Empress: Husband, are you actually the leader of the Demon Sect?

Chapter 112 Fear and Deterrence, Shura's Bones Filling the Sky

Chapter 112 Fear and Deterrence, Shura's Bones Filling the Sky

The dark fire swayed all over the sky, and the chains danced in the wind.

Heavenly punishment was ordered by the king, and in the name of the king, he slaughtered three thousand horses of Shura.

Their corpses were swaying in the sky, and their faces before death were extremely hideous and terrifying, full of boundless fear and sorrow.

In its entire space, the atmosphere is bleak and bleak.

All living beings are destroyed, no vegetation grows, and the loess is all over thousands of miles.

The dead Asura General Blood Droplet, even though his soul was gone, he still couldn't believe that this mysterious iron cavalry with only [-] members was so terrifying.

If you meet a hell ghost master, wherever you walk, you will sweep away all creatures and creatures, and harvest them at will like weeds.

He didn't understand who the king of this iron cavalry was, and why he sent orders to carry out interception and killing missions outside the domain of the Qingsheng Clan.

This question may never be answered.

The wind is rustling and the fog is long.

Two hours later, more than [-] green paladins appeared in the distance.

They were fully armed, with extremely dignified faces, and slowly moved forward to resist the Shura cavalry that they were about to meet.

Many years ago, the Asura Iron Cavalry gained a fearsome reputation. Even if the four holy clans joined forces, it would be difficult to resist this murderous army.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is the existence of a nightmare, and it is the unstoppable and fierce coercion of all cavalry teams in the world.

Now that they are about to face each other again, the hearts of these eight thousand blue paladins are very heavy, what's more, their palms are sweating.

Behind the team, twelve chariots drove slowly, a total of twelve holy generals, also feeling uneasy.

But in the mid-air of the sky, Chu Liuxian, the ancestor of the Qingsheng clan, walked slowly in the air, but his mind was always stuck on the matter of the reincarnation pearl.

According to Huangfu Huayun's description, it is indeed impossible for a White Emperor Pill to resist the power of Shura.

But this reincarnation pearl happened to be in Guan Chen's hands, and it shattered inexplicably.

Based on Chu Liuxian's understanding, under normal circumstances, to solve this problem, only the three great ancestors had to be born together to force the Shura ancestor who had little lifespan to remove the Reincarnation Orb.

Regardless of whether you succeed or not, you can still give it a try.

After all, after so many years, this was the reason why Shura Diyuan was silent, and they definitely didn't want to have a real war between the two great clans.

But what Chu Liuxian couldn't understand was that the Reincarnation Orb condensed through the will of Emperor Shura could be artificially destroyed.

It's just a young man who has practiced for no more than ten years.

No matter how you look at it, it's incredible.

Right now, Emperor Shura sent iron cavalry to take away Huangfu Huayun and reshape the Reincarnation Pearl without a doubt.

In this battle, maybe the phantom of the will of the ancestor Shura will also come.

If you want to keep Huangfu Huayun, you can only go out to fight.

As it approached, the wind, sand and blood filled the air, and Chu Liuxian gradually saw a picture.

His figure froze on the spot, his pupils suddenly constricted.

Looking at the [-] Green Paladins off the field, their footsteps were even stiffer, and a layer of panic swept over their faces.

"This...what's the matter?"

There was a sound of fear, and the hand holding the spear couldn't help shaking.

In the line of sight, the chains were swaying all over the sky, and their roots were inserted into the ground, and at the end of the chains, there was a corpse running through them.

These corpses gathered all over the ground, wearing Shura armor, with blood dripping down the trouser legs, and the appearance of each corpse before death was shrouded in fear.

Such a picture brings an indescribable sense of deterrence and impact.

Calling eight thousand Qingsheng people, their whole bodies trembled, and the spine was covered with chills.

"Why are all the Shura cavalry dead?"

The twelve holy generals gasped and stared at the scene ahead in horror.

General Shura's blood drop was chained around his neck, his powerless body was swaying in the air, and he had already lost the slightest fluctuation of energy.

He stared at his eyes, as if he had encountered some terrifying enemy, and before he even struggled, he was killed by a single blow.

You know, this Asura general was a fierce character who set off a bloodbath and slaughtered a whole city back then.

However, right now, he died in front of his eyes, and with his [-] Shura cavalry under his command, they were all pierced through his body and hung up in the sky along the chains!

Chu Liuxian was also looking at this scene, and his breathing had already stopped.

He didn't sense any vitality fluctuations, so his consciousness didn't open and close, and he didn't notice what happened here.

He thought that the Shura cavalry was still far away.

But never expected that the entire team would die here.

"What happened, where did this happen?"

There was a trembling sound, and the Qing Shengqi stepped back, showing shock and panic.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

And Chu Liuxian finally swept away his consciousness, searching for traces in the sky-filled world, and finally found the other party, the remaining aura fluctuated.

Cold, inhuman, and ancient charm far exceeded his years of practice.

Indistinctly, there is still the smell of death from the graveyard on his body, as if he had been buried for eternity.

One thousand six hundred roads, a total of one thousand six hundred people.

Chu Liuxian's expression completely turned into shock, he swept his consciousness, and suddenly found two words branded with blood on the palm of the blood drop.

The name is: Scourge!
For a moment, Chu Liuxian's mind was filled with horror.

When his pupils continued to condense, his mind was running wildly, trying to find the source of these two words in his memory.

But in the end, there was no trace of it. He had never heard of the word "God's Wrath" in his life.

"The entire Shura cavalry was slaughtered by this scourge..." Chu Liuxian felt his scalp go numb, and in the cruel scene in front of him, his heart roared.

In the ancient years, Asura deterred the world, those who heard it were terrified, and those who saw it were distraught.

But this situation and the scene, against the expression of fear on the face of the blood droplet, it is clear that they have encountered the other side, an extremely terrifying force.

This kind of massacre method is unheard of.

"Asura's crisis is resolved, return to the clan immediately." Chu Liuxian did not neglect, shouted loudly, and led the team back to the holy clan.

Perhaps, the power called the Scourge of God has not gone far.

If they met halfway, the consequences would be disastrous.

More than [-] paladins turned around hastily on the spot, everyone galloped desperately, the team was chaotic, their expressions were densely covered with horror, and they were sweating profusely.


At the same time, the boundaries of the Shenting domain.

It is shrouded in clouds and mist all the year round, the mysterious formations are constantly opening and closing, auspicious beasts occupy the major mountain peaks, and the rays of the sun are shining like a fairyland.

The vast territory is divided into eight sacred mountains, 72 peaks, 150 six divisions, 430 second halls, and one thousand and one pavilions.

This is the main body of the gods, the hub that rules the ten great gods.

However, the territorial location of the top ten protoss is not within the Divine Court.

Those who live here all year round are all officials of the court.

And at this moment, the returning Seven Star God will stand in Nuo Da's Three Kings Hall, with a huge curtain in front of him.

Behind the curtain, the hot spring is like jade. Eight statues spit out beads and dragon heads, and the water of the sacred mountain flows slowly. There is one person, half-covered in the hot spring.

(End of this chapter)

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