
Chapter 96 Post-War and Battle Report

Chapter 96 Post-War and Battle Report
Looking at the old woman in front of him, Huo Shan inevitably felt a little compassion, and he gestured to Zhang Anshi.

Zhang Anshi saluted and returned to the front and asked:
"How many Han Chinese are there in the tribe?"

The old woman was overjoyed and quickly replied:

"There are 54 people, 13 are old people, and the rest are women and children."

Not a single man, not all the time, but men starved, exhausted, beaten to death.

Huo Shan sighed and thought for a while, this place is still quite close to the big man...

Acceptable, so he nodded to Zhang Anshi.

"Our army accepts the surrender."

The old lady was overjoyed and knelt down excitedly to salute.

Huo Shan ignored her, but thought about how to arrange this tribe in his heart, it was impossible to bring them along.

You can send a hundred Wuhuan to send them to Yunzhong. Since you accepted the surrender, you must ensure their safety.

If this is the case, these guys have to stay. First of all, they are a military force, and naturally the more of this thing, the better.

But this thing doesn't mean you just accept it, Huo Shan doesn't plan to surrender in the future.

If it is normal, then naturally the more the better, but now that they are deep behind the enemy lines and are closer to the big man, it is okay to say, just send them back.

If you go deeper, you have to take them with you, and the more you take, the more speed will be dragged down.

If he has an army of over [-] in his hand, he can play the strategy of the Mongols by dropping one and taking one.

The army went out, led the tribe, drove the logistics of cattle and sheep, and could walk two hundred miles a day.

But this time he is here to cause sabotage, so packing lightly is the right policy.

Back to the topic.

Second, if these men go back together, he will have to send more people to guard against their rebellion, wasting troops and time!
After Huo Shan finished thinking about it, he ordered a fifth company to lead these people to the east to take care of them first, and then a second company in the north to sweep up to prevent any residues inside.

By the way, he asked Xiao Hei to go back and Zhao Puonu to lead the army.

Yiwu is a group, with two walking in front holding a crossbow, two walking behind holding a crossbow, one holding a knife in the middle, and sweeping forward bit by bit.

Four people who were hiding were found, two were shot dead on the spot, and two surrendered.

After all this was done, Huo Shan took off his visor and went to the west to see the battlefield.

Not only he wanted to see it, but everyone else also wanted to see it, the baptism of blood.

Although there are fierce soldiers in the army, most of them are recruits who have not been killed.

Like a third company led by Fu Yu, there are more than a dozen people in the downwind not far away who are exhilarating.

I didn't feel anything during the fight, but when I went to have a look after it was over, I felt unwell and nauseated all over my heart.

Dizzy, but not unbearable.

The mental quality is quite strong, just like Fu Yu and a normal person.

The ones who couldn't hold back will be fine after vomiting.

Huo Shan also went to look at it. He also felt uncomfortable and wanted to vomit. It was really that scene that had a great impact on people.

What is the specific scene, um, I will not talk about it.

After everyone finished watching, under the command of Zhao Chongguo, the recruits cleaned the battlefield.

Those who need to move corpses move corpses, those who need to dig pits dig holes, those who need to cut off ears cut off ears, those who need to recover arrows recover arrows, military judges record military exploits.

None of the soldiers of the Habayashi Army died this time, but five horses died. There was a gap in the horses for the five of them, so they could only choose from which pack horses.

With their riding skills and horse training methods, it won't take long to cultivate suitable war horses.

Although it is not as good as a war horse that gets along day and night, it can still be used.

The five horses were gathered together and burned, and the ashes were to be taken back by the Wuhuan people who were guarding the tribe and scattered on the land of the big man.

If the situation is urgent, there is no way, not only them, but also the soldiers may have to fall into the enemy's corpse exposure wilderness, but there is time.

The injuries are also in a series of three, there is not a single skin injury, but there are ten arm injuries...

Huo Shan walked around, and after a while, the body was buried. As for the blood that flowed out, it had already seeped into the grass.

After the corpses were buried, everything was counted clearly, and the battle achievements were also released.

Zhang Anshi handed Huo Shan a piece of paper, on which was written the property and number of people in the tribe.

When cleaning the battlefield, there was no one hiding anything, the discipline was engraved in the bones, and the military judges were also watching.

"The population of the tribe is 870 two, including 410 strong men, 270 horses, 810 two cows, and 570 sheep.

