
Chapter 72 The Habayashi Army Is Finally Formed

Chapter 72 The Habayashi Army Is Finally Formed

After leaving the eunuch, Huo Shan went back to Qilin Hall to change into his military uniform, and went directly to the camp.

As for Mengxue, at the beginning, Huo Shan ran over to take a look. A group of old men read materials all day long, studied ancient books, and studied rhythms. It was meaningless and very boring.

So all the matters over there were handed over to Huo Guang, and he handled them alone. Huo Shan never took care of them. In this respect, Huo Guang is much better than Huo Shan.

As for Dong Zhongshu, he didn't come. It is said that he was in poor health and couldn't withstand the long journey, so he couldn't come, so Dong Zhongshu was very regretful.

However, he ordered his son to fully support Huo Shan.

Well, supporting Huo Shan is not supporting Mengxue, therefore, one more ally.

Gu Liang also did what Huo Shan had guessed, and wanted to join in shamelessly, and the prince really came to beg, but luckily, he was blocked by Dong Tzuquan.

A small grain beam and a big ram are fighting, they don't have that ability yet.

So Huo Shan didn't take care of Meng Xue's side anymore, and then he had to go to the military camp, let alone have time to take care of it.

So he just needs to wait for the flattery, and his caring uncle will help him do the rest.


When they came to the gate of the camp, although the guards at the gate recognized Huo Shan, after all, the silver horse was unique, they still shouted:
"The important place of the military camp, those who come will stop."

Huo Shan and his party got off their horses, Huo Shan took out a square token and threw it to Xiao Lizi. On the token, there was Captain Yubayashi on the front and the badge of Yubayashi on the back.

The badge that belongs exclusively to the Habayashi Army has a unique anti-counterfeiting mark, and everyone in the Habayashi Army can recognize it.

"Meet the captain." The guard cupped his fists and saluted.

"Well, open the door."

The huge two-story camp gate was creakingly pushed open, and the Qi gate remained outside the camp gate. Huo Shan led Xiao Lizi and Sun Shang into the camp.

Li Yu was led by Xiao Lizi to the stables, the stables were well repaired, Li Yu and the others didn't have to run around outside the camp gate anymore.

As for why Xiao Lizi led it, because no one else was allowed to touch it.

Xiao Lizi is very important now, not only responsible for Huo Shan's basic necessities, but also for the two horses and one eagle.

Entering the gate of the camp, after Zhong Gan got the news, he greeted him and saluted with his hands clasped together:
"Habayashi Army Guard Envoy Zhong Gan pays a visit to the Colonel."

"Get up."


Huo Shan looked at him and couldn't help sighing:

"You have changed a lot in less than six months. The serious Zhong Gan has disappeared since then. Instead, there is a Habayashi guard with a smile all the year round."

Zhong Gan gave a wry smile, and said with some resentment:

"No way, it's all forced."

It was indeed forced, Huo Shan's military judge is different from other military judges, in fact, he is similar to political commissars and instructors.

You have a serious face, how do you still do ideological work?How about psychological counseling?How can you mingle with the soldiers?
Therefore, Zhong Qian, who was so serious before, has become like this now, but this is a positive development.

"Call the whole army together."


After a while, the battle drums in front of the school field sounded, accompanied by the sound of the trumpet's assembly horn, which spread throughout the camp.

Now that a new army is being built, how could it be possible not to take the charge that makes the soldiers' blood boil and the enemy's scalp tingle.

A series of charge horns are in charge of the military commander. He not only holds the horn, but also holds the command flag, a whistle for each whistle, and a whistle for the commander. These are all for commanding operations.

Speaking of this, the Habayashi Army has already been established.

One Lieutenant Habayashi, one military envoy, two other ministers, three clerks, plus 330 military judges and 660 soldiers.

There were 97 people in total, exactly [-] people including Huo Shanque.

Their identities have all been recorded in the register, and their identity cards have also been issued.

The identity card is a new thing that Huo Shan made up again, like the Habayashi Banliang handed out together, it symbolizes their identity when they are outside.

In the barracks, identity cards are used.

The identity card is a small iron piece one and a half inches wide and two inches long, with words engraved on it.

For example, a second battalion, three companies, seven even the commander Zhao Si.

For another example, a first battalion army Hou Zhao Chongguo.

Another example is Hou Sunshang, the personal guard battalion.

The above characters are all real people, well, so is Zhao Si.

This thing is for distinguishing identities on the battlefield. For example, if the face is chopped off, you can't see your face. When you restrain the corpse, you can tell who you are.

Looking at all the soldiers standing quickly according to their positions; looking at the phalanx they stood in; looking at the resolute faces, Huo Shan looked calm on the surface, but he was so satisfied in his heart, okay?

Huo Shan looked at the soldiers below, he saw many familiar people.

It has to be said that those related households are really talents, and almost all of the [-] related households who came here stayed.

They can eat hard, and they don't lack knowledge. It's just that there are some problems in ideological education, but it's okay. If you get hungry a few more times and lock up in a small dark room a few more times, they remember it better than anyone else.

They accounted for more than half of the officers above the squadron.

Yubayashi school lieutenant Huo Shan, Yubayashi's military envoy Zhong Gan, and the two other ministers are Zhao Puonu and Lu Bode.

Two of the three documents are related households, Zhang Anshi, Han Zeng, only one Tian Qianqiu is not.

