
Chapter 57

Chapter 57

But there is nothing wrong with her name. In ancient times, all animals were called worms. Those that fly in the sky are called feather worms, those that run on the ground are called caterpillars, those that swim in water are called scale insects, and insects are called beetles.

The tiger is the king of beasts, and the big worm means the leader and the most powerful worm.

So there is nothing wrong with calling it a tiger, a big bug, or a big caterpillar, and there is no contradiction.

"Go back to the queen, outside the palace."

Wei Zifu nodded and walked out, followed by a group of people.

As they walked outside the hall, Wei Zifu, Huo Shan and Chun Yuqiu gradually came to the center.

Sun Shang and the five Qi gates gradually surrounded the three of them, two court ladies and two eunuchs in the center.

Xu Ziwei and Du Zhou gradually fell behind.

After leaving the palace gate, Huo Shan took the blanket, Xiao Hei flew over and yelled twice, and looked at one of the maids, it was Xiaoying, Huo Shan really didn't expect it to be her.

"Go ahead."

Huo Shan gave an order, and the two Qimen rushed forward, grabbed the four people and tied them up in the same manner.

Immediately afterwards, the two Qimen escorted the four of them to the Qilin Hall.

The three of Huo Shan and Sun Shang walked towards the front hall of Weiyang Palace under the guard of San Qimen and Sun Shang. Only then did Huo Shan have time to tell them what happened.

After hearing Huo Shan's words, Wei Zifu thought for a while and asked:

"Zihou, who do you think did it?"

Huo Shan really didn't think about this question, his thought was that these things are useless, and after checking, he would naturally know everything, but since Wei Zifu asked, Huo Shan also thought about it.

"Going back to my aunt and grandmother, anyone is possible, but they are going to poison my aunt and grandmother, probably to hit my uncle and my grandmother."

Thinking about this matter, you will know that there is no other purpose for targeting Wei Zifu other than to hit him and Wei Qing.

After all, she is the queen, and this incident was obviously done by someone outside the palace, otherwise Xiao Hei would not have seen it.

Wei Zifu just nodded silently and did not speak, which was very in line with her usual temperament and did not cause trouble.

As soon as he walked out of the Jiaofang Palace, Xiao Hei on his shoulder suddenly whispered in Huo Shan's ear.

Huo Shan licked his lips, raised his shoulders, Xiao Hei flew into the sky, and said a word faintly from his mouth:


A Qimen left the team and went towards Xiao Heifei's direction. After a while, a little eunuch who was blinded and bloodstained on his face fainted and was brought over by Qimen.

Huo Shan glanced at him expressionlessly, then listened to the sound of shouts of killing and the sound of weapons colliding from the Jiaofang Hall, he thought to himself:
'The power is so powerful, the office of the Shaofu Taiguan, the guards of the Jiaofang Palace, and the people close to the queen have all been infiltrated. '

"Poisoning, assassination, there are still people watching outside the Jiaofang hall. It is estimated that Wei Wei also has their people preparing to send a message, and there are probably people watching outside the palace gate. It is right not to inform the old road." '

A few people were speechless along the way, when Wei Zifu was sent to the front and back pavilion of Weiyang Palace, Huo Shan was just about to turn around and leave, Wei Zifu stopped him, his throat moved, but he still didn't stop.

"Zi Hou, be careful."

Huo Shan showed his face, showing a big smile, the kind that makes people feel very comfortable just by looking at it.

"Don't worry, aunt and grandma. They're just young people who can't stand on the stage. Besides, I also invited Lang Zhongling and the lieutenant."

After finishing speaking, Huo Shan nodded, saluted and left directly. After turning around, Huo Shan's expression immediately turned cold.

Next, Huo Shan didn't go to Jiaofang Hall, but went directly to his own Qilin Hall.

Those who were confirmed were sent there, and those who were not confirmed and those who saw everyone's whereabouts on the road were sent to Shaofu in order to prevent the news from spreading.

As soon as he came outside the hall, Xiao Lizi brought two bamboo slips. Just before Huo Shan went to the Jiaofang Hall, Huo Shan asked him to check the information of the two people who were ordered by the eunuch.

These people belong to the Shaofu, so the Shaofu naturally has information about what they look like, how many people in their family, how many acres of land, and what relatives they have!
Who has a good relationship with before entering the palace, who is that person, what is the situation in the family, as long as there is contact with this person, the palace has information.

I really don’t know. After all, it’s very easy to pretend to be a person these days, but the information is very detailed. Maybe one of them is true.

After Huo Shan read the news, he waited for a while, and another Qimen sent some materials. After reading it, Huo Shan had a clear idea.

At present, there are a total of six people identified and alive, two from Shaofu Taiguanling, one court lady and one eunuch from Jiaofangdian.

The assassination team had a total of five people, three died, and two remained, making a total of six people, and the breakthrough had to be found from these six people.

When Huo Shan entered the hall, Xu Ziwei greeted him. Du Zhou went to the Shaofu to check on other people, and the rest of the Jiaofang Hall were also taken there.

There is Wang Wenshu over there, who is also a good player in this field, and besides the [-] Qimen, there are still many people available.