The horse concentrate can feed our war horses for seven days, and the gold and silver goods are 140 seven gold. "

Huo Shan finished reading with a tone of exclamation, a little in disbelief:

"How can a small tribe be so rich? This is a tribe after the snow disaster. Where did he get his 140 seven-gold property?"

It's not just him, Zhang Anshi couldn't believe it:
"Lieutenant Hui, I asked, there is a highly respected person in this tribe, so they are living well in a small tribe."

Huo Shan frowned:
"A highly respected person? Where is it?"

Zhang Anshi answered very simply:

"Dead, or the first one to die, just the one who howled the wolf."

Only then did Huo Shan nod his head:
"Dead is best."

If this kind of person is willing to surrender, it is a help, if not, it is an unstable factor.

If your own strength is not strong enough, you can't even kill them.

So for the sake of trouble, it is better to die.

Huo Shan shook his head and sighed for a while, then smiled at several people and said:

"That's great. If it's all this kind of tribe, I feel that when we go back, all the soldiers will become rich."

Because in the Habayashi Army, except for military cattle, sheep and horses, all the money seized belongs to the soldiers.

Huo Shan was not short of money, so his share was not wanted, and it was all given to the soldiers.

The military marquis, military Sima, and even the team leader under his command all learned from them, and gave them to the soldiers.

They are not short of money, like Zhao Chongguo, Shangguan Jie and others, although they have no background, but their families are also rich, otherwise they would not be able to afford education.

So they are not short of money, what they seek is meritorious deeds, and if they have meritorious deeds and status, are they afraid of running out of money?
As for Dong Ming, who came from a poor background, they distributed them to the soldiers just to learn from Huo Shan whom they admired.

Moreover, they also knew that Huo Shan would not treat them badly.

Everyone smiled and nodded, Zhao Chongguo hurriedly said:

"Lieutenant Hui, but there are very few such tribes. Our goal is still to focus on those medium and large tribes."

Huo Shan rolled his eyes:
"You don't need to tell me, I know."

Huo Shan then looked at the record of military exploits:

"Beheaded 210 four people, one team beheaded 53 people in three consecutive rounds, the personal guards beheaded 130 seven people in four consecutive rounds, and Fu Yu beheaded 13 people in one, and he won the whole army bravely."

Huo Shan made up his mind and asked:

"In other words, there are 190 seven men left?"

Zhang Anshi arched his hands:

"Returning to the school captain, the 25 old soldiers were counted in the three beheadings, so there are 220 men left in this tribe."

'222 people?It's just a coincidence! '

Huo Shan handed the paper back, and said:

"Write down the detailed process of this battle, and write down the beheading and capture and the casualties of our troops as a battle report. By the way, take another notebook and send it to the general later."


The battle report is actually very easy to write, such as this battle:

On February 28, our army encountered the enemy for the first time, beheaded 210 people and captured 650 people.

More than 3000 cattle and sheep were seized, and more than [-] horses were captured. Our army did not suffer any casualties.

Then it's over. What matters is not how good-looking your writing is, but whether your writing is true or not. The shorter the better.

The reason for writing captives is because captives are also counted.

And decapitation cannot be falsely reported. Each decapitation will cut off the left ear as a proof.

As many ears as you have, you will be beheaded as many as you have. If you falsely report your military exploits, that is a serious crime.

But when the big men treat the Xiongnu, they are not afraid that you will kill civilians to make up for it, because the civilians of the Huns are their soldiers, and the same is true for the elderly and women.

Women and children will be let go after the conscientious surrender, if there is no conscience...

Of course, if you can't bring back your ears, even if you kill thousands, it doesn't count, so the first thing to do when cleaning the battlefield is to cut off your ears.

Sometimes the corpses of comrades-in-arms are ignored, because the dead comrades-in-arms are part of these military exploits.

And the number of beheadings is [-] to [-] to [-] to [-] to [-], which is still the same when counting military exploits, because your general can do it roughly, but the soldiers below can't.

In fact, it is quite easy to calculate. Soldiers take back their ears one by one and add up the records.

It is not uncommon for soldiers to be attacked and killed by the enemy in order to cut off their ears during the battle in the army.

As for cattle and sheep, they all have to be reported. These are all military exploits, and every point you capture will weaken the enemy by one point.

Of course, this is not so detailed, if you can count it, you can count it, if you can't count it, you will have countless cattle and sheep.

And if you have reached countless cattle and sheep, then your contribution is very great, and it doesn't matter if you can't count them.


After waiting for half a day, at noon, Zhao Puonu arrived with an army.

