Empress: Husband, are you actually the leader of the Demon Sect?

Chapter 46 Rules for Newcomers in the Martial Mysterious Realm

Chapter 46 Rules for Newcomers in the Martial Mysterious Realm

Fluctuating, the passing order quickly absorbed a drop of Xia Ningshan's blood.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of glare, and Lord Ksitigarbha and Chiyue Celestial Master appeared in the line of sight, the completely invisible throne on the ladder.

In a trance, she suddenly saw her name imprinted on the top of the ladder!

"Shan'er, what did you see?" Chiyue Tianshi asked nervously, short of breath.

Xia Ningshan stared blankly, and murmured: "The first person in the South China Sea, Zhu Ye, is the owner of the bloodline... the empress of Shendu."

After these words fell, Chiyue Celestial Master and Ksitigarbha Buddha could not help but look at each other in dismay. They were greatly shocked by Zhuye's bloodline. It really is the supreme existence, and this is directly ranked No. [-] on the list!
"From now on, you can be regarded as one of the leaders of the Mystical Martial Arts Realm." Ksitigarbha Buddha sighed.

"Wait, this seems to be just one of the small lists, and there are many other classified lists, which are all-inclusive and countless!"

Xia Ningshan suddenly saw something, and her heart beat wildly, she couldn't believe it.

It's just that I can't see the names and taboos of those classified lists, and they are all surrounded by a layer of white mist. It seems that I need to have the conditions to see them.

In addition, at the peak of these classified lists, there is also the most magnificent list, which is called... Shenyin List!

After a brief understanding, Xia Ningshan found that the gold content of this list is terrifying, and it also possesses the highest status and prestige.

But all the people on the list are the prosperous heroes of a certain side of the Taichu Continent, and their prestige spreads all over the world, so they should belong to legends.

"In this world, there is such a magnificent and magnificent side?" Xia Ningshan was shocked.

She looked at the top of the clouds, where the monument of the highest god stood on all the classification lists, and she felt inexplicably insignificant, as if it was a drop in the ocean, insignificant.

In front of these super bosses, my mere status as the Empress of the Five Elements seems to be completely inadequate.

It is even more difficult to imagine, what kind of powerful existence can be listed on the list of hidden gods?

Unable to guess, not daring to think deeply, when Xia Ningshan was trembling all over, the words of Ksitigarbha Buddha came out of her ears: "Shan'er, can you enter the Mysterious Martial Realm?"

After the words fell, Xia Ningshan immediately tried to operate the pass, only to see a vortex suction force coming from the pass.

Seeing this scene, Ksitigarbha Buddha showed a gratified smile, and said again: "Shan'er, this is your creation, go and claim your identity treasure."

Xia Ningshan nodded, and then without further hesitation, she followed the pass order and stepped into the Wu Mysterious Realm. In a flash of light, the figures of Xia Ningshan and pass order disappeared one after another.

Chiyue Celestial Master stared blankly, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, no matter what, this is always a hope.


Years and rivers are flowing, but so far no one has traced the origin of the Wu Mysterious Realm.

It didn't know when it appeared on the continent of Taichu, possessing incomparably mysterious and profound law power.

Time passed, two days had passed since Xia Ningshan entered the mysterious martial arts realm.

In the other direction of the secret realm, on the top of the towering fairy peak, Guan Chen appeared again.

He was wearing a night-walking god's robe and a ghost mask. After two days of receiving no news of his return to the capital of God, he simply came to the Mysterious Wu Realm.

In his line of sight, the world is beautiful, full of unimaginably rich aura, and it seems that it will never fade away.

The peak stands tall, the clouds billow, and the overall scene is full of mysterious atmosphere.

"What a mystical realm of martial arts, it really is a miracle." Guan Chen was quite surprised.

He came here for the No. 1 treasure on the Shenyin List. Since he obtained the pass, this is the first time he has entered the Mysterious Martial Realm.

A sense of strangeness is coming, but it is accompanied by a sense of freshness. It should be more interesting to come here.

After all, it is a place where bigwigs from all walks of life gather, and ordinary people are not qualified to come in.

According to the instructions of the passing order, to receive the identity treasure, you need to go to a location called Jubao Hall.

The Treasure Hall is divided into classification lists, and there are many levels at the same time.

Guan Chen took a cursory glance, and there were countless Treasure Halls in the mysterious territory of Wu.

Among them, the Huang-rank halls are the most common, with more than [-]. The following Xuan-rank halls are of a higher level, with about [-].

As for the ground-level treasure halls, they are very rare, with less than two hundred.

And if your status ranks in the top ten of a certain classification list, it is enough to enter the Heavenly Rank Palace to receive rewards.

Not many, fifty insignificant.

Looking at the Mysterious Martial Realm that has been passed down to the present, it can be said that very few people enter the Heaven Rank Palace to receive rewards.

Only one person can appear every hundred years.

After all, speaking of the original master of Tianlang Palace, he had been in seclusion for hundreds of years before he finally ranked the beast Ganying in the tenth place on the mount list.

Among them, the difficulty of making the list and the gold content of identity can be seen from this.

However, even so, in the top ten ranks of the mount list, there are still two vacant thrones.

This is the reason why it is rare for someone to enter the Heavenly Rank Palace every hundred years to get rewards.

However, even though the Heavenly Rank Palace has a very high status, it will be overshadowed by the last one.

It is... Lingxiao Palace!
According to the rumors, only the super beings who have been listed on the list of hidden gods can enter the Lingxiao Palace to receive rewards.

But so far, the entire Mysterious Martial Realm has been going on for many years, and no one has ever been seen in front of the gate of Lingxiao Palace.

The top ten in the classification list is extremely rare, let alone the Shenyin list.

It is even more unimaginable how many years the people on the list lived.

Guan Chen came here to enter the Lingxiao Palace, but in the eyes of outsiders.

It was impossible for them to imagine that this was No. 1 on the Shenyin list!
Of course, Guan Chen can also go to the Tianjie Palace, because there are also many status treasures waiting for him to claim them.

Including the Tianji mount list, the magic tricks list, the strange fire list and so on.

According to the instruction of the passing order, Guan Chen took a step forward and walked towards the location of Jubao Hall.

On the way, Guan Chen suddenly saw a large number of figures rushing to the Treasure Hall from all directions. These people were in a hurry with excited expressions on their faces.

Guan Chen couldn't help being quite puzzled, because it was somewhat against common sense.

In the Mysterious Martial Realm, only newcomers would go to the Treasure Judgment Hall to receive rewards, and the old people would travel around looking for those buried treasures.

Today's scene seems to be the location of Jubao Hall, something big happened.

After all, it's impossible for these people to receive rewards, right?

Just as he was thinking about it, there was also an aura behind Guan Chen, it was an old gentleman riding a white crane.

He has a ruddy complexion, he is not from the South China Sea, and his expression is also excited.

The accompanying companion sat at the back and shouted anxiously: "Hurry up, old Taoist priest, only newcomers come to receive rewards every hundred years in the Tianjie Palace, we must hurry up if we want to win the treasure!"

The old gentleman on the white crane reprimanded: "What's the hurry, there are many big bosses in the secret realm, even if something good is born, we can't grab it."

"At best, it's just to watch the excitement. Over the years, it has become a rule for big bosses to teach newcomers. I heard that this time, you are still a little lady?"

After the words fell, the companion behind him laughed loudly: "Interesting, interesting!"

(End of this chapter)

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