As for Huo Shan, he, Xu Ziwei, Sun Shang, five Qimen and Xiao Lizi are enough!

"Bring those two guards here."

Huo Shan and Xu Ziwei entered a room, and after a while Sun Shang brought the two of them and pushed them to the ground with a plop.

The two old guards seemed to accept their fate, lying on the ground motionless.

Huo Shan rolled up his sleeves, and asked Xu Ziwei beside him, hugging his chest:
"You or I?"

Xu Ziwei frowned, pointed at Sun Shang:
"It's fine if Sun Shang comes, you want to do it yourself?"

Huo Shan stared at him and nodded, Xu Ziwei was a little frightened by Huo Shan's eyes, silently took a step back, and made a gesture of please.

Huo Shan went over and took off the hoods of the two, and ordered them to be lifted up to sit opposite each other.

Huo Shan took the dagger from Sun Shang's hand, raised his eyebrows and asked:

"You also know that you are bound to die. Do you want to die happily or have some good memories before you die?"

The two sat quietly, neither speaking nor moving.

Seeing that they were not moving or talking nonsense, Huo Shan held the dagger instead and stabbed it directly into the thigh of the man on the left.

The person on the left had about ten seconds later, his complexion suddenly flushed, his eyeballs protruded, and the feeling of pain passed through the nerves and finally returned to the brain.

But because his mouth was blocked, he couldn't speak, he could only make a whining sound, struggling under the pressure of the two gates.

Huo Shan didn't look at him, stood up and pulled out the dagger directly, bringing out a stream of red liquid, Huo Shan waited for 2 minutes, this person was already numb.

Huo Shan glanced at the face of the person on the right, and found that his face was indifferent, but there was a hint of emotion in his eyes.

He squatted down again, inserted his fingers into the wound and moved, asked while moving, and stared at the expression of the person on the right to make sure if the news was true:
"The information says that the two of you are from Yunyang, a pair of brothers, and a sister. There is a mother in the family, and the father died three months ago because of Kou, is that true?"

Huo Shan looked at the expression on his face, and he was determined in his heart:

"Seems right?"

Huo Shan said that this made people untie the rope that bound the person on the left.

After Qi Men knocked him down who was about to resist, and pressed him to the ground, Huo Shan walked to his side and asked someone to take his hand.

Asked to break his hand, Huo Shan stepped forward and stepped on it, only a part of the man's phalanx with a fingernail was exposed at his feet.

Huo Shan cut off two in a row, the little finger and the ring finger.

"You have a son and a daughter. He was unmarried. Three years ago, your daughter suddenly died of a serious illness. Your son is safe and sound. Now he is five years old. Is it true?"

Huo Shan asked blankly, the expression on the face of the younger brother next to him finally changed, and he struggled.

"Let him talk. I want to hear what he has to say."

Sun Shang stepped forward to take off his younger brother's cloth ball and helped him put his chin on.

As for hiding poison in the mouth, this era does not have this technology, and even poisoning is not an easy task.

"It's worse than family members."

The younger brother stared at Huo Shan firmly.

Huo Shan was overjoyed when he heard this, got up and glanced at Xu Ziwei who was touching his nose in embarrassment, then stared at him and said with disdain:

"It's not as bad as your family, are you a ranger? As a guard, you don't know the law?"

"Assassinating the queen is a serious crime against the nine tribes. If the three tribes of Yi were not abolished, they would be the three tribes of Yi."

"Do you know what the three tribes of Yi are? Shall I tell you about it?"

After Huo Shan finished speaking, he ignored him, and said directly to himself:

"The three clans are your parents' generation, your own generation and your son's generation."

"As for the Yi tribes, tattooing is the first punishment. Do you understand tattooing? It's tattooing on your face."

"The next step is torture, simply put, it is to cut off your noses."

"After the nose is cut off, all your fingers and toes will be cut off, and then you will be whipped to death."

Seeing that Huo Shan had stopped, the younger brother breathed a sigh of relief, death was nothing to them to fear, he thought it was some kind of criminal law, it turned out that it was just more punishment.

Huo Shan saw that he breathed a sigh of relief, and the corner of Gogou's mouth said lightly:
"You think this is the end. This is four punishments before death, and one more after death. Cut off your heads and hang them up. Then, under the watchful eyes of the people, your corpses will be chopped into pieces."

The younger brother's face was a little ugly, but he still didn't say anything. People are dead, so why bother so much, but what he said next made his face even more ugly:

"In the end, feed it to the dogs, and you will die without a place to bury you. Then you will become lonely ghosts, with no birth, no corpse, and the ghost will not accept you, so there will be no afterlife. This is the embodiment of the Yi tribe. Five sentences."

This really frightened the two of them, not being able to rest in the ground, for the ancients, that was really a great sin, not to mention the Han Dynasty who had a common practice of burials.

"If you don't say anything, it's just that you feel that your family is protected by the behind-the-scenes, and there will be no problems."

"But you have to know, is it the king's land in the whole world, is it the king's ministers on the shore of the land, there is one family missing in Yunyang, and they are still guards. There are pavilions all over the main roads of the whole Han Dynasty. Do you think you can't find them? where?"


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(End of this chapter)

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