
Chapter 80

Chapter 80
The editor just told me that it will be on the shelves at 12 noon, um, it was very sudden, I was not prepared...

I asked him if he wanted to write a testimonial, and he said that writing one would sell badly, and the starting point is traditional!
I'm new, I don't know how to write this testimonial...

Cough cough, I am miserable, I can hardly afford to eat, one meal a day, um, the real situation...(﹏)
Then I beg all the readers to subscribe more, please make the first subscription!

The time for the VIP chapter will also remain the same, and I don't know which time is right, the editors say it's the same.

Then it's still 12 o'clock, 6 o'clock.

Add more rules, now it is 420 five recommended votes, to [-] plus one more.

In the future, two chapters will be guaranteed every day, plus two thousand rewards plus one change, two thousand recommendations plus one change, two hundred monthly tickets plus one change, and [-] rewards plus one change.

Well, that's the way it is now, and I don't know if I have a chance to add more...

Finally, please ask for support and first order, readers, please use your tickets to ravage me!
I, my little life can bear it! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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