Chapter 1180 A Small Horn (34)

Seeing this scene from afar, Her Royal Highness was going to help someone, and saw that the attendant had already helped him up, and seemed to be coaxing something in a soft voice, her crying little sister immediately burst into laughter, and stretched out her hand to hit him. The entourage slapped it several times, but instead of being angry, the entourage laughed along.

Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess narrowed her eyes, and she looked at the maid of the Little Princess who lowered her head and dared not speak, and asked, "Tell me about their relationship in detail, isn't it the first time we've met?"

The palace lady didn't expect the princess to be so powerful, and she could see it so quickly.

Although I feel sorry for my own princess, the eldest princess has sharp eyes and is a bit scary.

And the eldest princess will not hurt the little princess, there are some things that the eldest princess should know, otherwise the two escaped from the palace and they will be punished if they are caught back. If the eldest princess helps to speak, maybe the punishment will be lighter.

"We... escaped from the palace..."

Her Royal Highness: "..."

The court lady is about to go on a blind date, and the little princess already has someone she likes, and she has come out to look for Xiaoyao.

Her Royal Highness was silent for a long time, and let out a foul breath: "Nonsense."

The maid bowed her head deeply, not daring to speak.

Her Highness the Eldest Princess waved her hand and ordered the little maid to take the maid to choose a place and settle down first.

Her Royal Highness wrote a note and patted Flying Eagle, which flew away to the imperial city.

But now there is chaos in the palace, and the little princess is missing!

The old emperor was furious: "Look! If you can't find anyone, kill them all!"

He didn't dare to think about what would happen to his innocent and deceitful little girl after she left the palace, and just thinking about it made her heart ache.

The old emperor covered his heart and coughed.

The eunuch invited the imperial doctor, who repeatedly told the old emperor to rest well and not to worry about it.

The old emperor didn't take it seriously, and continued to stay up all night reviewing the memorial.


The night wind and sand in the border town was very strong, the little princess snuggled up beside her sister, and whispered, "It's been seven years, and I haven't slept with my sister."

Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess gently rubbed her long hair, "My Yan'er has also reached the age of marriage, and she has become a big girl in a blink of an eye."

"Sister, do you know about Xiaoyao?" The little princess pointed her fingers, "I really like him!"

Her Royal Highness laughed lightly: "What you like is Xiaoyao who writes a storybook."

"But fate is so magical, Xiaoyao saved me, and he is so funny in real life, so he can make me happy!"

"He is a follower, and he has been working as a book boy in the deep house compound since he was three years old. Which slave would not make his master happy?"

"He's not a slave now! Sister, I don't care about his identity, not at all!"

"You really like him so much that you won't marry him?" The eldest princess frowned at her.

The little princess blushed: "Well~"

"What about his intentions? Do you know?"

"It's my business to like him! I... don't care if he likes me or not. If he doesn't like me, it won't change that I like him!"

The eldest princess met the stubborn gaze of the little princess and sighed: "If he likes you too, sister will help you. If he doesn't like you, you are not allowed to force him."

"Huh! I'm so nice, who doesn't like me! Even if he doesn't like me at first, I will make him marry me!"

The little princess put on her coat and was about to go out, and she said she would do it, "I'm going to confuse him! Seduce him! Make him fall in love with me!"

Her Royal Highness: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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