Chapter 1192 A Small Horn (46)

That night, the eldest princess fell asleep, but the little princess couldn't sleep for a long time.

Her Royal Highness the little princess was worried, worried about her sister's future, and even more sad because her sister and Bai Yu couldn't be together.

Maybe there are too many books to read. Her Royal Highness the little princess is a very emotional person, and she has to have a perfect ending.

The next morning, Her Royal Highness the little princess took Xiaoyao to the grove.

Xiaoyao's ears turned red, thinking that he was about to kiss behind his back again.

As a result, his mouth was covered by a small hand, and the little princess kept a serious face and said, "It's time to talk about business, don't mess around!"

Happy: "..."

But when we drilled into the grove, was it time to talk about serious business?

Facing Shang Xiaoyao's sad eyes, the little princess said seriously: "It's about my sister and your young master!"

Hearing that it was about the young master, Xiaoyao stood up straight, put away the sadness and hotness in his eyes, and became serious.

The little princess: "My sister is not ruthless to Bai Yu, but she is worried that he will be harmed by the son of Zhennan Hou, so she alienates him."

Xiaoyao excitedly said: "Such good news, I must tell my young master!"

Holding his hand, the little princess ran down the mountain. The little princess was surprised: "Bai Yu didn't return to Beijing? Count the days, it's almost here!"

"No, I came back a long time ago and temporarily stayed at a merchant's house."


Xiaoyao explained: "It's the fiancé's house of the little maid next to the eldest princess."

The little princess blinked: "Why doesn't sister know?"

Xiaoyao laughed: "The little maid doesn't know, so Her Royal Highness the Princess naturally doesn't know. Both of them are hard-working people, so they have a lot of common topics."

The little princess was curious: "Are they all poor people?"

Xiaoyao: "Her Royal Highness's little maid is also a dead-end girl. If Her Royal Highness does not get married for a day, she will not get married. Just like Her Royal Highness, I am afraid that the son of the Marquis of Zhennan will not be with my son if he is not dead. .”

The little princess felt a little sympathetic to the businessman. You must know that her elder sister wanted to guard the border town all her life and never get married. The little maid would never marry, and his fiancé probably wouldn't be able to become a regular for the rest of her life.


In broad daylight, two big men were eating peanuts, drinking wine, and playing chess, sitting in a rotten salted fish posture.

Xiaoyao covered the eyes of the little princess: "Don't look."

"What's the matter with you, hurry up, your eyes are too hot!" Xiaoyao felt that his young master's drunk red face was a bit seductive, so he couldn't let his princess see it.

The little princess nodded obediently: "I don't want to watch."

Seeing a female guest, the two hurriedly straightened their sitting postures, drank a cup of tea to refresh themselves, and removed the wine cups.

Bai Yu washed his face with cold water and was completely awake.

Xiaoyao put down his hand covering the eyes of the little princess, "You can watch it now."

The little princess looked over and saw that the two people who were originally drunk and salted fish were sitting upright, drinking green tea in their hands, and they seemed to be sober.

The businessman invited them to sit down, and Xiaoyao took the little princess' hand and sat down next to each other.

The businessman envied: "It's your luck, kid."

Xiaoyao smiled bitterly: "If I can't accumulate enough military merits, I'm afraid I won't be able to marry the princess, and I can only be happy for a short time now."

The three of them looked at each other with bitterness in their eyes.

The businessman has the title of fiancé, but he has been unable to marry a beautiful woman for a long time. He doesn't know when he will be, and he has no hope.

Bai Yu has been chasing him for half a year without making any progress, and was driven away. He feels uncomfortable, unwilling to give up, and doesn't know where to start, and has no hope at all.

Happy is to have fun in bitterness, indulge in the days when you can get along with the little princess day and night, but the future is the same, there is nothing to look forward to.

Xiaoyao took a sip of tea: "Perhaps, our hope has come."

Hearing this, the eyes of the other two people brightened, and they stared at him for a moment.

Xiaoyao: "Your Highness, the eldest princess, seems to be tempted, but because of difficulties, I can only restrain myself."

(End of this chapter)

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