
Chapter 88 Entering the Prairie

Chapter 88 Entering the Prairie
In the early morning of February [-]th.

It's been No.15 since I came to Yuyang.

During the fourteen days, the daily training of the Habayashi Army still had to be carried out, but yesterday they had a day off.

The horses have been resting quietly for the past few days, and now they are all fat and strong, and they have already recovered.

As for the [-] Wuhuan cavalry, after more than ten days of training, they can be considered to have a little appearance.

Their current dress is no different from that of the Huns.

Leather boots, crotch trousers, leather clothes, and some of them were covered with short cloaks.

Most of them had their hair loose, and some braided the hair around their ears, and nearly half of them wore fur hats or pointed hats.

Some held iron knives, some held bronze swords, and there were iron arrows, bronze arrows, bone arrows, and stone arrows in bows and arrows.

Some were wearing thick cloth armor, some were leather armor, and most of them had no armor. Once they wore leather clothes, they were armor. As for the iron armor, there were only a dozen or so people, and the iron armor was still broken.

This is the equipment of ordinary Huns soldiers.

The elite cavalry of the Wang Ting Department are very different from these.

Not to mention that there are tens of thousands of iron armors in Shan Yubu, and everyone has leather armors.

As for the other 24 lengths, there are basically more than a thousand pairs of iron armor, and everyone has leather armor.

24 The elite cavalry under the command of the commander, there are tens of thousands more, and thousands less. This is after weakening, and it used to be tens of thousands.

They are the main force of the Huns, the elite of the Huns.

All this is thanks to those few big traitors.

As recorded in the history books, there are [-] to [-] at every turn, that is [-] to [-], or even thousands of elites, plus [-] to [-] ordinary Xiongnu soldiers.

The big man still has an advantage in this armor.

In the early stage, the big men were suppressed and beaten because they didn't know how to fight with them. Later, when they understood, cavalry against cavalry, the good days of the Huns were coming to an end.

For these Wuhuan cavalry, Huo Shan did not give them any armor except for logistics.

If they wanted to change their equipment, they could just kill Wang Ting's personal guards.

As for the two hundred guides, they had already gathered five days ago. Huo Shan inspected them, and they were pretty good.


In the early morning, before dawn, Huo Shan led an army of [-] and set off towards the north of Yuyang.

There was no swearing-in, no farewell, and they went directly to the enemy's territory, everything was so silent.

Perhaps when Huo Shan kills more and more people, the Huns will know that the big Han god of war has come to harvest the heads of the Huns again.

Perhaps the people of the Han Dynasty will not know until eight hundred miles hastened to enter the Han Dynasty that the Champion Hou once again went to the Huns and won a big victory.

Going north from Yuyang and Shanggu to the north and a little westward is Zuo Xianwang's Department.

After turning over the Great Wall, we arrived at the grassland.

Huo Shan did not choose the gap in the Great Wall in the northeast of Yuyang, because there is a detour to go there, the mountains and ridges are too difficult to walk, and it is still the territory of Xianbei, Huo Shan's target is not them.

So, is it not good to go straight to true north?
Walking nearly a hundred miles every day, after five days of rushing, the Habayashi Army finally arrived at the Great Wall.

Declining the governor of Youzhou's offer to stay for a day off, Huo Shan took the cooked meat and horse grass that the governor of Youzhou specially prepared for 4000 people for [-] days, and then led the soldiers and horses directly over the Great Wall and entered the grassland.

Huo Shan looked up at the sky, the sun was high and it was noon.

He looked at the surrounding environment again. There was a flat river, a small river next to it, and the Great Wall twenty miles behind. Huo Shan raised his hand:
"The whole army stopped advancing."

The herald got on his horse and began to deliver the order. After a while, the whole army stopped amidst the neighing of the horse.

Zhao Chongguo, Li Ling and others scattered in various locations gathered here.

"A scout company of the first and second battalions inspected the situation in a radius of [-] miles."



"The end is here."

That's right, it was him, Wuhuan Shanyu Yijili, who threw all the things in the tribe to the old man in the tribe and Wuhuan captain Fang Shuo, and came to be the leader of the eight hundred Wuhuan warriors himself.

"You send two hundred warriors to follow the scout battalion and explore another twenty miles."


"The rest, lead the ministries to set up camp and use Camp No. [-]."

Huo Shan marked all the camping methods, involving various terrains and situations.

The soldiers have practiced many times.

In the future, Zonggan will just watch Zha, and he can spare time to do other things.

Camp No. [-] is suitable for this kind of camp with open sides and unobstructed terrain.

The camp is not conducive to defense, but it is very conducive to retreat and enemy attack, but it is relatively chaotic inside. Except for the very familiar Habayashi, there is no way for others to be blocked inside.

Wait for the enemy to attack and run away, then kill them back to the carbine, block them in the camp, and then shoot arrows as much as you want.

As for the influence of the small river next to it and the Great Wall behind it, a slight modification will do.

So scouting is very important.

Wei Qing strongly disapproves of this kind of alternative camp created by Huo Shan. He thinks that the camp is for defense while resting. How can this be done?

But training and training, how will you know if it works well if you don’t experiment.


Everyone is puzzled, this just entered the grassland, are you leaving?what does this mean?
Shangguan Jie couldn't help but opened his mouth:

"Captain, why do you want to set up camp here?"

