Chapter 1133 Brother Nie's Call
Little Taotie felt a sense of urgency. With the arrival of Xiao Cai Cai, he almost failed to keep the second place in his class. These transferred students seemed to have good grades too!

Little Taotie started reciting ancient poems after class, and did not let go of any second, he was extremely serious!
The transfer students who originally wanted to make friends with Xiao Taotie: "..." She is so serious, it's not good to interrupt her to endorse, right?

Little Taotie studies so hard that the transfer students haven't been able to talk to Little Taotie for several days!

In the beginning, they all followed the advice of their parents before transferring here, but after meeting Little Taotie, they thought it would be a good idea to transfer, at least it was eye-catching!
Little Taotie is so beautiful, even more beautiful than on TV!
A chubby little boy came to Xiao Taotie with a red face and a lollipop. He hesitated for a long time, and quietly put the lollipop on Xiao Taotie's table without disturbing Xiao Taotie's endorsement.

Little Taotie closed his eyes, completely unaware.

When the little boy ran away, Hua Jinyan put the lollipop into his stomach with a cold face.

At this moment, his table was already full of snacks, all of which were created by these transfer students!

When the class bell rang, Little Taotie opened his eyes, and Xiaoli sank into the vortex, feeling happy in his heart: he recited another poem!Be sure to keep No.2 this time!
She has given up competing with Hua Jinyan for the first place, but the No.2 throne, the little girl retains her last stubbornness and will never be taken away!
The little glutton was a little hungry, so he quietly ate a piece of evil spirit chocolate.

She must lead by example and not waste food!

As long as she eats evil spirit chocolate or resentment candy, her appetite will be the same as that of ordinary little girls, and she will feel full.

This also led to a rapid decrease in her chocolates and candies. She touched her pockets, feeling a little worried.

Seeing her frowning slightly, Hua Jinyan approached her and asked softly, "Shall we go for a walk at night?"

Little Taotie's eyes lit up.

Hua Jinyan lowered his voice: "I will take down the colorful relics."

Little Taotie blinked, and nodded his head vigorously.


As night fell, Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan were about to go out to "hunt", when Xiao Taotie's cell phone rang.

It was a strange call.

"Hey, who is it?" Little Taotie asked childishly.

"Finally got through! Did you block me, why can't my mobile phone get through to your call, or ask someone to borrow a mobile phone to get through."

Little Taotie heard the voice and asked, "Brother Nie?"

"It's me." Nie Qing smiled and said, "I got a job with a lot of money. Are you coming?"

"Here!" Little Taotie's eyes lit up, as if his eyes were filled with golden ingots.

After hanging up the phone, Little Taotie found out that Brother Nie had really been blocked, with a puzzled expression on his face: "I'm not blocked, how strange!"


The original "hunting" plan turned into going to a coffee shop.

Hua Jinyan followed.

Nie Qing had already been waiting in the coffee shop, and ordered two cups of hot chocolate milk on the table.

In the private room of the coffee shop, Nie Qing handed a document to the two of them.

The job Nie Qing received was to find people. An archaeologist disappeared, and he suspected that he had found a remarkable ancient tomb.

Nie Qing: "In fact, this is a combination of two tasks. One is to find the ancient tomb, and the other is to find the archaeologist. The first task is the first, and the second is the secondary task."

Little Taotie pointed to the calm lake in the photo, with a puzzled face: "Where did the archaeologist last appear?"

(End of this chapter)

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