Huo Shan is going to rest here for a day, and set off again tomorrow.

Huo Shan didn't care about everyone's congratulations, the first order he gave was to send out scouts in the army quickly, and replace those scouts who were on guard against the blockade, it was already noon.

The next step is to ask Xiao Hei to send the battle report back.

Xiao Hei was really busy, he didn't stop all day long, and when he came back, Huo Shan was going to ask him to investigate the situation.

It was also thanks to his high energy that he didn't need to sleep for half a month, otherwise he would be exhausted.

Now it seems that Wei Qing's goal is hopeful.

After dealing with the battle report, Huo Shan ordered him to put on his armor and asked someone to inform the old woman to come. After arriving, Huo Shan asked her directly about the situation around her.

Unexpectedly, she didn't know anything.

A few more people were called, and Huo Shan figured out the situation.

This place is indeed a grassland of a large tribe, with a stretch of more than 1000 miles, and their tribe is just stuck on the southern edge.

And this big tribe is King Zuoguli, the surprise in Huo Shan's heart is beyond words.

King Zuoguli, that is only in the court of Shanyu and Zuoxian Xianwang, his status is lofty.

The last Zuoguli King was named Yi Zhixie. In 125 BC, he had a mutiny and killed Yu Dan, the son of the military minister Shan Yu, and ascended to the position of Shan Yu.

He sat in the position of Shanyu for 12 years, and then passed the position to his son Uwei Shanyu. After Uwei Shanyu died last year, he passed the position to Wushilu Shanyu, also known as Er Shanyu.

The current King Zuoguli is Yi Zhixie's son, Uwei's younger brother, and Er Shanyu's uncle. His name is Ululi.

And because the Zuoguli King's Department was the place where these Chanyus flourished, they have always been highly valued.

The population under his command is [-], and the cavalry directly under him directly exceeds [-], which is about [-]. Given some time, it will not be a problem to raise [-] to [-].

It is the tribe with the largest population besides the Shanyu tribe and the left and right kings.

But Huo Shan didn't know how many medium-sized tribes and how many small tribes he had.

There is very little news about the big men in this regard, and they don't even know where they are, only a general range.

Because their location and situation are changing in real time.

Unknowingly ran to King Zuoguli's territory, logically speaking, it shouldn't be, King Zuoguli's position should not be so south.

The system of the Huns is very interesting, like a pyramid structure.

The largest Xiongnu is the Shanyu tribe, which controls the entire Xiongnu in name, but actually controls the most fertile central part.

The position of the Chanyu remains unchanged, it has always been in the Shanyu Court, and there are many tribes under his command.

Then the virtuous kings on the left and right led the east and west directions.

Take Zuo Xianwang as an example, the eastern region is under his jurisdiction.

But it is only in name, it will choose the richest place, which is the territory he really controls.

And King Zuo Guli is the nominal subordinate of King Zuo Xian, and under his command, there are Shan Yu's disciples, General Zuo and Captain Zuo.

There are also departments with different surnames such as Zuo Dadanghu and Zuo Guduhou, all of whom are his nominal subordinates.

Therefore, according to this logic, King Zuoguli's territory would not be so south.

Huo Shan couldn't figure it out:
'Could it be that this pasture is really so good? '

If you can't figure it out, you don't want to.

Huo Shan directly dismissed the old woman and the others, because there was nothing else to ask.

They don't know the situation of other tribes, because they are always moving, and only the big tribe or nearby tribes know their location.

So it still depends on Xiao Hei.

The old woman also wanted to give Huo Shan the Hun woman who was with her, euphemistically calling her a champion who needs someone's clothes.

Heh, Huo Shan can only say, you are thinking of farting, let me put a Hun woman by my side?

Taking ten thousand steps back, isn't the little maid in Huo Shan's palace prettier than the one next to you?

I don't know anything, so I just come to the beauty trap...

The beauty trick is not just to send a beauty, it also needs to know the situation of this person, Huo Shan didn't know what to say.

Immediately after that, arrange the migration of the tribe, and start earlier with less trouble.

One hundred Wuhuan warriors plus ten guides sent them back, and all the Huns stayed behind.

If they started, they might not be very willing, but seeing the army brought by Zhao Puonu, they are now peaceful and obedient.

Qionglu moved into the carriage, brought enough food and grass, some unusable horses, cattle and sheep, and the battle exploits that had been tanned, and the small tribe started to set off.

The south side is basically empty, so there is no problem.


Ask for tickets, ask for rewards! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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