Chapter 1183 A Small Horn (37)

Bai Yu held her down, and reached out to take off her gluttonous mask, a deep voice came from under the mask: "Presumptuous!"

Bai Yu smiled: "Yes, it's rare to be presumptuous a few times in life."

"Let go of this princess!" She bent her knees and kicked her.

Bai Yu grabbed her knee with the hand that had taken off the mask, "Your Highness, do you want me to die?"

"You're looking for death!" Her Royal Highness was furious. No one's strength could overwhelm her. This feeling made her manic and irritable.

Bai Yu's hand gently rubbed her knees, leaned down, and whispered in her ear: "If you can only be a man once, as long as you are His Highness's man, you won't regret dying if you wake up."

A soft kiss fell on her ear.

She was slightly taken aback.

Bai Yu took out a wine gourd from his waist, opened it, and the strong smell of alcohol wafted away.

Her Royal Highness looked at him with a frown.

She remembered that Bai Yu said that she didn't like drinking.

Bai Yu raised his neck to drink, a drop of wine slipped from the corner of his mouth, all the way down his neck, passed his Adam's apple, and sank into his clothes.

Adam's apple rolled up and down, swallowing wine.

The wine gourd has bottomed out.

His face slowly turned crimson, his eyes were blurred, and the tails of his eyes were slightly raised, and he grinned: "Your Highness, wine can make people courageous. Today, I will be bold!"

He stretched out his hand violently and finally took off her mask.

When the mask fell to the ground, a beautiful face appeared, such as the vast eyes of the starry sky, the tall and small Qiong nose, and the cherry red lips...

She is obviously six years older than him, but this face looks younger than him.

She is still childish, no wonder she has to wear a mask, with her flourishing beauty, with a charming face, and a bit of a charming face, it is really difficult to convince the public.

Bai Yu stretched out his hand, and gently touched her face with his big palm, and found that this face was actually smaller than his hand. If he covered her face with his hand, he couldn't see her face.

Bai Yu laughed softly.

Her Royal Highness the princess resented: "What are you laughing at!"

Bai Yu leaned against her ear and whispered softly, "Your Highness, your face has no majesty at all. If I had known that I would have such a face after taking off the mask, why should I drink to strengthen my courage?"

Such a charming face only makes people want to take care of it, how can it make people afraid.

"Bai Yu, take back your claws!"

His presumptuous hands gently traced her face, his fingers moved down her browbones, across the bridge of her nose, and lightly landed on her lips, his fingertips gently outlined the shape of her lips...

"Your Highness, I want to kiss you."

"you dare--"

He dares.

Bai Yu, who drank the wine, was really emboldened.

At first, his clumsy lips touched each other, and gradually he learned how to pry open her white teeth...

The smell of alcohol is intertwined in each other's breath...

Her Royal Highness did not drink, but her mouth was full of alcohol, her eyes were blurred, and there was a hint of charm in her dazed expression.

The winking eyes are like silk, and one glance makes people feel fascinated.

Bai Yu stretched out his hand to untie her armor, but clumsily didn't know how to do it, and broke out in sweat.

He raised his head, opened his eyes wide, and looked at Her Royal Highness pitifully, as if begging Her Highness to help him.

He was drunk, his eyes were stained with mist, and he was misty, innocent like a deer in the forest.

Her Royal Highness: "..."

Kill him while he's drunk!

The eldest princess broke free from his restraints, kicked him hard, and kicked him off the bed.

He lay on the ground, looking at her slightly blankly.

Her Royal Highness looked down at him condescendingly, "Bai Yu, leave the barracks early tomorrow morning, or you will be punished by military law."

After saying that, she turned around and left the military tent, but her footsteps were messed up...

My heart is also... messed up.

(End of this chapter)

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