Huo Shan didn't answer him, looking at the withered and yellow weeds under his feet, he said lightly:
"Excuting an order."


Shangguan Jie couldn't hold back and opened his mouth again, but just as he yelled two words, Huo Shan suddenly raised his head, his serious face and falcon-like eyes stopped him.

"Sun Shang."

"The end is here!"

"Drag out the ten army sticks, and next time, I will kill you directly."

"Zhang Anshi."

"The minister is here."

"Remember, Shangguan Jie disobeyed the general's order, and he should be executed according to the law. For the first offender, he will be hit with ten sticks first, and then he will make meritorious deeds. The heads of ten Hun soldiers will make up for it. If it is not enough...after the battle, he will be executed without mercy."

The time was spent in silence, Huo Shan didn't care if he obeyed or not, he would kill you if he disobeyed the general's orders.

"Captain, remember it."

Huo Shan nodded and looked at everyone:

"Is there any problem?"

Everyone bowed their hands and said nothing, and Huo Shan was satisfied, and shouted:

"Excuting an order."


The three clerks each have a notebook in their hands at the moment, yes, it is a paper notebook, and Zhong Gan also has it.

Huo Shan spent half a year secretly making it in the mansion by himself, and the method of making paper has not been spread to the public.

A total of fifty copies were produced, each one inch thick, with cowhide as the cover, and I brought them all this time.

Huo Shan will memorize some things that he thinks should be memorized.

Zhong Gan is the record of the army, the log of the army.

And the three documents also have their own division of labor.

The combat exploits and military law records of ordinary soldiers are all in the hands of the military judges, while the records of the military exploits of those above the team leader are in the hands of Huo Shan.

For the three documents, Zhang Anshi is responsible for the records of these people. If there are outstanding soldiers, such as beheading ten ranks in a battle, or beheading a small noble and making great achievements, they will also be included in his book.

Han Zeng is the record of the entire army. After the military judges of each department complete the statistics of military achievements, people who died in battle, and violations of military laws, they will come to Han Zeng to gather.

He will record all these things together, and there will be a backup for future rewards, pensions and so on.

Tian Qianqiu's writing is very good, his task is to write documents, and he is responsible for passing news everywhere.

But this happens only occasionally, and his usual job is to assist Zhong Gan, draw maps, record valuable marching experience and so on.

Their tasks don't stop there, the three of them also have the duty to check for gaps.

Huo Shan's brain is very useful, and Zhang Anshi's is not bad. Zhang Anshi has basically read all the books he has read in the past two years.

So if there is anything Huo Shan can't think of, he can ask him.


"Tian Qianqiu."

"The minister is here."

"Prepare a message, saying that our army has entered the grassland and is going to rest for two days..."

When Huo Shan said this, he looked back at the soldiers, and then muttered:

"Two days should be enough."

"Hey, let's just say that we are going to rest for two days, and we will set off again the day after tomorrow, explain our location and situation clearly, and send it to the general."


Tian Qianqiu walked to his horse, took out a new book from the horse's cloth bag, undid the buckle, and pulled out a piece of paper.

Then he took out the map and began to carefully compare it one by one. After writing it, he walked over.

Huo Shan took a look, and after finding nothing wrong, he blew a whistle, and Xiao Hei, who was somewhere just now, flew over.

Huo Shan rolled up the paper, put it into a paper tube tied to Xiao Hei's leg, closed the lid, and touched Xiao Hei:
"Go and give it to my uncle and grandpa."


Xiao Hei responded, fluttered his wings, and flew to the southwest after reaching a sufficient height.

Huo Shan covered his eyes to block the sun and looked at Xiao Hei who was going away.

After Wei Qing arrived in Yunzhong, he sent a fast horse to send news to Huo Shan. Xiao Hei also went to Wei Qing's place, and there was no problem.

'However, it is really convenient to have paper. You don't need to stuff the cloth into the bamboo tube, just take it out and pour it when you read it.

But this is a pain for me. I should really leave a paper for my uncle. What he passed was cloth, and I had to hook it out of the paper tube. '

After thinking about this, Huo Shan turned over and rode on Li Yu, and followed by Sun Shang to a small highland not far away.

He was going to go over and look around to see if there were any omissions.

As soon as Huo Shan climbed onto the small soil bag, he saw the scouts of the two companies. They were Ma Yilin, the commander of the first battalion and the first company, and Cao Zong, the commander of the second battalion and the second company.

And under the leadership of the deputy army Sima of the two companies, they were divided into four parts and ran in four directions.

The Habayashi army is one man and two horses, wearing leather armor, weapons with lancets, bows and arrows, and some prepared cooked meat and dry food and water bags.

The rest were not taken, and were taken care of by comrades-in-arms.

Surrounding them were some scattered Wuhuan soldiers.

Huo Tan watched them walk away and began to look around the situation.

At this time, the grassland was still withered and yellow. Like the situation here, there were not even yellow grasses, and large areas of rock and soil were exposed on the ground.

Therefore, the Huns basically would not come here. If you want to find them, you have to go further west or north.

Grasslands are not only green grasslands, large areas of Gobi Desert are the norm, but there are still many grasslands in this era.

Huo Tan looked at the small river, it was a real small river, half a meter wide.

The snow water has basically seeped into the bottom, which is formed by the accumulation of residual snow water, and it will disappear after two or three days.

It's only half a meter wide, so it doesn't matter.


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(End of this chapter)

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