Chapter 118 Little Glutton Received a Reward
Hearing this, Tao Mo was like a proud peacock, showing off triumphantly: "No! My little granddaughter is the one who resembles me the most! Those old guys still say that the one before looks like me, so she will grow up like me." Ugly! It's all nonsense, look, God has proved to me that she is not my granddaughter at all! My granddaughter is a little glutton, cute and beautiful, who's granddaughter is as good-looking as mine!"

The life assistant winked at him desperately, winking until his eyes were about to cramp, but the old man couldn't understand it at all, and he was still bragging.

"Ahem!" The life assistant couldn't help but coughed heavily.

Tao Mo woke up suddenly, his old eyes widened, and his pupils almost quake.

He trembled with his lips: "You... you... pretend you haven't heard anything, can you?"

"Heh! Old man, do you think it's okay?" Qin Xin smiled like a smiling tiger, extremely dangerous.

The ancients do not deceive me, smiling and smiling is not a good thing!

The old man who calmed down gradually figured it out, Qin Xin was deliberately tricking him, he had already seen through his poor acting skills, and he was like that fat-headed fish that took the bait, so stupid that he blew himself up!

"Now can you honestly explain who you are and why you came here?"

Tao Mo had no choice but to smile wryly: "Can I not explain?"

"It's okay if you don't explain, my eldest brother and I won't let you get close to my sister again."

"That won't work!"

"Then you are old, what do you decide?"

"I... I said it's not enough."

Just when Tao Mo started from the beginning, the little Taotie swam in the water, searched for a long time, and finally saw a small, orange clownfish!
Clownfish Nemo!
so beautiful!
She swam over cautiously, not daring to make large movements, for fear of scaring it away.

Getting close to the clownfish and the coral, Tao Ti was surprised to find that there are groups of clownfish behind the coral!

She firmly remembered the words of the coach's big brother, not to touch it.

In order for Xiao Taotie to remember, the handsome coach said once again solemnly before she went into the water: "Actually, clownfish are not poisonous, but clownfish live in symbiosis with sea anemones, and sea anemones are poisonous to a certain extent. Try not to directly Touch the clownfish with your hands."

At that time, Little Taotie was still very puzzled, his face was wrinkled, and he asked worriedly, "Won't the clownfish be poisoned?"

"Although the sea anemone is poisonous, the clownfish is resistant to its toxicity, so it will not be harmed. And it can grow better in an environment with sea anemones."

Tao Ti looked at the coral-like thing in front of her, and already guessed in her heart that it was a sea anemone.

Sea anemones are poisonous!

Little Taotie, who was a little bit afraid of sea anemones, slowly swam away and stopped seeing clownfish.

Diving actually consumes a lot of energy, Xiao Taotie felt tired and swam ashore.

When she was diving, in order to let her be free enough to feel the joy of diving, the handsome coach followed her not far away, and hid behind the corals from time to time, protecting her like a hidden guard.

It wasn't until she got ashore that she realized that her big brother had also followed her ashore.

"Big brother, have you been following me?"

The handsome coach laughed heartily: "Yes, I want to protect the little Taotie from being hurt! The little Taotie performed very well and didn't touch the clownfish. I want to give you a small reward!"

"Reward?" Tao Ti's eyes sparkled, full of anticipation.

"Wait here for me." The handsome coach ran away.

As soon as the sound of water came out, Tao Ti looked over and shouted happily: "Brother!"

Cheng Guodong took off his mask, gasped for breath, brushed his wet hair, showed his big white teeth, and asked with a smile, "Do you like diving?"

"I like it! I like it so much!"

Underwater, Cheng Guodong followed Tao Ti all the time at first, but he was not strong enough, so he surfaced midway and took a deep breath, and then went into the water, but he couldn't find anyone.

The handsome coach ran over with a transparent bag in his hand.

The bag was filled with water and there were two tiny, orange clownfish swimming around!
"Look, this is your reward!"

 Fourth update~
(End of this chapter)

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