The four military lords at the first level of the battalion directly accounted for half of them!
Sun Shang is the marquis of the personal guard camp and did not join the discussion.

The four military marquises are Zhao Chongguo, Shangguan Jie, Li Ling and Su Xian.

If it weren't for Zhao Chongguo and Shangguan Jie, Huo Shan would have been monopolized.

There are 25 army Sima, they accounted for [-], if the other five were not really fierce, they would have occupied them all.

Pu Tu, Fu Yu, Yi Lin, Cao Zong, Wei Kang, Wei Buyi, Gao Yiguan, Liu Xu, Li Guangli, Zhao Guan, and Wei Jun accounted for eleven of them.

Wei Deng of the Wei family's three little ones is relatively useless, just a team leader, but he is still young, so he can be forgiven and continue to work hard.

Huo Shan was so satisfied that he couldn't be more satisfied, these people brought by himself did not embarrass him.

It is worth mentioning that through his efforts, Dong Ming also took the position of military commander, and he was one of the five.

As for the five battalion-level military ministers, two were from the Northern Army, and the remaining three were all occupied by related households.

Gongsun Jingsheng, Jiang Chong and Du Yannian.

Du Yannian, the son of Du Zhou, entered the military law system and became a military judge. He was not surprised.

But Gongsun Jingsheng stabilized his position and did not fall, which surprised Huo Shan.

Yes, positions will be lost, the capable will go up, the mediocre will go down, and the weak will prey on the strong. This has been the truth since ancient times.

As for the loss of combat effectiveness if you change the style of the general, there are a total of 3000 people, how much combat effectiveness can be lost.

When the training is completed, the custody comrades will know how many moles there are on their bodies.

In terms of changing styles, there is only one style in the Habayashi Army, and that is the style of Huo Shan and Huo Zihou.

If it was Huo Shan, he would lose his fighting power.

And will Huo Shan be replaced?
He was originally a private soldier, so how can he change it? I have only heard of private soldiers changing soldiers in order to maintain their combat effectiveness, but I have never heard of changing masters.

As for these relatives who have been occupying positions, Huo Shan's idea is to take it slowly. It is not good for these people to stay for a long time, and now there is a shortage of talents.

As for the way to get them to leave, it's very simple.

Just one Western Region, if they are successful, they can all leave, make meritorious service and be promoted, and go to various places.

No matter where they go, they are Huo Shan's old department, and it is unforgivable to betray their benefactor.


Huo Shan stood on the stage for a while, and the soldiers in the audience stood there for a while.

"Soldiers, what are the three orders of my Habayashi Army?"

"All actions follow orders;

Don't take people's needles and threads;
Everything seized shall be returned to the public. "

All the soldiers shouted in unison, even Zhong Gan and Zhao Ponu standing in front were no exception.

"What about the four loyalty?"

"Loyal to the great man;
loyal to His Majesty;

loyal to the people;

Loyal to the champion Hou. "

That's right, with the addition of two loyalties, the Habayashi Army is a private soldier, so he has only one master, and that is Huo Shan.

Although Liu Che spoke well, no one could command the Yulin Army except Huo Shan, not even the emperor.

Only after Huo Shan's death, the Yulin Army will be taken back to the imperial court.

But Liu Che is the emperor after all, so he still has to give face.

In fact, Huo Shan found that he regretted it a little.

What Liu Che regretted was not giving it to private soldiers, but what he regretted was such an army, which he couldn't command, and it wasn't his, so heartbroken, that's why Huben appeared.

"What if you disobey the order and be disloyal?"

"Cut! Chop! Chop!"

Three beheaded characters, full of murderous aura.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Looking at the admiring eyes of the soldiers below, even Li Ling and the others looked at him with admiration, Huo Shan couldn't help but feel a little elated.

They worship and admire, which is also very normal.

In the eyes of the soldiers, although Huo Shan doesn't appear often, he is a 'Military God' if he can train such an army!

In their minds, Huo Shan was more powerful than Han Xin, Marquis of Huaiyin, his father, the champion Hou Huo Qubing, and Marquis Weiqing of Changping.

Cough, of course, the role of a military judge is indispensable here. There is a person who has been chanting in front of you every day for more than four months.

Also, compared to more than four months ago, they have a better understanding of their own changes, so they have to worship.

It is also the same reason that Li Ling and others add a little worship to their admiration.

They couldn't train this kind of soldier, they knew that Wei Qing couldn't train it either, and Huo Qubing's mythological color enveloped Huo Shan, so they naturally admired him.

Even if it is worship, Huo Shan is not surprised, this is the importance of ideological work.


"Zhong Gan, Sun Shang."

"The end is here!"

"Zhong Gan, take one and go to the Shaofu Shanglin Treasury to get weapons and armor, feed for horses, and supply grain and grass."


"Zhao Chongguo, where is Su Xian?"

The two military commanders immediately stepped forward, clasped their fists and saluted:

"The two of you lead the first battalion and the second battalion of the first battalion to follow me."


Immediately after the sound of the whistle, the two battalions of 64 soldiers and 130 military judges went out of the battalion, shouting together, and ran towards the Shaofu Shanglin Treasury.

One thousand and sixty-four, looking at 64 more people, a little untidy, making Huo Shan, who has a mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, a bit awkward.

But with these 64 more officers, there will be 64 more quotas, which is a profit.

(End of this chapter)

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