hall, and began to move his body, first stretching his body with Tai Chi.

Liu Xu was also very interested in the martial arts practiced by Huo Shan, but after looking at it for a while, he slowly rolled his eyes in disdain.

After practicing Taijiquan twice, Huo Shan began to jump up and down, exercising with the help of various tools.

After the activity, Huo Shan sweated a little on his head.

Sun Shang brought two scarecrows in the shape of Huns and placed them about 70 steps away from Huo Shan. Huo Shan took a three-jun bow from the weapon rack next to him.

Later generations said that the ancient bows were generally Song bows, but the difference between Song and Han was too great, and the difference was doubled.

A stone bow in the Han Dynasty is equivalent to five buckets in the Song Dynasty, which is 30 kilograms and 66 pounds. Huo Shan estimates that when he becomes an adult, it will not be a problem to open a five-stone bow!
It's also worth mentioning, Xiao Junhou can open a five-stone bow, hehe!

600 Han Jin, if passed on to future generations, it will become more and more evil, it must not be doubled, ten stone bows, and then the Han Jin will become the market Jin, 1200 Jin...

When it is written in the novel, double it again, fifteen stone bows, 1800 catties, 1984 pounds of bow strength, you must know that archers only weigh 35-45 pounds, my God, this is a god!

Hahahaha hiccup~
However, being able to open does not mean being able to shoot continuously. Archery and being able to pull away are two concepts, and being able to shoot continuously is another concept!
Huo Shan shot ten arrows in a row, feeling a little stiff in his muscles, stopped, and looked intently, all ten arrows were inserted into the scarecrow's head.

"Little Junhou's archery is getting better and better!"

Sun Shang praised, and Liu Xu, who was hanging, rolled his eyes again. He can shoot twenty arrows in a row with a five-stone bow...

But looking back, it's useless, he's still tied here...

But Liu Xu also had to admit that Huo Shan's archery skills were indeed very good. In his opinion, it was impossible for the Sanjun Bow to shoot 70 steps, let alone be so accurate, but Huo Shan did it!
Huo Tan pulled the bowstring, and there was a boom boom:

"It's a bit light, let's change it to a stone tomorrow!"


Huo Tan went on to practice swords and guns, lancets, champion swords, and long spears, but he didn't practice any sword skills. He hasn't practiced them yet!
They practice basic skills, such as hacking, chopping, stabbing, etc. In the final analysis, saber techniques are extended from the basic skills to deal with various emergencies.

After you have practiced the basic skills, you can get twice the result with half the effort when you practice these things.

Huo Shan stopped after practicing for more than an hour. His body has not yet matured, so he can't practice hard. Basically, he practiced once every three days!
Then there is a set of military boxing, and a set of Baji boxing ends!

One exercises coordination, temperament, and courage, and the other pursues lethality!

When Huo Shan was practicing basic skills, Liu Xu didn't have much interest in watching it because it was boring, but when he saw Bajiquan, both of Liu Xu's eyes were shining.

In his opinion, this set of punches is simply perfect for someone like him who likes to fight head-to-head!


Liu Xu struggled again, Huo Shan turned his head to look:
'Um?Still have strength?Then hang more! '

"Want to learn?"

Liu Xu nodded repeatedly.

Huo Shan immediately showed a big smile:

"My Habayashi Army has a unique boxing technique, so I don't teach it!"

(End of this chapter)

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