Chapter 1012 Obediently Healed
The three cubs are very well-behaved, but their popularity is still very high every day. There is no downward trend, but it is still rising.

After observing for three days, the director was a little surprised: "I thought everyone would get bored soon and stop watching them."

The assistant editor-director also couldn't understand: "Eating and drinking every day, what's so interesting, they never get tired of watching it."

The director thought about it for a while: "Today we will watch it in the Xiao Taotie live broadcast room, and watch it for a day."

"Watch it for a day?" The assistant director felt a little bored, but nodded in agreement.


The two held a bag of potato chips each, and watched the live broadcast with relish.

"It smells so good~" said the assistant editor-director.

The director squinted at him: "Is it the smell of potato chips, or the smell of watching the cubs eat?"

"Duxiang!" The assistant editor laughed and said, "I know why they can't get tired of watching it. Watching the three cubs eat, drink tons of juice, and sleep soundly, it's so healing! And the three cubs Girls are sweet when they smile!"

Xiao Taotie is a pair of little dimples with a sweetness that is beyond the charts.

Xiao Lingzhi has a hearty smile and big white teeth. (Probably because of the dark skin, the teeth are particularly white.)
Xiao Jinzi has a fleshy face, and when he smiles, he is full of collagen and has a high degree of sweetness.

Who can resist three little cubs with a sweet smile?

In fact, after watching noisy programs for a long time, or content with a tight plot, I want to watch content that is calm, soothing and slows down.

"Actually, watching the cubs eat, I can watch them all day." The assistant director killed a bag of potato chips and opened another.

The director nodded: "They are indeed very healing. If you are in a bad mood, just look at them and your mood will immediately improve."


On the cruise ship, the little Taotie trio became quiet, but the other children became active.

The mobile phone has been returned to them, and they can see the information online.

They saw how the little gluttonous trio were going through gangs, and found that the trio had become popular in such an alternative way, and some people began to follow suit.

Among them, Xiao Caicai took the lead and found two children, and the three of them planned to stack up and go to the bar.

But imitating this kind of thing still requires skill.

At the first step, they died young.

The three of them quarreled, no one wanted to be the one at the bottom, and his strength didn't allow it, the one at the bottom couldn't support the two above them at all.

Xiao Caicai broke up with them.

Xiao Caicai thinks that it is not good to find a girl, but should find two boys.

So she found two little boys, one with blond hair and blue eyes, and one with black hair and black eyes from H country.

"Why do we imitate them? This is plagiarism." The blond boy shook his head in disapproval, very unwilling.

The little boy with black hair and black eyes was silent and did not speak.

[This boy has a grudge against Xiao Jinjin, right? 】

【right!Have a grudge! 】

【what's the situation? 】

[They are all from H country, what enmity do they have? 】

[In a variety show, Xiao Jinzi accidentally pulled down his pants, and then he ignored Xiao Jinzi, Xiao Jinzi apologized, but he ignored him, and it was considered a feud. 】

【That's it? 】

[Hahaha, the little cub's hatred is inexplicable! 】

[I think, they are all from H country, why don't they get together, no wonder Xiao Jinzi doesn't come to him. 】

[Little Jinzi must be guilty, right?Or fear of being ignored again. 】


Xiao Caicai managed to find two boys who were younger than her and felt easy to control, but these two boys were so difficult to deal with, she was so angry that she was half dead, and finally broke up.

The blond boy hooked the black-haired and black-eyed boy, and smiled: "Let's go play the game console!"

The black-haired, black-eyed boy nodded.

The two came to the AR game console area and found that there were already people here.

"It's you!" Xiao Jinzi screamed and hid behind Xiao Lingzhi.

She deeply remembered this "scary" boy!
On the show, she needs to climb to the top of the wall and get the card on it. She is in a group with this boy and is almost on the top. pants.

Later, no matter how much I apologized, the other party ignored me.

When he was in the audience, when there was no one in the dressing room, he suddenly ran over, pulled off his pants, and said that it was evened out.

Xiao Jinzi covered his face, feeling bad all over.

(End of this chapter)

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