Empress: Husband, are you actually the leader of the Demon Sect?

Chapter 22 6 Fingers Demon Lord Destroys Tianlang

Chapter 22 The Six Fingers Demon Lord Destroys Tianlang

Those who hold the pass order of the mysterious martial arts are all the top mysterious bosses in the world, and it is a world that ordinary people from the outside world can't touch at all.

In this circle, the most important status symbol is the list of passing orders.

Since Xu Tianlang came into contact with this upper-class circle, his mentality has changed a lot.

But...but right now, there is actually a super terrifying boss figure, who is in the realm to which he belongs!

This person, he is the new leader of the Black Lotus Demon Sect!

The strong sense of shock and impact blasted Xu Tianlang's mind, causing his mind to shut down, and he lost the ability to think.

It was hard for him to imagine what kind of origin this new leader was, and how terrifying his strength was, and he would ruthlessly suppress the leader of the Zen palace.

Even crossing the second and third rankings, overlooking the heroes of the world, the heights are extremely cold, standing coldly on the top of the clouds!
"I spied on the identity of the leader of the Black Lotus, this is the real big shot..." Xu Tianlang's face turned pale with trembling.

His sense of mystery was overwhelming, and he, who had never seen his true face, felt great fear in his heart.

"Originally, the Black Lotus Demon Cult was already a powerful force. Now that this great man has succeeded as the new leader, the Demon Cult will become even more terrifying from now on."

Xu Tianlang got up from the Dragon Snake Stone Platform and shouted loudly: "Immediately call the envoy of the Left Palace to come see me."

Outside the abyss, there was a resounding voice, and a Tianlang master cupped his hands and replied: "Hall Master, the envoy of the left hall has gone out to perform a mission and has not returned yet."

Xu Tianlang thumped in his heart, and reprimanded: "Without the order of the master of the palace, what kind of task would he perform?"

Suddenly, black clouds rolled over the abyss, and a huge and deep coercion rolled over.

Immediately afterwards, a black lotus flower slowly emerged from the black clouds, floating in the sky above the entire Zuixian Peak.

The chill spread, and the ruthless will opened and closed the audience, and the black lotus bloomed instantly, forming a huge cage, which was snapped down!
The rocks shattered and the seal was formed.

Xu Tianlang gasped, his eyes filled with disbelief: "The devil's sect 24 banner masters have a huge net!"

This kind of movement once again attracted the attention of all the masters of Tianlang Temple, and they all looked up one after another.

At the same time, looking at all directions of the Zuixian Peak, the sky-covering banners fluttered over, a total of 24 heavens, and there were strong demon cultists standing on top of them.

The wind and cloud are thousands of miles away, the black air is rolling, and the coldness is sweeping across the world.

There are also black dragon sedan chairs coming from the sky, pulled up by the galloping ancient auspicious beasts, and stagnated at various positions on Zuixian Peak.

Such a scene caused Xu Tianlang's mind to explode with a bang, and he froze in place.

What happened?
"The whole hall is on alert!" A loud roar resounded from the Drunken Immortal Peak, and figures stepped up into the air immediately, staring nervously at the crowd of the Black Lotus Sect.

In the other direction, Young Master Tianlang's face was pale, his eyelids twitched wildly, and his body was still standing on the edge of the cliff.

His line of sight was already filled with masters from the Devil's Cult.

The strong, cold and ruthless fluctuations converged into a huge coercion, causing the dantian in his body to show signs of stagnation.

"Why is the Demon Cult's army so overwhelming?" Young Master Tianlang asked while suppressing his trembling emotions.

Inside the 24 black dragon sedan chairs are the 24 banner owners of the Demon Cult.

One banner controls one order, and each order has three thousand followers.

As the most powerful spear of the Demon Cult, it can strike wherever it points, invincible and invincible.

At this moment, all the 24 flags descended, and black figures stood in various places in the clouds, looking down indifferently, and their terrifying and deep pressure covered the entire Zuixian Peak.

Such a trend is doomed!
"According to the order of the leader, after today, there will be no more Tianlang Hall in the world." Inside a black dragon sedan chair, words fell calmly.

The sound spread across the mountains and plains, whirled in the air, and resounded in the ears of every Tianlang expert, causing the mind to roar and the eyes to shake.

"My Tianlang Palace has never had anything to do with the Demon Cult, why do you do that!" Young Master Tianlang's face paled.

A cold voice came from inside the black dragon sedan chair: "Does the leader need a reason to destroy your Tianlang Temple?"

Young Master Tianlang backed away with thumping steps, his expression completely changed.


Cold talk, no more nonsense.

On the 24 sky-covering banners, the members of the Demon Cult soared into the air in one step, and flocked to Zuixianfeng wantonly.

The great battle broke out in an instant, and many masters of Tianlang Temple burst out their true energy one after another, and the collision between the two sides was loud and loud in an instant.

At the same time, the black lotus that landed in the sky above the abyss slowly circulated again, when a petal fluttered out.

It suddenly turned into a terrifying destructive force, causing the formation of Zuixianfeng to burst and the rocks to collapse!
Seeing such a scene, Xu Tianlang's heart was already tearing apart.

He had just learned of the mysterious identity of the leader of the Black Lotus, so why did he suddenly encounter the demon sect's murderous intent?
The realm of the early stage of the Heaven-Human Realm surged in an instant, and he rushed to the top of the abyss, trying to destroy the black lotus.

The power opened and closed, and the turbulence generated by the collision overturned Yunlan.

The 24 banner owners had cold eyes, snorted in unison, released the chains of Xuanming from the black dragon sedan chair, and tied them to Xu Tianlang.

And Xu Tianlang, as a strong man in the realm of heaven and man, couldn't it be so easy to catch him without a fight.

Seeing that there was some kind of confinement in the black lotus, which couldn't be blasted away at all, he looked ugly, turned around and gathered his magical powers with both hands, and pushed it fiercely in all directions.

The ear-piercing sonic boom exploded again, and all 24 Xuanming chains fell apart.

"My lord needs an explanation!"

Xu Tianlang yelled loudly, and the fluctuations of heaven and man shocked the audience. He actually controlled the 24 banners that covered the sky with his own strength, preventing the darkness from completely covering Zuixianfeng.

With such a scene, the young master Tianlang was so frightened that he froze in place, his complexion extremely pale.

The 24 Banner Masters of the Demon Cult are all powerful Martial Kings, belonging to the middle-level power of the Demon Cult, controlling most of the Demon Cult's followers.

Their individual strength may not be very strong, but with 24 people gathered together, they can definitely burst out with the ability to shake the realm of heaven and man.

There was no response to Xu Tianlang's words. His whole body was burning with astonishing true essence flames, and he became the most eye-catching person in the audience.

Looking at the eight directions of Zuixianfeng, the battle situation continued to escalate, but no matter in terms of numbers or strength, the masters of Tianlang Palace were no match for the Demon Cult's background.

Xu Tianlang gathered the blazing light with his hands, ready to save the situation.

But at this moment, a big jade-white hand suddenly descended and pressed gently on the top of Xu Tianlang's head.

In an instant, the blazing sun divine light collapsed on the spot, and the true energy around him was horribly crushed and shattered.

Xu Tianlang looked up in shock, and saw a man in a white windbreaker with one hand behind his back.

He calmly stepped into the fierce domain of Drunken Immortal Peak, all the formations had no effect at all, and his calm eyes looked down without any ripples.

That understated palm made Xu Tianlang's eyes crack.

"Six Fingers... Demon Lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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