Empress: Husband, are you actually the leader of the Demon Sect?

Chapter 275 Yuexianzhuang put pressure on Baidi City first?

Chapter 275 Yuexianzhuang put pressure on Baidi City first?

"I don't know the Holy Empress, are you satisfied with this gift from me?" Immortal Yunluo said respectfully, but the arena was still silent.

Many strong men in Baidi City looked at each other without knowing why, and they obviously didn't react.

Just at this time, a master of the immortal sect asked in confusion: "Xianjun Yunluo, where are you singing this? The holy queen hasn't married yet, so how can you talk about a daughter?"

Following the words, Xia Ningshan had already clenched her fists slowly, with murderous intent appearing in her eyes, but she did not explode.

Immortal Yunluo turned around, quite surprised: "When the holy queen was crossing the catastrophe, she married someone in the world of the well and gave birth to a daughter. Although it was the reincarnation of the remnant god, the father and daughter are now also from the well. Step out of the realm and come to the Immortal Heaven Realm."

"I thought everyone knew about it, but I didn't expect..."

When these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience, and the expressions of the Immortals from the Eight Desolation were moved, and their eyes changed.

What a dignified body the Holy Empress Baidi is, who actually got married in that world at the bottom of the well and gave birth to a daughter!
Even though it was the reincarnation of the remnant god, it was a necessary carrying body for crossing the catastrophe, but it still had a substantial behavior.

What's more, the father and daughter have already come to Immortal Heaven Realm, if they call her mother in the future, is that okay?

"It's extremely absurd, Immortal Yunluo is trying to destroy the reputation of my Holy Empress!" There was Baidicheng Zhanxian shouted.

I saw a large number of strong men outside the square, all taking a step forward, staring at Immortal Yunluo and the elders of Chongxu Immortal Mansion with unfriendly expressions.

Seeing this posture, many people panicked, but Immortal Yunluo was not in a hurry, and quickly pleaded guilty: "I'm talking nonsense, please don't be offended by the Holy Queen!"

The goal has been achieved, no matter whether Xia Ningshan admits it or not, there are already rumors everywhere in the hall today.

But at this moment, there was a fluctuation of spatial distortion in the sky above the square, and immediately after the situation changed, three extremely ancient auras appeared.

"It's embarrassing that the dignified Empress Baidi actually has such a close relationship with the people in the world of the well."

Following the sound of the sky, there are three divine thoughts revealed, and the deep and rich true essence fluctuates, suddenly at the level of the golden fairy of Hunyuan!

These three coercive pressures descended on the square of Baidi City, instantly causing countless hidden strong men to open their eyes and look up indifferently.

The three of them immediately felt a series of cold eyes, all gathered on themselves.

There is no doubt that the background of Baidi City cannot be underestimated. There are not a few strong people at the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. Apart from Immortal King Baiheng, there are also a few unfathomable city-defending immortal generals here.

But the specific locations of the three of them were under the influence of the Immortal Artifact, so they couldn't find the slightest trace. How could they be unprepared when they rushed to this Baidi City.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Sitting behind the bead curtain, Xia Ningshan asked calmly, while Immortal Yunluo had already narrowed her eyes, watching the show quietly.

"This seat is the envoy of Yuexianzhuang. I have an ancient secret that needs to be returned by your husband in the well. If the Holy Queen is willing to inform him of his whereabouts, the owner of the villa will definitely reward you with a great gift."

The mighty voice of the sky spread, causing huge ripples, but Xia Ningshan frowned directly.

She doesn't know what kind of power Yuexianzhuang is, but she knows very well that her husband is the emperor of Jingzhong Realm.

At the beginning, Xu Wuliang and other masters of the immortal sect intended to seize the identity of their husband and emperor, but she wiped out many of them, and even tried to find the connection behind it, but to no avail.

Unexpectedly, another month's fairy village appeared today.

"This king doesn't understand what you are saying. If you come to Baidi City as a guest, you should be your honored guest. But if you come to Baidi City to cause trouble, you will never come back."

Xia Ningshan's calm words spread again, bringing unquestionable prestige.

The three envoys of Yuexianzhuang replied with a chuckle: "The holy queen may not know where Yuexianzhuang exists. If the owner of the village can't find the person in the well for a long time, he can only take you." Baidi City has undergone surgery."

It is true that Xu Wuliang was not the only one who had entered the Jingzhong Realm. The scouts from Yuexianzhuang had also stepped in many times, but no one was alarmed.

Even Xu Wuliang himself never thought that there would be such an existence as Yuexianzhuang.

Due to some kind of shackles, the scout couldn't stay for too long, so when he left, he took a woman with him.

During the interrogation process, Guan Chen suddenly burst out from the well without warning, and the destruction of the surrounding fairy sects was massacred within a few days.

At that time, there were also heaven and earth gods and monsters descending, trampling the immeasurable fairy gates to pieces.

Later, Yuexianzhuang came to his senses and pursued all the way to Tuoluo fiefdom, but did not find any trace of Guan Chen, and it was still a step too late to step to Tianjianmen.

Although it is known that Guan Chen's daughter is in the Nanhai Academy, the secrets of the [-] miles underground in the South China Sea are not something that Yuexian Palace can get its hands on at will.

Looking back, Guan Chen had disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, the words fell, and there was a faint chill. As the generation of Hunyuan Golden Immortals, they did have such qualifications and courage.

But this is Baidi City, and there are countless top experts in it.


Thunder resounded, and suddenly a shocking divine sound opened and closed from the back of the city, causing extremely terrifying fluctuations, and directly bombarded the location of the three divine senses.

It's just that when the space is broken, even though the divine mind collapses, it resurfaces in another position, and it is impossible to find where the deity is.

"Why should Immortal Lu get angry? I'm just conveying the owner's orders. I'm here today, and I definitely don't want to be buried here." The man said again calmly.

Such scenes, the occurrence of the banquet accident, made the Immortals of the Eight Wilds stop in place, at a loss, and it was even difficult for them to absorb such a huge amount of information, and they were a little dazed and frightened.

Where is Yuexianzhuang's immortal power that dares to confront the majesty of Baidi City head-on?
At the position below, Immortal Yunluo showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, it was time for him to show his true energy, and the loud words came out: "The envoy of the Moon Immortal spoke too seriously. Presumably the Holy Empress is not aware of the trace of the man from the world in the well."

"And today is the feast of Baidi City. For my sake, can we let it go?"

When the words of the smile were conveyed, all the cyclists turned around in surprise, looking at him in disbelief.

Hearing what he said, why does Immortal Yunluo still have a lot of friendship with this mysterious Yuexianzhuang?

Seeing this scene, Xia Ningshan looked over in surprise.

Immortal Yunluo sensed his goal and achieved another step.

But it's impossible to imagine,

"What are you? You don't have a place to speak here. Go away." The Moon Immortal Envoy said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, the whole room was silent, and the smile on Immortal Yunluo's face froze even more on the spot.

What are you doing? This is completely different from what was agreed before!

(End of this chapter)

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